Report on the status of an element inscribed on the list of intangible cultural heritage in need of urgent safeguarding
A. Cover sheet
State Party
Name of State Party
Date of deposit of the instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession
This information is available online.
Date of deposit of the instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession
Element inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List that is the subject of this report
Name of element
Inscribed in
Submitting State(s)
Reporting period covered by this report
Please indicate the period covered by this report.
Reporting period covered by this report
01-01-2018 - 30-11-2021
Other elements inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List, if any
Please list all other elements from your country inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List, together with the year of inscription; for multinational elements, please indicate the other States concerned.
Executive summary of the report
Please provide an executive summary of the report that will allow general readers to understand the current status of the element, any positive or negative impacts of inscription, the implementation of safeguarding measures during the reporting period and their possible update for the following years.
Executive summary of the report
This report has been prepared following the request of the Secretariat of the 2003 Convention to provide report on the status of "Chovqan, a traditional Karabakh horse-riding game in the Republic of Azerbaijan", inscribed in 2013 on the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding. It results from a wide process of consultations launched in May 2021 and finished in January 2022, involving all the stakeholders, communities and community organizations (Karabakh Horses’ Amateurs Association and Azerbaijan Equestrian Federation in particular). The provides information about the measures undertaken by the national and local authorities, communities, groups and individuals, community organizations, on ensuring the safeguarding and transmission of the Chovqan game.
The report covers the period from 01 January 2018 to 31 December 2021 and contains a detailed overview of the level of safeguarding of the element at it stands now, its social and cultural functions, assessment of element's viability and risks, as well as an assessment of effectiveness of the four-year safeguarding plan. Finally, the report contains an updated safeguarding plan, stemming from the experiences gained in the implementation of the Chovqan-related safeguarding measures until now. It is important to note that the implementation of the safeguarding plan during the past four years has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, as the organization of public and collective events were heavily restricted at the local and national levels in the context of the sanitary crisis.
The inscription of "Chovqan, a traditional Karabakh horse-riding game" has impacted positively the practice and transmission of the game. The inscription reinforced the functions of the element for game practitioners, it has raised the visibility of the element nationally. The element continues to strengthen the feeling of identity, cultural belonging, sense of nomadic culture for its communities. Younger generation of horse riders is becoming steadily more and more interested in the practice of the element. Communities continue to transmit the knowledge about the games within families in rural regions as well as in urban areas. In comparison with the previous reporting on the Chovqan game, the number of players has increased at around 25 percent, thus showing a steadily growing dynamic. Even though the initial safeguarding plan (included in the nomination of 2013) and the revised safeguarding plan of 2017 (report on the status of the element) contributed greatly to achieving the expected results, more measures are needed to sustain the viability of the element and support transmission, while putting special focus of the interest of young people and the availability of Karabakh breed of horses. A revised safeguarding plan has been proposed as a part of the submission of the present report.
Contact person for correspondence
Provide the name, address and other contact information of the person responsible for correspondence concerning the report.
Title (Ms/Mr, etc.)
Family name
Given name
Advisor for the International Cooperation and Innovative Development Department Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan
40, U. Hajibeyov str., Government House, Ministry of Culture, Baku AZ 1000, Republic of Azerbaijan
Telephone number
+994 12 493 0233; +994 70 705 0151
E-mail address
Other relevant information
B. Status of element inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List
Refer to the nomination file or to previous reports, if any, as the basis for reporting on the current status of the element, and report only on relevant changes since the date of inscription on the List or since the previous report. Nomination files, specific timetables and earlier reports, if any, are available at or from the Secretariat, upon request.
The State Party shall pay special attention to the role of gender and shall endeavour to ensure the widest possible participation of the communities, groups and, where applicable, individuals concerned as well as relevant non-governmental organizations during the process of preparing this report, and is asked to describe how it has done so in point D below.
Social and cultural functions
Please explain the social and cultural functions and meanings of the element today, within and for its community, the characteristics of the bearers and practitioners, and any specific roles or categories of persons with special responsibilities towards the element, among others. Attention should be given to any relevant changes related to inscription criterion U.1 (‘the element constitutes intangible cultural heritage as defined in Article 2 of the Convention’).
Social and cultural functions
Chovqan (or otherwise also spelled “Chovken, Chovkan, Chomakh, Chovlan, Chevgan” is a traditional horse-riding game, played by two teams of players, who organize and play the game regularly. The game is played by two competing teams of players, on a flat grassy field. Each team is composed of five or six horsemen and one in reserve. Chovqan is regulated by riders-referees (one principal referee and two side referees), usually chosen among the most experienced players. During the game, players try to drive a small ball into the opponent’s goal, with the help of the mallets. The game starts from the centre of the field and resumes from the place where a goal is scored. Players of the game are typically men living in urban and rural areas. As mentioned in the previous reports, both players, trainers and watching audience constitute the community of the element.
The inscription has greatly raised the awareness about the element, it drew the attention of the younger generation, both as players and spectators, now becoming more involved in the game. The games continues to be a strong component for the players and community bearers to reconnect with culture and rural practices. Community members wear traditional costumes hats and shoes as important components of the game. The traditional festive music, janghi, played by musicians using zurna (pipe), saz (breast-held string instrument), nagara and def (drums), continues to reinforce the spirit of the game, by bringing the atmosphere of people’s joy and festivity. For the practitioners and the audience watching the game, musicians, Chovqan represents a part of intangible cultural heritage and a marker of identity, cultural belonging, sense of nomadic culture for its communities.
The breed of Karabakh horses continues to be perceived as a crucial component of the game and the progress in its breeding continues to impact the way in which the safeguarding of the element evolves. The game promotes a healthy way of life and reinforces the need to transmit the culture they carry in themselves to the next generation. Transmitted and regularly played by the communities, Chovqan strengthens and reinforces community spirit and teaches how to respect the success of others. Communities continue to perceive the inscription of Chovqan as a symbol of cultural reconnection, thus contributing to the revival of this and other intangible cultural heritage elements and reinforcing the feeling of belonging to vibrant culture.
Assessment of its viability and current risks
Please describe the current level of viability of the element, particularly the frequency and extent of its practice, the strength of traditional modes of transmission, the demographics of practitioners and audiences and its sustainability. Please also identify and describe the threats, if any, to the element's continued transmission and enactment and describe the severity and immediacy of such threats, giving particular attention to any strengthening or weakening of the element’s viability subsequent to inscription.
Assessment of its viability and current risks
Despite the efforts of the government, horse-breading organizations, communities and municipalities, as well as the positive result of the visibility raised after the inscription, the lack of the Karabakh horses, best adapted for the Chovqan game and appreciated for strength and agility, continues to represent one of the challenges to the safeguarding and transmission of the element. This challenge was again reconfirmed in the meetings with the concerned communities organized as a part of the preparation of this reporting in October and November 2021. Nevertheless, there have been further improvements in the process of transmission of the element. Younger generation of horse riders is becoming steadily more and more interested in the practice of the element. Communities continue to transmit the knowledge about the games within families in rural regions as well as in urban areas. Mastering basic riding skills continues to be a determining factor in whether or not a horse rider can become a Chovqan player. The entire yearly audience of the Chovqan game has reached 9,000 people in 2019, while this figure dropped considerably in 2020-2021 in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which heavily impacted the practice of the game. Overall, in comparison with the previous reporting on the Chovqan game, the number of trainers and referees of the game has increased from 280 to 345, thus showing a steadily growing dynamics.
The return of Azerbaijani people to the city of Shusha after its liberation in November 2020 has since greatly contributed to the visibility of the element, as the plateau Jidir Duzu in Shusha has been long considered by communities as one of the centres of horse riding games and Chovqan in particular. Such teams as “Sarhadchi”, “Polad”, “Kohlen”, “Murad”, “Buta Golden”, “Omar”, as well as the teams of Agstafa and Agjabadi have been constant participants of chovqan competitions across the country and in Sheki, in particular, where competitions had been started as a measure to support the viability of the element and raise awareness about it.
Held in December every year, the President’s Cup of the Chovqan game attracts a lot of attention of national and local media, thus promoting the visibility of the element. The Equestrian Federation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, local and national government stakeholders and NGOs continue to play an important role in supporting the visibility and viability of the element.
Implementation of safeguarding measures
Please report on the safeguarding measures described in the nomination file, and previous report, if any. Describe how they have been implemented and how they have substantially contributed to the safeguarding of the element during the reporting period, taking note of external or internal constraints such as limited resources. Include, in particular, information on the measures taken to ensure the viability of the element by enabling the community to continue to practise and transmit it. Include the following detailed information concerning the implementation of the set of safeguarding measures or safeguarding plan:
Objectives and results
Indicate what primary objective(s) were addressed and what concrete results were attained during the reporting period.
Objectives and results
Objectives (report of 2018): Further sustain continuous transmission and practice of Chovqan in the regions where Chovqan is endangered, increase number of players, especially among young people, as well as maintain necessary conditions for availability of Karabakh horses.
Overall results achieved: Chovqan practice and transmission further reinforced, players have better access to horses of Karabakh breeds; number of players increased by 25% since early 2018; the data available in the Register of ICH has been updated.
Results achieved per activity as outlined in the 2018 report:
Activity 1. Further sustain and enlarge the scope of training programmes in the regions, where number of practitioners has decreased (Ganja, Khyzy, Shamakhi, Gedabey).
Progress achieved: In May-June 2018, a series of new training programmes has been launched, which has led to increasein practice and transmission of the element. Led in coordination with the Karabakh Horses’ Amateurs Association and Azerbaijan Equestrian Federation, the training programmes allowed 56 young horse-riders from 5 regions of the country to try their skills in Chovqan playing and participating in competitions.
Activity 2. Undertaking an additional cycle of inventorying of Chovqan game in 2019-2020.
Progress achieved: In June 2019-September 2020, the Ministry of Culture has initiated of actions to implement an updating cycle of the data and information regarding the Chovqan game in the State Register of ICH. Although this activity has been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Culture, through its regional departments, has managed to undertake an analysis of the inventorying information available, collect data and information in 4 regions out of 8 planned.
Activity 3. Maintaining the system of holding Chovqan competitions and establishing a system of local lower-level competitions.
Progress achieved: This activity has been largely achieved. The competitions in Ismayilli, Baku and Sheki have been reinforced, while keeping the competition in Sheki now serves as nation-wide. New opportunities are now at hand with the return of communities of practitioners of Chovqan to Shusha and plateau Jidir Duzu. All the competitions provide excellent opportunities for the involvement for janghi musicians.
Activity 4. Undertaking a pilot activity to integrate Chovgan practice into extra-curriculum activities of local schools in five regions.
Progress achieved: The results achieved under this activity has been rather limited in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, as schools were largely closed as a result of school closure measures applied in 2020-2021.
Activity 5. Enhancing participation and ensuring better availability of janghi musicians for the Chovqan competitions, whose number increased as a result of the implementation of the 4 year safeguarding plan.
Progress achieved: A regional and a local calendars have been introduced by the Azerbaijan Equestrian Federation to support janghi’s zurna and drum playing during Chovqan competitions. As for activity 4, programmes at local schools have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and could not kick off.
Activity 6. Undertaking a more targeted awareness-raising campaigns in concerned five regions.
Progress achieved: multiple visibility events have been implemented, such as media campaigns in digital area, press articles and social media posts.
Safeguarding activities
List the key activities that were carried out during this reporting period in order to achieve these expected results. Please describe the activities in detail and note their effectiveness or any problems encountered in implementing them.
Safeguarding activities
Activities of the initial nomination
Activity 1. Legislative framework
The discussions about the possible legislative framework were initiated again in March 2018 by the Ministry of Culture in the context the established working group on Chovqan safeguarding policy, following a series of previously held consultations in January 2017and March 2017. Several meetings were held with policy stakeholders and community organizations. By the end of 2019, it was decided, however, to sustain the development of such framework until the new “Law of Intangible Cultural Heritage” of the Republic of Azerbaijan is adopted.
Activity 2. 1 Sustain and enlarge the scope of training programmes in the regions. (Activity 1 of the report of 2017)
Since the last reporting (2017), further progress was achieved by the “Karabakh Horses’ Amateurs Association” and “Azerbaijan Equestrian Federation” for identification and involvement of practitioners in the five regions. From February 2018 to December 2019, a total of 25 trainings were held. The teams of “Sarhadchi”, “Polad”, “Kohlen”, “Govsa”, “Lachin” were reinforced, while new teams “Murad”, “Buta Golden”, “Omar” were created. All of these teams participated in the President’s Cup of the Chovqan game, which is held every December.
Activity 2.2. Maintaining the system of holding Chovqan competitions and establishing a system of local lower-level competitions. (Activity 3 of the 2017 report)
The system has been created within the umbrella of the President’s Cup of the Chovqan game and has now been fully operational in Ismayilli and Baku, with the exception of Karabakh. There is now opportunity to create a system of Chovqan competitions in Karabakh and namely in the city of Shusha, which has long been famous for its plateau called ‘Jydyr Duzu’ where competitions of Chovqan games used to be held. There are currently ongoing discussions among Chovqan practitioners, relevant authorities and municipal bodies to re-establish such competitions in Shusha.
Activity 2.3. Provide government subsidies to equestrian centres
In 2018-2021,measures were continued to ensure free access of trainees to Chovqan training facilitities at local equestrian centres. In June 2018 a meeting was held with holders of equestrian centres, which allowed establishing a new mechanism of access modalities until end 2025.
Activity 3.1. Ensuring short-term availability of pure bred Karabakh horses through rental from local farmers not involved in Chovqan.
Despite the efforts of the government, horse-breading organizations, communities and municipalities, as well as the positive result of the visibility raised after the inscription, the lack of the Karabakh horses, best adapted for the Chovqan game and appreciated for strength and agility, continues to represent one of the challenges to the safeguarding and transmission of the element. However, this measure has been quite instrumental in providing quick short term solutions for the lack of Karabakh horses. The commission in charge of this measure continued in 2018-2021 undertaking identification Karabakh horses for Chovqan game and ensuring their availability for the game based on contractual relations with concerned farmers.
Activity 3.2. Ensuring availability of training and practice fields, training facilities and traditional clothes.
This measure was successfully implemented even in the previous reporting period. A study was launched to identify areas, facilities and other equipment necessary for Chovqan players to properly support the training and practice of the game. Four equestrian clubs in Sheki, Gabala and Baku provide their facilities for Chovqan players for training purposes. Stationary wooden horses for Chovqan trainings, made available under this measure, continue to the widely used by the practitioners. The Ministry, through its local departments, continues to maintain the system of distribution of seasonal traditional clothes for Chovqan trainers players.
Activity 3.3 Procuring specific equipment to reinforce security of Chovqan players and horses.
This measure was also successfully implemented even in the previous reporting period. Clothes, quality horse saddles and bridles are made continuously available for the practice and safety of the Chovqan game. MCT has also established partnerships with relevant distributors to ensure the delivery of leg bandages for horse legs protection (from mallet hits) and horseshoes with spikes (for better stability of horse movements).
Activity 4. Targeted awareness-raising campaigns in five regions. (Activity 6 of the 2017 report)
In 2018-2021, the Ministry of Culture, its local department, municipalities, media and community organizations, continued and strengthened the visibility campaign to support the practice and transmission of the Chovqan game, especially in the rural areas. This included production and distribution of information booklets, short video clips, media-supported activities, aimed at promoting the meaning and social functions of Chovqan. 8 villages of the Sheki and Ismayilli regions were particularly targeted. Numerous books were published on the practice of the Chovqan game and role of Karabakh horse breed in it. For wider communities living in Azerbaijan, traditional sports and elements linked to horse-breeding are now understood as a part of intangible heritage.
Additional measures of the safeguarding plan of (2017 report)
Activity 2. Undertaking an additional cycle of inventorying of Chovqan game.
From March to November 2019, three field activities were implemented in Sheki and Ismayilli to collect data on active players of Chovqan. The collected data helped providing better identification and characteristics of Chovqan players and trainers. The collected information was integrated into the Chovqan form of the Register of ICH.
Activity 4. Undertaking a pilot activity to integrate Chovgan into extra-curriculum activities of high schools.
In May 2018, the objectives and outcomes of the activity were defined during a meeting in Ganja. This was followed by the preparation of the activity with five schools in Ganja, Khyzy, Shamakhi and Gedabey. The activity was tested in five schools in June 2018 as a part of physical sports lessons.
Activity 5. Enhancing participation of janghi musicians
From May 2018 to December 2021, a series of meetings were held between Azerbaijan Equestrian Federation and janghi musicians to establish a calendar to plan in advance the involvement of janghi musicians. The calendar was established in January 2019.
Participation of communities, groups or individuals in the safeguarding activities
Describe how communities, groups or, if appropriate, individuals as well as relevant non-governmental organizations have effectively participated, including in terms of gender roles, in the safeguarding measures. Describe the role of the implementing organization or body (name, background, etc.) and the human resources that were available for implementing safeguarding activities.
Participation of communities, groups or individuals in the safeguarding activities
Chovqan practitioners from “Karabakh Horses’ Amateurs Association” (KHAA) and “Azerbaijan Equestrian Federation” (AEF) have been actively involved throughout the process of the implementation of activities of both the measures outlined in the initial nomination of the “Chovqan, a traditional Karabakh horse riding game” and of the activities proposed in the 2017 report on the status of the element. Practitioners were particularly active in the measures regarding competitions, trainings, availability of horses, facilities, equipment and clothes. Members of both organizations (KHAA and AEF) participated in the meetings of various commissions and consultations held as a part of the safeguarding plan of the Chovqan game. The teams of Chovqan players - Sarhadchi”, “Polad”, “Kohlen”, “Govsa”, “Lachin”, “Murad”, “Buta Golden”, “Omar” – were actively involved in competitions, especially in the President’s Cup of the Chovqan game. In total 88 players and trainers of Chovqan have been involved in maintaining training programmes in regions - Ganja, Khyzy, Shamakhi, Gedabey (from February 2018 to December 2019, a total of 25 trainings were held). 12 Chovqan trainers participated in the pilot activities in five schools. Inventoryign activities involved the participation of 29 Chovqan players in Sheki and Ismayilli. 37 Chovqan practitioners in total have been involved in the targeted awareness-raising campaigns in rural areas. Azerbaijan Equestrian Federation has coordinated the measure of establishing a calendar of participation with janghi musicians.
Indicate in a timetable when each activity was implemented.
Activity 1 (initial nomination). Legislative framework
January and March 2017- latest round of consultations held about the legislative framework;
March 2018 – follow-up discussions launched by the Ministry of Culture (working group on Chovqan safeguarding policy);
End of 2019 – decision to sustain the development of the framework until the new “Law of ICH” is adopted.
Activity 2.1. (initial nomination) (Activity 1 of the report of 2017). Sustain and enlarge the scope of training programmes in the regions
2018 - 2019 – Holding of 25 trainings in four regions;
February 2018, March 2019 - contracts were established with experienced Chovqan trainers;
2020-2021 – Only 10 trainings were held in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and limitations for collective gatherings;
By end 2021 – a total of eight teams was created.
Activity 2.2. (initial nomination) (Activity 3 of the 2017 report) Maintaining the system of holding Chovqan competitions and establishing a system of local lower-level competitions.
April 2018 - follow-up meeting on maintaining the system of competitions was held in Sheki;
December 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 - “President’s Championships” on the Chovqan game successfully held in Sheki.
Activity 2.3. (initial nomination) Provide government subsidies to equestrian centres
June 2018 – A meeting was held with holders of equestrian centres concerning free access of trainees to Chovqan trainings, which allowed establishing a new mechanism of access modalities until end 2025;
2018-2021 –spaces were provided by equestrian centres for trainees mainly on seasonal basis.
Activity 3.1. Short-term availability of Karabakh horses
April 2018 – the mandate of the commission in charge of the measure extended until end 2025.
2018-2021 - contractual arrangements sustained with farmers.
2018-2021 – putting rented horses at the disposal of players.
Activity 3.2. (initial nomination)
Availability of training and practice fields, facilities and traditional clothes.
June 2018– partnership arrangements continued with 4 equestrian clubs, two new partnerships established with additional clubs in Sheki and Ismayilli
2018-2020- Ministry of Culture through its local department provided wooden horses and seasonal clothes.
Activity 4. (initial nomination) (Activity 6 of the 2017 report) Targeted awareness-raising campaigns in five regions.
2018-2020 – a total of 12 visibility events were held in 8 villages of the Sheki and Ismayilli regions
December 2019- mid-term review of the campaigns.
Activity 2 (2017 report). Undertaking an additional cycle of inventorying of Chovqan game.
March – November 2019 – 3 activities were implemented in Sheki and Ismayilli to collect data on active players of Chovqan. The collected information was integrated into the Chovqan form of the Register of ICH.
Activity 4 (2017 report). Undertaking a pilot activity to integrate Chovgan into extra-curriculum activities of high schools.
May 2018 – preparation of the pilot activity (Ganja, Khyzy, Shamakhi and Gedabey)
June 2018 – Testing in five schools with Chovqan trainers.
Activity 5 (2017 report). Enhancing participation of janghi musicians
May– December 2018 – 5 meetings were held between Azerbaijan Equestrian Federation and janghi musicians
January 2019 – a calendar of involvement of musicians was established.
Budget expenditures
Provide the detailed amounts of the funds used for the implementation of each activity (if possible, in US dollars), identifying the funding source for each (governmental sources, in-kind community inputs, etc.).
Activity 1 (initial nomination). Legislative framework
Funds used (USD): 1,250
Source of funding: Government allocations
Activity 2.1. (initial nomination) (Activity 1 of the report of 2017). Sustain and enlarge the scope of training programmes in the regions
Funds used (USD): 35,900
Source of funding: Government and local allocations, community organizations contributions
Activity 2.2. (initial nomination) (Activity 3 of the 2017 report) Maintaining the system of holding Chovqan competitions and establishing a system of local lower-level competitions.
Funds used (USD): $130,800
Source of funding: Government and local allocations, in-kind community input
Activity 2.3. (initial nomination) Provide government subsidies to equestrian centres
Funds used (USD): 28,000
Source of funding: Government and local allocations
Activity 3.1. Short-term availability of Karabakh horses
Funds used (USD): 58,900
Source of funding: Government and local allocations
Activity 3.2. (initial nomination)
Availability of training and practice fields, facilities and traditional clothes.
Funds used (USD): 29,800
Source of funding: Government and local allocations
Activity 4. (initial nomination) (Activity 6 of the 2017 report) Targeted awareness-raising campaigns in five regions.
Funds used (USD): 47,500
Source of funding: Government and local allocations
Activity 2 (2017 report). Undertaking an additional cycle of inventorying of Chovqan game.
Funds used (USD): 32,500
Source of funding: Government allocations
Activity 4 (2017 report). Undertaking a pilot activity to integrate Chovgan into extra-curriculum activities of high schools.
Funds used (USD): 15,800
Source of funding: Government allocations
Activity 5 (2017 report). Enhancing participation of janghi musicians
Funds used (USD): 2,800
Source of funding: Government allocations
Overall effectiveness of the safeguarding activities
Provide an overall assessment of the effectiveness of the activities undertaken to achieve the expected results and of the efficiency of the use of funds for implementing the activities. Please indicate how the activities contributed to achieving the results and whether other activities could have contributed better to achieving the same results. Also indicate whether the same results could have been achieved with less funding, whether the human resources available were appropriate and whether communities, groups and individuals could have been better involved.
Overall effectiveness of the safeguarding activities
The measures undertaken within the framework of the safeguarding plan have proved to be very effective. The allowed further sustaining continuous transmission and practice of Chovqan in the regions where Chovqan is endangered, increase number of players, especially among young people, as well as maintain necessary conditions for availability of Karabakh horse, as well as facilities and accessibility of spaces for the game. The safeguarding activities have led to reinforcing Chovqan practice and transmission, providing better access for Chovqan players to horses of Karabakh breeds, even if such measure remains a temporary one in the context of larger challenge of necessity to strengthen the breeding of Karabakh horses. It is important to note that the number of Chovqan players has now increased by 28 % as compared to the previous reporting period. The inventory data available at the Register of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Azerbaijan have now been enriched with latest information collected during the inventorying activities in Sheki and Ismayilli. The awareness-raising campaign activities had great impact on the way people perceive heritage, intangible cultural heritage under threat and visibility and status of the Chovqan game in particular. The actions carried out also showed that the legislative framework for Chovqan safeguarding and transmission would be effective within larger policy frameworks, especially in the context when the Law of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Azerbaijan is currently being prepared. However, the policy consultations themselves have been quite useful in having a clearer picture on the available legal bases and stakeholders involved in the Chovqan game safeguarding.
It is important to note that the implementation of the safeguarding plan during the past four years has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, as the organization of public and collective events were heavily restricted at the local and national levels in the context of the sanitary crisis. Nevertheless, the results show steady progression of the number of players across different regions of the country. Moreover, the return of the communities of practitioners to the city of Shusha, allows not only for greater availability and access to traditional areas of practice and competitions of the game (“Jydyr Duzu” plateau), but also from the standpoint of the need to enhance the breeding of Karabakh horses in their natural environment. There are also opportunities for the revival of the Aghdam horse breeding factory, which may play an important role for the breeding of Karabakh horses in the future.
C. Update of the safeguarding measures
Updated safeguarding plan
Please provide an update of the safeguarding plan included in the nomination file or in the previous report. In particular provide detailed information as follows:
- a. What primary objective(s) will be addressed and what concrete results will be expected?
- b. What are the key activities to be carried out in order to achieve these expected results? Describe the activities in detail and in their best sequence, addressing their feasibility.
- c. How will the State(s) Party(ies) concerned support the implementation of the updated safeguarding plan?
Updated safeguarding plan
The State party will ensure the implementation of the updated safeguarding plan, with the help of the coordination team at the Ministry of Culture, in close cooperation with Karabakh Horses’ Amateurs Association” (KHAA) and Chovqan trainers and players from “Azerbaijan Equestrian Federation” (AEF), with support from local authorities and municipalities in the concerned regions of the country.
Objectives: Continue sustaining the practice and transmission of Chovqan, while increasing the number of players, promoting the value of the game for communities at large, especially young people, as well as sustain availability of Karabakh horses.
Expected results: Chovqan practice and transmission further sustained and strengthened, Chovqan training programmes broadened to five regions, better access to horses of Karabakh breeds; number of Chovqan players increased by 25% by the next cycle of reporting;
Activity 1. Sustain the system and mechanisms put in place for training programmes in the regions of Ganja, Khyzy, Shamakhi, Gedabey, while extending the programmes to the city of Shusha in particular. The activity will involve sustaining the components of training programmes in the four regions, with more active involvement of trainers. As before, the programmes will include 2 major aspects – specific training of horses for Chovqan and training of Chovqan players. The return of communities of practitioners of Chovqan to the city of Shusha in 2020 represents opportunities to enhance the training programme to the area of the “Jydyr Duzu” plateau, historically linked to the practice and transmission of the game.
Activity 2. Finalization of the policy framework of the Chovqan game and its possible integration into the larger-scope Law of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Azerbaijan. Engaging into policy consultations with regard to a strategy to engage into long-term breeding of Karabakh horses in their natural environment, including through the possible revival of the Aghdam horse-breeding factory.
Activity 3. Continuation of the system of short-term availability of pure bred Karabakh horses through rental from local farmers not involved in Chovqan practicing. The activity will foresee continuation of contractual arrangements with farmers, transportation companies and other service companies to ensure regular rental and distribution, transportation, horse training and maintenance phases.
Activity 4. Continuation of awareness-raising and visibility initiatives and events in the five regions of the country, with components focused on the young people in particular (including through social media).
Activity 5. Further coordinating and sustaining the system of holding Chovqan competitions in Ismayilli, Baku and Sheki and in conformity with the calendar established with janghi musicians. The activity will also aim to start a mechanism of regular competitions in the city of Shusha within the next four years.
Timetable for future actitivies
Provide a timetable for the updated safeguarding plan (within a time-frame of approximately four years).
Activity 1. Sustain the system and mechanisms put in place for training programmes in the regions of Ganja, Khyzy, Shamakhi, Gedabey, while extending the programmes to the city of Shusha in particular.
Timetable: 2022- launching the new cycle of training programmes in Ganja, Khyzy, Shamakhi, Gedabey; 2023 – identification of technical aspects of broadening the training programme to the city of Shusha; 2024- launching a first programme in Shusha
Activity 2. Finalization of the policy framework of the Chovqan game and its possible integration into the larger-scope Law of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Azerbaijan
Timetable: 2022-2023- continuation of consultations with regard to finalization of the Law and complementarities needed with respect to Chovqan game. 2023- preliminary consultations concerning a possible strategy on long-term breeding of Karabakh horses in their natural environment, including through the possible revival of the Aghdam horse-breeding factory.
Activity 3. Continuation of the system of short-term availability of pure bred Karabakh horses through rental from local farmers not involved in Chovqan practicing
Timetable: 2022- review of contractual arrangements, mechanism review meetings with farmers, transportation companies and other service providers; 2022-2025 – monitoring of needs and availability of horses, rental and distribution, transportation and maintenance;
Activity 4. Continuation of awareness-raising and visibility initiatives and events in the five regions of the country
Timetable: June-July 2022 - identification and planning of activities; 2022-2025 - implementation; 2025 - evaluation phase.
Activity 5. Further coordinating and sustaining the system of holding Chovqan competitions in Ismayilli, Baku, Sheki; re-introduction in Shusha.
Timetable: 2022-2025 – maintaining the system of competitions in 3 regions; June 2022- launching consultations concerning the re-introduction of the game in Shusha; 2023 – possible start of competitions in Shusha.
Budget for future activities
Provide the estimates of the funds required for implementing the updated safeguarding plan (if possible, in US dollars), identifying any available resources (governmental sources, in-kind community inputs, etc.).
Activity 1. Sustain the system and mechanisms put in place for training programmes in the regions of Ganja, Khyzy, Shamakhi, Gedabey, while extending the programmes to the city of Shusha in particular.
Estimate of the funds required (USD): 52,800
Source of funding: Government allocations, in-kind community inputs
Activity 2. Finalization of the policy framework of the Chovqan game and its possible integration into the larger-scope Law of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Azerbaijan; policy consultations on a possible strategy on long-term breeding of Karabakh horses
Estimate of the funds required (USD): 12,500
Source of funding: Government allocations
Activity 3. Continuation of the system of short-term availability of pure bred Karabakh horses through rental from local farmers not involved in Chovqan practicing
Estimate of the funds required (USD): 38,500
Source of funding: Government allocations, in kind community inputs
Activity 4. Continuation of awareness-raising and visibility initiatives and events in the five regions of the country
Estimate of the funds required (USD): 29,000
Source of funding: Government allocations, in kind community inputs
Activity 5. Further coordinating and sustaining the system of holding Chovqan competitions in Ismayilli, Baku, Sheki; re-introduction of the competitions in Shusha.
Estimate of the funds required (USD): 65,200
Source of funding: Government allocations.
Community participation
Please describe how communities, groups and individuals, as well as relevant non-governmental organizations have been involved, including in terms of gender roles, in updating the safeguarding plan, and how they will be involved in its implementation.
Community participation
The representatives of Karabakh Horses’ Amateurs Association (KHAA) and Azerbaijan Equestrian Federation (AEF), two major community organisations that were involved the nomination and the previous reporting, have participated in the planning and implementation of activities for the compilation of the present report, as well as in the updating of the safeguarding plan. On 16 April 2021, the Ministry of Culture organized the first meeting of all the stakeholders involved in the implementation of the safeguarding plan, especially Karabakh Horses’ Amateurs Association (KHAA) and Azerbaijan Equestrian Federation (AEF). The meeting included the participation of Chovqan players and trainers from Sheki, Ismayilli and Gedebey, as well as representatives of local municipalities and janghi musicians. As the Chovqan game is played only by men, only men players participated in this meeting. It was decided to entrust the Ministry of Culture to establish a working group in charge of the review of effectiveness and the updating of the safeguarding plan, headed by an expert-coordinator. During this meeting, trainers of Chovqan expressed their wish to have an assessment of effectiveness of the past safeguarding measures.
The coordinator of the working group undertook a series of wide consultations in May - June 2021 with the players and trainers from KHAA and AEF, as well as farmers and other stakeholders concerned. These consultations were followed by another meeting of the working group on 26 July 2021, which examined the preliminary results of consultation process, assessment of effectiveness of the past safeguarding measures, and a first draft of the updated plan. The working group met for a third time on 26 October 2021 to approve the final version of the updated safeguarding plan. 16 Chovqan players and trainers from Karabakh Horses’ Amateurs Association and Azerbaijan Equestrian Federation participated in the final meeting and provided their feedback with regard to the continuation of the core activities of the updated safeguarding plan. During this final meeting, the community organizations discussed and approved the distribution of tasks for the implementation of the updated safeguarding plan. Community bearers Shamseddin Atayev, Ramil Nadirov and Mr Khandan Rajabli, KHAA's Deputy Chairman, have provided valuable feedback and inputs to the consultation process overall and expressed commitment to support the implementation of the specific measures, especially those concerning training and holding of competitions.
Institutional context
Please report on the institutional context for the local management and safeguarding of the element inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List, including:
- a. the competent body(ies) involved in its management and/or safeguarding;
- b. the organization(s) of the community or group concerned with the element and its safeguarding.
Institutional context
Chovqan practitioners of the Karabakh Horses’ Amateurs Association (Chaired by Mr Khandan Rajabli, Deputy Chairman) and Azerbaijan Equestrian Federation (led by Mr Bahruz Nabiyev, Secretary General) have been and will continue to be focal points in safeguarding the element and the implementation of the updated plan. The Division of Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture is the competent body in charge of ensuring the implementation of the safeguarding plan for the Chovqan game. The division will be the focal point in the implementation of the updated plan up to the next cycle of reporting. The division is by local departments of the Ministry in regions, especially those concerned by urgent safeguarding of the Chovqan game. Its work is also complemented by Documentation and Inventorying Board, in charge of compiling and updating of the Register of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
D. Participation of communities in preparing this report
Describe the measures taken to ensure the widest possible participation of the communities, groups and, where applicable, individuals concerned as well as relevant non-governmental organizations during the process of preparing this report.
Participation of communities in preparing this report
The preparation of the report included various stages, each one of which included the widest possible participation of practitioners of the Chovqan game. Community members were directly involved in the implementation of the measures and had therefore the best knowledge of the progress about the implementation of the safeguarding plan. As mentioned above, on 16 April 2021, the Ministry of Culture organized the first meeting of all the stakeholders involved in the implementation of the safeguarding plan, which included the participation of communities, janghi musicians, Chovqan players and trainers from Sheki, Ismayilli and Gedebey, local municipalities, which was followed by the creation of a working group. From May to June 2021, a series of consultations were held with the players and trainers from Karabakh Horses’ Amateurs Association” (KHAA) and “Azerbaijan Equestrian Federation” (AEF) , as well as farmers and other stakeholders concerned. The role of community organizations has been crucial in reaching out to practitioners living in distant rural areas. These consultations were followed by the second meeting of the working group on 26 July 2021, which examined the preliminary results of consultation process and assessment of effectiveness of the past safeguarding measures, and a first draft of the updated plan. Finally, the communities participated in the final third meeting of the working group on 26 October 2021 to approve the data collected, assessment of the effectiveness and the final version of the updated safeguarding plan.
Advisor for the International Cooperation and
Innovative Development Department
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan
E. Signature on behalf of the State Party
The report should be signed by an official empowered to do so on behalf of the State, and should include his or her name, title and the date of submission.
Mr. Elman Abdullayev
Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Azerbaijan to UNESCO
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