Nar Bayrami, traditional pomegranate festivity and culture
Inscribed in 2020 (15.COM) on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
Nar Bayrami is an annual festival in October/November in Azerbaijan’s Goychay region that celebrates the pomegranate and its traditional uses and symbolic meaning. Pomegranate culture is a set of practices, knowledge, traditions and skills related to the cultivation of the fruit, which is used not only in a range of culinary contexts, but is also referred to in crafts, decorative arts, myths, storytelling and other creative outlets. The element is linked to local agriculture and to the farmers and individuals in rural communities that grow and collect the fruit. These participants have an understanding of environmental characteristics and harvesting techniques. The fruit enjoys great visibility in society as both the pomegranate and Nar Bayrami perform a range of cultural and social functions – everything from its use in traditional meals to being cited in poetry. Symbolically, the pomegranate is associated with long-term productivity, abundance and is considered as a carrier of energy. Azerbaijani Local legends viewed it as a symbol of love and passion, while religious people saw it as symbolizing eternity. The annual celebration displays pride for centuries-old traditionsthis festivity and culture related to the fruit and encourages active exchange and communication among communities and visitors to the festivity, a time to highlight local nature and culture.