International Forum: Latin American Living Heritage
Intangible Cultural Directorate / UNESCO Peru Office / Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Latin America - CRESPIAL 19/21-10-2023 Lima (Peru)

International Forum: Latin American Living Heritage

The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO was adopted in 2003 for a large number of countries around the world that sought to place intangible cultural heritage as a transcendental axis in the sustainable development of societies. For this reason, this Convention was quickly implemented by the countries of the Latin American region, incorporating its approach in the formulation of public and cultural policies.

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary, the Ministry of Culture of Peru, the Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Latin America – CRESPIAL and the UNESCO Peru Office are organizing the “ International Forum: Latin American Living Heritage ” on the 19th to 21st October at the headquarters of the Ministry of Culture in Lima, Peru. This International Forum aims to create a space for the exchange of governmental and community experiences is proposed, which will allow the identification of the progress of the 2003 Convention, as well as its validity with respect to the objectives of sustainable development.

Protecting and safeguarding our cultural heritage has become an important strategy for dealing with different challenges as climate change, inequality and social gaps. There have been initiatives, by public and private institutions, related with the 2003 Convention that have made a deep impact in communities around our country. This Forum aims to share these experiences.

In this regard, the objectives of this Forum are the analysis of the advances and challenges in the formulation of cultural policies that reinforce the safeguarding of intangible heritage; the identification of programs, projects and activities, both public and civil society, related to the safeguarding of intangible heritage considered as exemplary practices to be replicated in community contexts; the promotion the diversity of cultural expressions identified as intangible cultural heritage; and the consolidation of recommendations for the preparation and implementation of Safeguard Policies.

Programme available here

Text as provided by the organiser(s).
