6 June 2014


Second meeting of category 2 centres in the field of intangible cultural heritage

6 June 2014
Expert meeting

The meeting will be an excellent opportunity for the participants to take stock of the recent developments in the life of the Convention and the larger trends underway at UNESCO concerning category 2 centres. It will also facilitate joint efforts for the integration of the Organization’s medium-term strategy (37 C/4) and programme and budget for the coming quadrennium (37 C/5) into the medium-term and short-term planning of the respective centres, enabling them to continue to contribute effectively to UNESCO’s work.


  • 37 C/5 MP IV Expected Result 6: National capacities strengthened and utilised to safeguard intangible cultural heritage, including indigenous and endangered languages, through the effective implementation of the 2003 Convention: English|French
  • Agenda: English|French
  • Evaluation and renewal process: a case study (presentation): English-French
  • Medium-term strategy for UNESCO’s cooperation with category 2 centres in the field of intangible cultural heritage 2014-2021: English|French
  • Recent developments in the life of the Convention and the Organization (presentation): English

Reference documents

  • Agreement concerning the Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Latin America (CRESPIAL) in Cusco, Peru: English|Spanish

Executive Board/General Conference documents

For further information:
