
National institutions

Permanent Delegation of the Federative Republic of Brazil to UNESCO
Délégation permanente du Brésil auprès de l'UNESCO
100 avenue Suffren
Bâtiment A 3ème étage
[javascript protected email address]

Division of Cultural Multilateral Affairs (DCMA)
Ministry of Foreign Relations (Ministério das Relações Exteriores)
Esplanada dos Ministérios
Bloco H, Anexo 1
Brasília, DF
Brasília, DF
[javascript protected email address]

Designated authority for the use of the emblem :

This country did not designate yet any national authority in charge of the use of the emblem of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Meanwhile, please contact the permanent delegation.

Read more on the use the emblem

UNESCO's contacts

UNESCO Office in Brasilia
SAUS Qd. 5 - Bloco H - Lote 6
Ed. CNPq/IBICT/UNESCO - 9. andar
70070-912 - Brasília, DF
Culture Program officer:Maria Virginia Casado ([javascript protected email address])

Regional officer

UNESCO headquarters (ICH Section)
Regional officer:
Peredo Leandro ([javascript protected email address])