XXVI Desfile Nacional do Traje Popular (National Folk Costume Exhibition)
Federação do Folclore Português (Portuguese Folklore Federation) Fundação INATEL (INATEL Foundation) Câmara Municipal de Ílhavo (Municipality of Ílhavo) Vista Alegre 16-09-2023 Ílhavo (Portugal)

XXVI Desfile Nacional do Traje Popular (National Folk Costume Exhibition)

The Portuguese Popular Costume Exhibition/Show consists of a cultural show that aims to raise awareness of the richness and diversity of Portuguese culture with regard to traditional Portuguese clothing and all the arts, techniques and craft procedures involved in its making.

The associated institutions of the Portuguese Folklore Federation (both in Portuguese territory and in Portuguese communities abroad) participate in this show with 1200 participants.

In the show, the participants are organized into thematic groups that go from childhood to old age, revealing the details of popular clothing regarding issues such as social status, professions, agricultural work, maritime work, festive and casual clothes, highlighting the ways of making and dressing the traditional costume.

This is an event co-organized by the municipality of Ílhavo, the Portuguese Folklore Federation, the INATEL Foundation and the bicentennial porcelain company of Vista Alegre in a production that combines the local state, two NGOs accredited by UNESCO and a local company, symbol of a local and even national cultural identity dedicated to the art of ceramics.

The aim is to combine the various political, cultural and economic synergies around an event that aims to promote awareness of the importance of the intangible cultural heritage linked to traditional clothing and the various arts and crafts linked to the know-how of Portuguese clothing as well as to the different Portuguese arts and crafts represented in the thematic boards.

It is also the biggest event in Portugal regarding this theme, so dear to the Portuguese people and still present in the collective memory of many of our citizens.

Text as provided by the organiser(s).

