Interactividad Cultural y Desarrollo A.C.
MexicoContact: +52 55 1903 0600; +52 22 2589 8000
Postal address: Priv. Hacienda del Rosario 38 Geovillas de la Hacienda San Andrés Cholula, Puebla Mexico CP 72197
Geographic Coverage of NGO’s expertise: Guatemala, Mexico
URL: https://interactividad-cultural.mx
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Cultural Interactivity and Development promotes the recognition, appreciation and the broadest exercise of cultural rights and intangible cultural heritage of local cultures, as resources to achieve sustainable development. It considers that the safe
With the aim of assisting in the design and implementation of community safeguarding plans for intangible cultural heritage, Cultural Interactivity and Development develops awareness-raising, training and advisory activities for communities and group
Safeguarding measures:
- identification, documentation,
research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- revitalization
- Fostering new
economic activities for self-funding of
intangible heritage manifestations.
Main areas of work related to the Convention:

Relevant projects and initiatives
Cultural Interactivity and Development participated in the drafting of the General Law on Culture and Cultural Rights of Mexico and collaborated in the approval of state legislation and local regulations, the UNESCO Conventions and the national legal framework on cultural rights. It has provided training in cultural rights and safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage to 165 municipalities of the State of Puebla, 58 municipalities of the State of Zacatecas and various municipalities of the States of Veracruz, Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí, Aguascalientes, Quintana Roo and Jalisco. It designed and produced the PODCAST CULTURAS MUNICIPALES, broadcast through Spotify and You Tube (Cultural Interactivity and Development) It has also established a register of 156 ICH expressions of Tlaxcala, México.