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Regardez les webinaires passés portant sur le patrimoine vivant et la pandémie de COVID-19

Sélection d’articles (source originelle en Anglais, Français ou Espagnol)

18/09/2020The Japan TimesNoh theater struggles to survive the pandemic
15/09/2020The Japan TimesChildren’s puppet shows help bunraku master endure coronavirus shutdown
15/09/2020Business Insider FranceThe pandemic has exposed vulnerabilities in Singapore’s famed food hawker culture, where the average age of an operator is 60. Young Singaporeans are turning to social media to save it
14/09/2020Nippon.comA Summer Without Festivals: Do the Dead Approve of the Cancelled Events?
12/09/2020Mi RadioOrganizaciones culturales comunitarias se reinventan en tiempos de pandemia
09/09/2020Hindustan TimesCovid-19: Varanasi’s Ramnagar Ramlila may not be staged this year
03/09/2020The Jakarta PostCan Japan’s ancient Noh theater survive coronavirus?
20/08/2020World Bank BlogsCulture in the COVID-19 recovery: Good for your wallet, good for resilience, and good for you
16/08/2020La RazonEl flamenco toca jondo
13/08/2020Ethiopian Press AgencyEthiopia: Shadey/Ashandiye - Covid-19’s Impact On Unique Girls’ Festival
10/08/2020ElpaisEl almacén de las Fallas más tristes y solitarias
02/08/2020Korea JoongAng DailyPost-Covid-19 New Normal: Freelance actors, performers take on their most challenging role yet
29/07/2020Observatoy Patrimoine d’OrientHow Covid-19 is affecting our Intangible heritage
29/07/2020DW NewsCoronavirus: Muslims in Saudi Arabia begin scaled-back hajj
23/07/2020Voice of AmericaAmong COVID’s Victims in Spain: Flamenco
20/07/2020The StarTo dye for: Czech blueprint tradition alive and well in these pandemic times
15/07/2020La IndustriaArtistas y organizaciones culturales pueden acceder a incentivos económicos
14/07/2020IchngoKaustinen Folk Music Festival finds the ways to do it online
10/07/2020NHK World -JapanVienna Boys Choir cancels Japan tour
08/07/2020DevpolicyYouth resilience to COVID-19: indigenous knowledge in Tuvalu
08/07/2020BBCThe dark future for the world’s greatest violin-makers
29/06/2020Prensa LatinaAbre el telón de Festival Cubarumba desde escenario virtual
28/06/2020Business DayThe toll on the French bistro, an intangible cultural heritage
28/06/2020CopeActividades para la fiesta de las patronas de la cerámica Santas Justa y Rufina con medidas sanitarias
25/06/2020CGTNA restrained Dragon Boat Festival: Normalizing pandemic control
24/06/2020The Korea HeraldCHA head reveals ambition to promote Korean cultural heritage worldwide
22/06/2020UNESCOImpacto del covid-19 sitios y manifestaciones patrimonio mexico
19/06/2020The LocalWill coronavirus spell the end for Spain’s flamenco clubs?
19/06/2020LavanguardiaEl Tablao Villa Rosa pide reducir IVA de entradas al 4% y anular reducción de aforo ante “peligro crítico de extinción”
16/06/2020TelegraphFlamenco may not survive in Spain if concessions are not made soon
16/06/2020The Korea HeraldOffline performance to mark 70th anniversary of war to be held in Jeonju
14/06/2020La RepubblicaFase3, Genzano non rinuncia all’infiorata: “Per noi significa che il virus non ha vinto” (Phase3, Genzano does not give up the infiorata: “For us it means that the virus has not won”)
13/06/2020CGTNChina stages diverse events to mark Cultural and Natural Heritage Day
09/06/2020AireflamencoLos tablaos flamencos anuncian que todos cerrarán sus puertas
07/06/2020Arab NewsMorocco artisans fear ‘knockout punch’ from virus
07/06/2020Sunday ObserverMechanism needed to look after communities producing traditional crafts during pandemics
05/06/2020Euronews‘Make mine a double’: Belgium launches Helpy Hour to support bars struggling amid COVID-19 lockdown
04/06/2020ReutersLast dance for legendary Madrid flamenco joint, stung by coronavirus
01/06/2020XinhuaChina launches promotional events for intangible cultural heritage
29/05/2020France Culture“Distances entre les clients, plexiglas, masques : le bistrot, c’est tout sauf ça !”
13/05/2020ElpaisLas Fallas de 2020 se suspenden definitivamente por el coronavirus
13/05/2020CGTNChina to host online shopping festival to promote intangible cultural heritage
10/05/2020The HinduToda embroidered masks help in the fight against COVID-19
08/05/2020El PaísLos virus blanquearon Andalucía
04/05/2020El Universal ColombiaEl Festival de la Leyenda Vallenata se vive en redes sociales
02/05/2020BBCGods in face masks: India’s folk artists take on Covid-19
30/04/2020Khaleej TimesIndian ‘mystic minstrel’ combines Baul philosophy and music to combat Covid-19
30/04/2020Agencia Peruana de noticiasCoronavirus: los míticos ukukus hacen cumplir el aislamiento social obligatorio en Cusco
15/04/2020Theran TimesTehran ICH Center launches virtual photo exhibit
15/04/2020Arab NewsFear of virus ruins Bengali New Year celebrations
13/04/2020BBCCoronavirus: Indonesian village uses ‘ghosts’ for distancing patrols
13/04/2020BBCCoronavirus lockdown spares Czech women an Easter whipping
10/04/2020EuronewsFlamenco prayers sung from balconies in Andalusia despite pandemic
05/04/2020La Tribuna de AlbaceteEl toque de tambor para niños y mayores desde casa en Hellín
02/04/2020La RepubblicaCoronavirus. Due casi nell’Isola di Pasqua che per sopravvivere riscopre la filosofia polinesiana del “Tabù”
02/04/2020Financial ExpressBangladesh suspends Pahela Baishakh celebrations amid coronavirus outbreak
02/04/2020Ultimas NoticiasLos palmeros suspendieron subida al Waraira Repano
01/04/2020UNESCOWhen Ѕосіаl dіѕtаnсіng hits Саrіbbеаn sociability
01/04/2020VietnamnetHung Kings Festival adapted to cope with COVID-19
01/04/2020El Digital de AlbaceteLos tambores redoblarán en Hellín este Viernes de Dolores, aunque desde casa
30/03/2020HeraldoLos tambores suenan al unísono por las Jornadas de Exaltación de Alcañiz
29/03/2020La ComarcaLos tambores y bombos redoblan en apoyo a las Jornadas de Alcañiz y el 50º aniversario de la Ruta
14/03/2020NOTICIAS CMMEl avance del brote de coronavirus obliga a suspender la Semana Santa de Cuenca, Albacete y Ciudad Real

Gallerie photo

Ces photographies témoignent d’expériences du monde entier sur le patrimoine vivant qui ont été collectées dans le cadre de l’enquête sur les expériences de patrimoine vivant et la pandémie de COVID-19.

Super-Soignant VS Covid19: vidéo produit par les Echasseurs Namurois a.s.b.l.
Learning to weave during confinement, Ukraine.
Des artistes textiles d’Ayacucho, Venuca Evanan, Violeta Quispe Yupari, Gaudencia Yupari ont réalisé des masques utilissant des dessins Sarhua en plein milieu de la pandémie COVID-19.
Tamborada à Hellin, Espagne, avril 2020
Le Meyboom, ancienne tradition folklorique bruxelloise.
Easter, spring traditions cancelled and sharing dance through social media in Greece.
La municipalité de Valence a reporté la célébration de Las Fallas qui se tient traditionnellement en mars pour limiter la propagation du coronavirus. Espagne, 12 mars 2020.
Tutorials on Shui horsetail embroidery have been broadcast online during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The procession of Za Krizen (‘following the cross’) on the island of Hvar, Croatia, took place this year with a drastically reduced number of spectators in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
The video, made for UNESCO by the community of Macerata Campania and NGO Associazione Sant’Antuono & le Battuglie di Pastellessa, with simple smartphones, tells the idea that faith and culture are a lifeline while the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic puts a strain on communities with repercussions on the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage.
“La pandémie COVID-19 nous a pris par surprise, elle nous affecte car la vente d’artisanat est notre principale source de revenu quotidien dans chacune des maisons des artisans”.
Virpominen (acte de rafraîchissement ou de souhait) est réalisé par les enfants finlandais le dimanche des Rameaux pour souhaiter bonne chance aux foyers. Cette année, en raison de la pandémie, il n’a pas été possible de se rendre chez les autres personnes, mais d’autres solutions sont nées. De nombreux enfants ont passé des appels vidéo aux membres de leur famille vivant loin de chez eux et ont ainsi renouvelé la tradition.
Distanciation physique au Japon: afin d’éviter la propagation du coronavirus (COVID-19), deux personnes se tiennent à distance en tenant deux parapluies. Satte, Japon