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No. de proyecto de decisión | Estado(s) | Título presentado | Documentos |
 | Haiti | EN: Joumou soup FR: Soupe au giraumon Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1853 | |
 | Yemen | EN: Hadrami Dân FR: Le hadrami dân Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1699 Note: withdrawn by the submitting State | |
 | Armenia | EN: Trndez, the feast of the newlyweds and the precursor of spring in Armenia FR: Trndez, la fête des jeunes mariés et le prélude au printemps en Arménie Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1179 Note: withdrawn by the submitting State | |
 | Bahrain | EN: Fjiri FR: Le fjiri Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1747 Note: inscribed | |
 | Belgium | EN: Namur stilt jousting FR: Les joutes sur échasses de Namur Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1590 Note: inscribed | |
 | Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | EN: Grand Festival of Tarija FR: La grande fête de Tarija Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1477 Note: inscribed | |
 | Bulgaria | EN: Visoko multipart singing from Dolen and Satovcha, South-western Bulgaria FR: Le chant à plusieurs voix visoko de Dolen et Satovtcha, Bulgarie du Sud-Ouest Representative List Referencia del expediente: 967 Note: inscribed | |
 | Cameroon | EN: Nguon, rituals around the sacred power of the Mfon (Monarch) FR: Le Nguon, rituels autour du pouvoir sacré du Mfon (monarque) Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1728 Note: withdrawn by the submitting State | |
 | Democratic Republic of the Congo - Congo | EN: Congolese rumba FR: La rumba congolaise Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1711 Note: inscribed | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 27 Mar 2020 |
Consent of communities - Democratic Republic of Congo: | French/Lingala | 29 Sep 2020 |
Consent of communities - Republic of Congo: | French | 27 Mar 2020 |
ICH inventory - Democratic Republic of Congo: | French | 27 Mar 2020 |
ICH inventory - Republic of Congo: | French | 27 Mar 2020 |
Fotografías obligatorias: | Presentación de diapositivas | Film ‘’ (09:53): | | 27 Mar 2020 |
 | Denmark | EN: Inuit drum dancing and singing FR: Le chant et la danse du tambour des Inuits Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1696 Note: inscribed | |
 | Denmark - Finland - Iceland - Norway - Sweden | EN: Nordic clinker boat traditions FR: Les traditions nordiques des bateaux à clins Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1686 Note: inscribed | |
 | Ecuador | EN: Pasillo, song and poetry FR: Le pasillo, chant et poésie Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1702 Note: inscribed | |
 | Ethiopia | EN: Ashenda, Ashendye, Aynewari, Maria, Shadey, Solel, Ethiopian girls' festival FR: Ashenda, Ashendye, Aynewari, Maria, Shadey, Solel, le festival des filles éthiopiennes Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1606 Note: withdrawn by the submitting State | |
 | Finland | EN: Kaustinen fiddle playing and related practices and expressions FR: La pratique du violon à Kaustinen et les pratiques et expressions connexes Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1683 Note: inscribed | |
 | United Arab Emirates - Austria - Belgium - Croatia - Czechia - France - Germany - Hungary - Ireland - Italy - Kazakhstan - Republic of Korea - Kyrgyzstan - Mongolia - Morocco - Netherlands (Kingdom of the) - Pakistan - Poland - Portugal - Qatar - Saudi Arabia - Slovakia - Spain - Syrian Arab Republic | EN: Falconry, a living human heritage FR: La fauconnerie, un patrimoine humain vivant Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1708 Note: inscribed | |
 | India | EN: Durga Puja in Kolkata FR: La Durga Puja à Calcutta Representative List Referencia del expediente: 703 Note: inscribed | |
 | Indonesia | EN: Gamelan FR: Le gamelan Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1607 Note: inscribed | |
 | Iraq | EN: Traditional craft skills and arts of Al-Naoor FR: Les savoir-faire artisanaux et artistiques traditionnels relatifs à l'Al-Naoor Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1694 Note: inscribed | |
 | Italy | EN: Truffle hunting and extraction in Italy, traditional knowledge and practice FR: La recherche et le cavage de truffes en Italie, connaissances et pratiques traditionnelles Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1395 Note: inscribed | |
 | Jamaica | EN: Revivalism, religious practice in Jamaica FR: Le revivalisme, pratique religieuse en Jamaïque Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1732 Note: withdrawn by the submitting State | |
 | Lao People's Democratic Republic | EN: Traditional craft of Naga motif weaving in Lao communities FR: L’art traditionnel du tissage du motif naga dans les communautés lao Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1593 Note: referred | |
 | Madagascar | EN: Malagasy Kabary, the Malagasy oratorical art FR: Le Kabary malagasy, art oratoire malagasy Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1741 Note: inscribed | |
 | Malaysia | EN: Songket FR: Le songket Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1505 Note: inscribed | |
 | Malta | EN: L-Għana, a Maltese folksong tradition FR: Le L-Għana, une tradition du chant populaire maltais Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1681 Note: inscribed | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 17 Aug 2020 |
Consent of communities: | Maltese/English | 17 Aug 2020 |
Consent of communities - Consent video from Għannejja (appendix 1.3b): | | 20 Mar 2020 |
ICH inventory: | English | 20 Mar 2020 |
Fotografías obligatorias: | Presentación de diapositivas | Film ‘L-Għana, a Maltese folksong tradition’ (09:59): | | 20 Mar 2020 |
 | Mauritania | EN: Traditional teaching system of the Mahadras in Mauritania FR: Le système d’enseignement traditionnel des Mahadras en Mauritanie Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1691 Note: referred | |
 | Montenegro | EN: Cultural Heritage of Boka Navy Kotor: a festive representation of a memory and cultural identity FR: Le patrimoine culturel de la Marine des Bouches de Kotor, représentation festive d’une mémoire et d'une identité culturelle Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1727 Note: inscribed | |
 | Morocco | EN: Tbourida FR: La tbourida Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1483 Note: inscribed | |
 | Myanmar | EN: Practice of Thanakha culture in Myanmar FR: La pratique de la culture du thanaka au Myanmar Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1720 Note: referred | |
 | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) | EN: Corso culture, flower and fruit parades in the Netherlands FR: La culture du corso, défilés de fleurs et de fruits aux Pays-Bas Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1707 Note: inscribed | |
 | Nigeria | EN: Sango festival, Oyo FR: Le festival de Sango, Oyo Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1617 Note: referred | |
 | State of Palestine | EN: The art of embroidery in Palestine, practices, skills, knowledge and rituals FR: L’art de la broderie en Palestine, pratiques, compétences, connaissances et rituels Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1722 Note: inscribed | |
 | Panama | EN: Dances and expressions associated with the Corpus Christi Festivity FR: Les danses et expressions associées à la Fête-Dieu Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1612 Note: inscribed | Nomination form ICH-02: | English|French | 31 Mar 2020 |
Consent of communities: | Spanish/English | 01 Apr 2019 |
Consent of communities - Film - Request for inscription: | | 01 Apr 2019 |
ICH inventory: | Spanish/English | 01 Apr 2019 |
Fotografías obligatorias: | Presentación de diapositivas | Film ‘Dances and expressions associated with the 'Fiesta' of Corpus Christi’ (09:58): | | 03 Apr 2019 |
 | Peru | EN: Pottery-related values, knowledge, lore and practices of the Awajún people FR: Les valeurs, connaissances, coutumes et pratiques du peuple awajún liées à la poterie Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1557 Note: inscribed | |
 | Poland | EN: Flower carpets tradition for Corpus Christi processions FR: La tradition des tapis de fleurs pour les processions de la Fête-Dieu Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1743 Note: inscribed | |
 | Portugal | EN: Community festivities in Campo Maior FR: Les fêtes communautaires à Campo Maior Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1604 Note: inscribed | |
 | Saudi Arabia - Algeria - Bahrain - Egypt - Iraq - Jordan - Kuwait - Lebanon - Mauritania - Morocco - Oman - State of Palestine - Sudan - Tunisia - United Arab Emirates - Yemen | EN: Arabic calligraphy: knowledge, skills and practices FR: La calligraphie arabe : connaissances, compétences et pratiques Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1718 Note: inscribed | |
 | Senegal | EN: Ceebu Jën, a culinary art of Senegal FR: Le ceebu jën, art culinaire du Sénégal Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1748 Note: inscribed | |
 | Seychelles | EN: Moutya FR: Le moutya Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1690 Note: inscribed | |
 | Sri Lanka | EN: Traditional craftsmanship of making Dumbara Ratā Kalāla FR: Les savoir-faire traditionnels relatifs à la fabrication de Dumbara Ratā Kalāla Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1693 Note: inscribed | |
 | Sudan | EN: Al Toub Al Sudani, Sudanese national dress for women FR: L’al Toub al Sudani, tenue nationale soudanaise pour les femmes Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1729 Note: withdrawn at the request of the submitting State | |
 | Syrian Arab Republic | EN: Al-Qudoud al-Halabiya FR: L’al-Qudoud al-Halabiya Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1578 Note: inscribed | |
 | Tajikistan | EN: Falak FR: Le falak Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1725 Note: inscribed | |
 | Thailand | EN: Nora, dance drama in southern Thailand FR: Le nora, drame dansé dans le sud de la Thaïlande Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1587 Note: inscribed | |
 | Türkiye | EN: Hüsn-i Hat, traditional calligraphy in Islamic art in Turkey FR: Hüsn-i Hat, la calligraphie traditionnelle dans l'art islamique en Turquie Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1684 Note: inscribed |
Response of the submitting State on a reaction: | English | 24 Mar 2021 |
Reaction on a file: | English | 28 Jul 2020 |
 | Turkmenistan | EN: Dutar making craftsmanship and traditional music performing art combined with singing FR: La fabrication artisanale du dutar et l’art de pratiquer la musique traditionnelle associée au chant Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1565 Note: inscribed | |
 | Ukraine | EN: Ornek, a Crimean Tatar ornament and knowledge about it FR: L’ornek, un ornement des Tatars de Crimée et les savoirs connexes Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1601 Note: inscribed | |
 | Uzbekistan | EN: Bakhshi art FR: L’art du bakhshi Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1706 Note: inscribed | |
 | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | EN: Festive cycle around the devotion and worship towards Saint John the Baptist FR: Le cycle des festivités autour de la vénération et du culte de Saint Jean-Baptiste Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1682 Note: inscribed | |
 | Viet Nam | EN: Art of Xòe dance of the Tai people in Viet Nam FR: L’art de la danse xòe du peuple tai au Viet Nam Representative List Referencia del expediente: 1575 Note: inscribed | |