
श्रेए हनुमान व्यायाम प्रसरक मन्दल्


Contact: +91 721 2574819
Postal address: Hanuman Vyayam Nagar Amravati-444605 Maharashtra
Geographic Coverage of NGO’s expertise:

URL: https://www.hvpm.org

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Since its inception, HVPM has concentrated on developing an ideal system of traditional sports and games by integrating and assimilating positive elements of various cultures including India’s traditional systems. The blend should avoid the negati

With children and youth as its targets, HVPM has focused its endeavours towards improving their physical, mental, moral, academic and social development so as to mould their all-round personality based on integrity of character and benevolence and

Main areas of work related to the Convention:

Relevant projects and initiatives

HVPM works for tribals to raise awareness with regard to ICH. HVPM provides
support and cooperation to other organizations to establish infrastructure
and impart training and coaching. Organization of an annual exhibition
which showcases the Indian TSG and Culture. HVPM is currently conducting
a workshop in collaboration with UNESCO Accredited NGO “Embodying
Reconciliation” regarding the research Project “Museum Bodies for Empathy”.
