Workshop 'Teaching about and with ICH'
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and the 70th anniversary of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASP net), the Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs of Greece, through the Directorate of Modern Cultural Heritage and the Directorate of European and International Affairs respectively, jointly organized a hybrid dissemination event regarding the integration of intangible cultural heritage in school-based education.
The hybrid event built on the joint UNESCO-EU project ‘Engaging Youth for an Inclusive and Sustainable Europe’ by disseminating its resources, such as the ‘Resource Kit for Teachers’ and the ‘Pilot Survey on the UNESCO ASPnet Schools in the European Union’.
It comprised of a morning session with interventions covering:
- The content of the ICH Convention and the importance of its 20th anniversary, its implementation in Greece, the actions of the Directorate of Modern Cultural Heritage addressed to the public and especially youth aiming at raising awareness about the importance of safeguarding living heritage.
- The educational programs and materials of the Directorate of Modern Cultural Heritage about living heritage and the context of the collaboration with the ASPnet in Greece in terms of informing teachers about the value of teaching and learning about and with living heritage.
- An overview of the ASPnet 70 years collaborations and pilot programs worldwide, the actions and collaborations of the ASPnet in Greece and the role of the national UNESCO ASPnet Coordinator at the Ministry of Education & Religious Affairs in implementing the joint UNESCO-EU pilot program ‘Teaching & Learning with Living Heritage’, among others. With special emphasis on the projects involving living heritage.
- The educational benefits of integrating ICH in education through the presentation of the project ‘Rebetiko: Integrating ICH in the daily teaching practice’, which is included in the ‘Resource Kit for Teachers’.
The participants of the morning session were:
- Teachers of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASP net) in Greece;
- Heads of regional primary and secondary education directorates, coordinators of cultural education, environmental education and extracurricular activities, coordinators of ESD projects all over the country.
The session was attended by 53 participants in the venue and 130 participants online.
The morning session was followed by an afternoon workshop, for teachers only, on how to integrate ICH in school-based education using the six-step methodology proposed in the ‘Resource Kit for Teachers’, which aimed at:
- Raising awareness of primary and secondary education teachers regarding the efficient use of the materials included in the ‘Resource Kit for Teachers’;
- Familiarizing teachers with the six-step methodology in order to design educational activities to serve the aims of the curriculum or to include in extracurricular activities, also linking the integration of ICH in teaching and learning with the educational priorities of UNESCO Associated Schools (ASP net), namely Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and Inter-cultural Learning and Cultural Diversity.
The workshop was attended by 35 participants in the venue and 44 participants online.
Text as provided by the organiser(s).