24 July 2013 - 26 July 2013


First meeting of category 2 centres in the field of intangible cultural heritage

24 July 2013 - 26 July 2013
Expert meeting

From 24 to 26 July, UNESCO and the Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in South-Eastern Europe will organize a global meeting of category 2 centres active in the field of intangible cultural heritage at Sozopol, a beautiful town situated at Bulgaria’s Black Sea coast.

The meeting will be an excellent opportunity for the participants to take stock of the recent developments in the life of the Convention and the larger trends underway at UNESCO concerning category 2 centres. It will also facilitate joint efforts for the integration of the Organization’s medium-term strategy (37 C/4) and programme and budget for the coming quadrennium (37 C/5) into the medium-term and short-term planning of the respective centres, enabling them to continue to contribute effectively to UNESCO’s work.


  • Agenda: English
  • First annual meeting of category 2 centres active in the field of intangible cultural heritage: Report of the UNESCO Section for Intangible Cultural Heritage: English
  • Participant List: English

Reference documents

  • Approaches to governance - PowerPoint presentation by Frank Proschan: English
  • Context of our cooperation - PowerPoint presentation by Cecile Duvelle: English
  • Culture sector strategy for category 2 centres: English
  • Draft Medium-term Strategy, 2014-2021
    37 C/4: English
  • Excerpt from the draft 37 C/5 revised as of 22 July 2013: English
  • Guidelines for the formulation of 36 C/5 (2012‐2013 biennium) regular programme work plans (Activity/Office 5)
    BSP/RBM/2012/2 REV.8: English
  • Improving UNESCO’s Category 2 Centre network: English|French
  • Presentation of the Sofia centre - PowerPoint presentation by Mila Santova: English
  • RBM Monitoring and Reporting guidelines
    BSP/RBM/2012/4 REV.1: English
  • Results-Based Management (RBM) approach Presentation for Intangible Cultural Heritage Category 2 Institutes - PowerPoint presentation by Othilie du Souich: English
  • Results‐Based Programming, Management and Monitoring (RBM) approach as applied at UNESCO: Guiding Principles
    BSP/RBM/2008/1.REV.5: English
  • Review of the Management Framework for UNESCO Category 2 Institutes/Centres
    IOS/AUD/EVS/2011/14 Rev.: English

Executive Board/General Conference documents

  • Category 2 institutes and centres
    190 EX/18 PART I: English
  • Category 2 institutes and centres
    190 EX/Decision 18 Part I: English
  • Category 2 institutes and centres
    191 EX/14.INF (+ Corr. only in Fre): English
  • Category 2 institutes and centres: guidance note on the renewal assessment procedures of category 2 institutes/centres
    190 EX/INF.16: English
  • Follow-up to the independent external evaluation of UNESCO, Policy framework for strategic partnerships: a comprehensive partnership strategy; Separate strategies for engagement with individual categories and partners
    191 EX/16.INF.3: English
  • Implementation of the guidelines and criteria for category 2 institutes and centres approved in 33 C/Resolution 90
    35 C/Resolution 103: English
  • Implementation of the guidelines and criteria for category 2 institutes and centres approved in 33 C/Resolution 90
    35 C/22 + CORR.: English
  • Report on the full cost of category 2 institutes and centres
    191 EX/14 Part I: English

For further information:
