Asociación Teje Teje
ColombiaContact: 575 42 20 520
Postal address: Cra. 2# 29-144 apartment 601 Edificio Casa del Mar Playa Salguero Santa Marta
Geographic Coverage of NGO’s expertise: Colombia
URL: https://www.tejeteje.org
Download brochure
To become a referent for the preservation of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH), the environment and the sustainable development of the indigenous and non-indigenous Colombian communities.
Since its creation in 2005, Teje Teje is committed through its field work to the strengthening of the cultural identity and traditional expressions of indigenous peoples and other groups too. Connected concerns for the achievement of this goal are
To become a referent for the preservation of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH), the environment and the sustainable development of the indigenous and non-indigenous Colombian communities.
Since its creation in 2005, Teje Teje is committed through its field work to the strengthening of the cultural identity and traditional expressions of indigenous peoples and other groups too. Connected concerns for the achievement of this goal are
Year of creation: 2005
Safeguarding measures:
Safeguarding measures:
- identification, documentation,
research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- transmission, (non-)formal
- revitalization
Main areas of work related to the Convention:

Relevant projects and initiatives

01131 - Teje Teje
© Weaveweave Association, 2022
© Weaveweave Association, 2022
Travels around the sacred sites of the Ette Ennaka indigenous population for cultural strengthening (2016- current, Magdalena and Cesar) Beneficiaries: Directly: 10 traditional authorities. Indirectly: 2.238 Ette Ennaka people.
Products: 1) Cultural cartography document that includes maps and inventory of sacred sites and medicinal plants. 2) Video, memory of the travels 3) Document that compiles
discussions and conclusions on the sacred sites.