
La Enciclopedia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial - EPCI


Contact: +52 55 1237 5859
Postal address: Caballocalco 28, Col del Carmen, Coyoacán C. P. 04100 CDMX
Geographic Coverage of NGO’s expertise:

URL: https://www.humanheritage.org

Download brochure

Year of creation: 2007

Safeguarding measures:

- identification, documentation, research (including inventory-making)
- preservation, protection
- promotion, enhancement
- transmission, (non-)formal education
- revitalization
- other
- Through collaboartive web site´s tools, people from all the world can help us to deliver an extensive inventory of the intangible cultural heritage, this is a powerfull tool to promote and transmit the ICH, and revitalize it as well 90055 - La Enciclopedia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial, A. C. A través de nuestro programa Enlaces Culturales, se investiga, identifica, promueve y transmite el Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial.

Main areas of work related to the Convention:

Relevant projects and initiatives

• “XOCOTZIN: Remarkable kid”: Elementary school program focused on identify, value and disseminate elements of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in their locality.
• CREATIVE. A commercial strategy to decolonize crafts and promote intellectual property, brands and licensing of products and services.
• ULAMA. Supporting the first massive sport in the world with 3,500 years of practice in Mexico: The rubber ball game.
