
Ensemble artistique et culturel TOWARA - EAC


Contact: 229 95 06 73 12
Postal address: quartier Agla zone A carré 3462 AA' 75 m du complexe scolaire Nôtre Dame de Laurette maison Zounon COTONOU
Geographic Coverage of NGO’s expertise: Benin, France

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The vision of the TOWARA EAC Artistic and Cultural Ensemble is to make intangible cultural heritage a source of awakening, enrichment and development for communities and peoples.

The mission of the TOWARA EAC Artistic and Cultural Ensemble is to: • Promote endogenous knowledge as a springboard for cultural development; • Promote and strengthen the participation of civil society in the enhancement of cultural life; • Stren

Year of creation: 1992

Safeguarding measures:

- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- transmission, (non-)formal education
- revitalization

Main areas of work related to the Convention:

Relevant projects and initiatives

• Conference through the CIOFF festivals in France on the theme: traditional knowledge about Abikou ritual practices: the fight against infant mortality in Benin;
• Creation of a 52-minute show entitled “AMADOGBE” on ICH;
• Organisation of the 14th Festival of Rituals and Masked Dance (FeRiDaMa 2023), on 15, 16 and 17 December 2023.
