الجمعية المصرية للمأثورات الشعبية
EgyptContact: (+202) 376264409; (+202) 37626702
Postal address: 47 Soliman Gohar Street Dokki, Giza Cairo
Geographic Coverage of NGO’s expertise: Egypt
URL: https://www.esft.info
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Provide scientific and cultural advisory services in the field of ICH to all scholars and researchers.
The objective of the Egyptian Society for Folk Traditions is to provide cultural and scientific advisory services. It offers technical and intellectual assistance in the safeguarding of ICH to students of folklore and to tradition bearers. The Soc
Safeguarding measures:
- identification, documentation,
research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- transmission, (non-)formal
- revitalization
Main areas of work related to the Convention:

Relevant projects and initiatives
ESFT has been conducting an inventory of craftspersons in Historic Cairo as well
as the training of craftsmen, with the support of the UNESCO ICH Fund. It produced
4 films on crafts for the National Museum of Civilization and disseminated
multimedia resources on performing arts, festivals and traditional dances. The NGO
has identified and documented 360 traditional crafts in Egypt, which has helped
to develop the production of handicrafts. EFST made recordings accompanied by
photographs and videos of the oral epic Al-Sirah Al-Hilaliyyah. This project received
the Sheikh Zayed Ibn Nahian Prize and the element was inscribed on the List of
Masterpieces of Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 2003. The
NGO collaborated with the National Council of Women to document the art of Tally
(embroidery) in Upper Egypt and trained more than 360 girls in this art. The results
of this research have been published in a book, The Making of a Traditional Artist.
ESFT participates in the production of the magazine Al Funun Al Folklore.