Multiplication and division using dice

APCEIU, ICHCAP & UNESCO (2022). Bringing living heritage to the classroom in Asia-Pacific: a resource kit. Bangkok: UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office in Bangkok.
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This math lesson plan is specifically designed for 2nd-grade students in Kyrgyzstan. Its primary objectives are to enhance students’ vocabulary related to the game, deepen their understanding of the rules of a traditional dice game, and introduce them to concepts of multiplication and division within a mathematical context. The game itself serves as a practical application of mathematics in everyday life, offering students a tangible connection between math and traditional activities. By engaging with this lesson, students will not only acquire mathematical skills but also gain an appreciation for the significance and cultural value of traditional games.

Country: Kyrgyzstan

Pages in document: 177-178

Related project or programme:Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in Formal Education in Asia and the Pacific

English | Khmer | Nepali | Russian | Thai
