Decision of the Bureau: 6.COM 2.BUR 2

The Bureau,

  1. Having examined document ITH/11/6.COM 2.BUR/2 Rev.,
  2. Adopts the agenda of its meeting as annexed to this Decision.

Provisional agenda of the second 6.COM Bureau meeting

Agenda item




Opening of the meeting




Adoption of the agenda of the Bureau


ITH/11/6.COM 2.BUR/2 Rev.


Provisional timetable of the sixth session of the Committee


ITH/11/6.COM 2.BUR/3


Proposal for the utilization of the funds allocated for the period January to June 2012 by the General Assembly of the States Parties for ‘other functions of the Committee’ under the Plan for the use of the resources of the Fund


ITH/11/6.COM 2.BUR/4


Any other business




Closing of the meeeting







Other documents for information




Provisional agenda of the sixth session of the Committee




General Information (sixth session of the Committee, Bali, Indonesia, 22 to 29 November 2011)




Decisions of the 5.COM 2.BUR Bureau meeting


ITH/10/5.COM 2.BUR/Décisions


Utilization of the funds allocated for other functions of the Committee under the Plan for the use of the resources of the Fund


ITH/10/5.COM 2.BUR/4 Rev.


Decision of the 6.COM 1.BUR Bureau


ITH/11/6.COM 1.BUR/Décision


Revision of the spending plan for the use of the funds allocated for ‘other functions of the Committee’ under the Plan for the use of the resources of the Fund


ITH/11/6.COM 1.BUR/1
