9 March 2016 - 19 March 2016


Workshop on Community-based inventory

9 March 2016 - 19 March 2016
Capacity-building workshop

Following a first workshop in November 2015, the National Cultural Heritage Institute of Angola (INPC), in cooperation with UNESCO, organizes a workshop on the development of community-based inventories of Intangible Cultural Heritage. The workshop addresses some 25 Angolan technical staff and stakeholders including community members and bearers of the living heritage. It introduces methods to gather and adequately store information and documentation as a basis for further safeguarding action. The training will take place from 9 to 19 March in Luanda and includes practical exercises in the community of the Island of Luanda. The pilot project should find replication in other regions of the State later on.

As part of UNESCO’s global strategy aiming to enhance national capacity for safeguarding of living heritage in the Portuguese speaking countries in Africa (PALOP), the project also aims at strengthening regional cooperation among PALOP countries. Together with the senior trainer from Brazil, the training will therefore be co-facilitated by two former trainees of the project from Mozambique and Sao Tomé and Principe.

This workshop is made possible thanks to the generous contribution from the Government of Norway to the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund.
