Decision of the Bureau: 8.COM 2.BUR 1

The Bureau,

  1. Having examined document ITH/12/8.COM 2.BUR/1 and its annex,
  2. Recalling Resolution 4.GA 7 and Decision 6.COM 20,
  3. Authorizes the expenditures specified in that document and its annex;
  4. Requests the Secretariat to report on the progress of implementation and the way the funds are spent;
  5. Invites the Chairperson of the Committee to bring this decision to the attention of the Committee at its eighth session.





Total approved by previous Bureau (2012-2013)

Proposed revised allocation

A. Capacity-building



A.1 Content development of new capacity-building curricula: development of safeguarding plans, intangible cultural heritage and sustainable development



Content development for trainers and trainees manuals

Professional services for content development

A.2 Production of existing capacity-building curricula: national implementation, inventorying, nominations to the Urgent Safeguarding List




Professional services for translation copy-editing, graphic design, layout, proofreading

A.3 Stocktaking workshop for trained facilitators



Workshop for 10 to 15 trained experts

Travel and subsistence of participants, meeting facilities and equipment, reproduction costs, local travel, hospitality, communications, shipment

A.4 First Caribbean Youth Forum on Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage



3-day workshop forum on the implementation of the 2003 Convention for 25 to 30 participants from youth organizations

Travel and subsistence of participants, trainers' services and expenses, meeting facilities and equipment, reproduction costs, local travel, hospitality, communications, shipment

Workshop to strengthen the capacities in the field of intangible cultural heritage of an African training institution of heritage managers

Travel and subsistence of participants, meeting facilities and equipment, reproduction costs, local travel, hospitality, communications, shipment



Workshop to develop capacities in community-based inventorying of intangible cultural heritage for an African training institution of heritage managers

Travel and subsistence of participants, meeting facilities and equipment, reproduction costs, local travel, hospitality, communications, shipment



B. Promotion and dissemination of Best Safeguarding Practices



Research, documentation, publication and dissemination of two best practices already selected by the Committee

professional services for content development, text preparation, translation, design and layout in English and French



C. Communication and Visibility



C.1 Publication of Basic Texts (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish)



Pre-production of 2012 and 2014 editions

Professional services for translation, copy-preparation, graphic design, layout, proofreading



Printing of 2012 edition

Printing costs of 16,700 copies (1,000 in Arabic, 700 in Chinese, 7,000 in English, 5,000 in French, 1,000 in Russian and 2,000 in Spanish)



C.2 Publication of leaflets of Urgent Safeguarding and Representative Lists and the Register of Best Safeguarding Practices (English and French)



Printing of 2011 leaflets

Printing costs of 7,000 additional copies (4,000 in English and 3,000 in French)



Pre-production of 2012 & 2013 leaflets

Professional services for drafting, editing, translation, copy-preparation, graphic design, layout, proofreading



Printing of 2012 leaflets

Printing costs of 9,000 copies (5,000 in English and 4,000 in French)



C.3 Publication of brochures of the 2012 & 2013 Urgent Safeguarding and Representative Lists and the Register of Best Safeguarding Practices (English and French)


Professional services for drafting, editing, translation, copy-preparation, graphic design, layout, proofreading



C.4 Distribution of printed materials


Shipping costs to Field Offices and National Commissions and other stakeholders involved in the capacity-building strategy



D. Knowledge management services



Development of on-line functionalities and dedicated webpages

Professional services for management of the knowledge system and software development









