Accredited NGOs located in this country

The list of accredited NGOs is presented below, along with corresponding accreditation forms. You can search the list using the criteria provided on the right.

2 organizations or institutions match your query.
Name, address and sourceAccreditation
Association tunisienne de sauvegarde et de valorisation du Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel tunisien
22 Impasse Chahrazed El Menzah 4 Ariana
Tel.: 216 55 642 612
Next report due 2029
Accredited in 2024 (Request: French) - No. 90525
Decision-making meeting: 10.GA - 2024
جمعيّة صيانة القصور والمحافظة على التّراث ببني خداش
Association de protection de ksour et sauvegarde du patrimoine à Béni Kheddache [fr]
Souk Béni Kheddache
4110 Medenine
Tel.: 216 29408392
Next report due 2029
Accredited in 2024 (Request: French/Arabic) - No. 90534
Decision-making meeting: 10.GA - 2024