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  1. Academic teaching personnel (0) 
  2. Acculturation (0) 
  3. Acoustics (3) 
  4. Acrobatics (30)
  5. Actors (1) 
  6. Advocacy (0)
  7. Aesthetic education (1) 
  8. Aesthetics (15) 
  9. Age groups (1) 
  10. Agricultural economics (1) 
  11. Agricultural machinery (1) 
  12. Agricultural ritual (28)
  13. Agricultural training (1) 
  14. Agriculture (0) 
  15. AIDS education (1) 
  16. Alcoholic beverages (11) 
  17. Algebra (1) 
  18. Algorithms (1) 
  19. Alphabets (5) 
  20. Anatomy (3) 
  21. Animal genetics (1) 
  22. Animism (16) 
  23. Anniversary celebrations (1) 
  24. Anthropology (0) 
  25. Antiquities (1) 
  26. Apprenticeship (154) 
  27. Aquaculture (1) 
  28. Archery (8)
  29. Architecture (25) 
  30. Archive records (3) 
  31. Archives (5) 
  32. Aristocracy (12) 
  33. Arithmetic (2) 
  34. Armed forces (11) 
  35. Art collections (1) 
  36. Art education (1) 
  37. Art galleries (0) 
  38. Art glass (5) 
  39. Art metalwork (1) 
  40. Artistic creation (1) 
  41. Artists (2) 
  42. Associations (3) 
  43. Astronomy (6) 
  44. Athletes (2) 
  45. Audience participation (7) 
  46. Audiovisual archives (0) 
  47. Audiovisual materials (3) 
  48. Awards (6) 
  49. Bag (1)
  50. Bard (21)
  51. Basket weaving (7)
  52. Beauty pageant (4)
  53. Belief (0) 
  54. Beverages (18) 
  55. Bibliographies (0) 
  56. Bilingualism (0) 
  57. Binding (2) 
  58. Biodiversity (0) 
  59. Birth (5) 
  60. Bladed weapons (35)
  61. Blind (1) 
  62. Bobbin (2)
  63. Body painting (5)
  64. Body percussion (17)
  65. Book industry (1) 
  66. Book reviews (0) 
  67. Books (1) 
  68. Botany (0) 
  69. Boundaries (1) 
  70. Bowed string instruments (38)
  71. Boys (2) 
  72. Bread (14)
  73. Brewing (11)
  74. Bridges (2) 
  75. Broadcasting programmes (0) 
  76. Brocade (1)
  77. Buddhism (24) 
  78. Building design (5) 
  79. Building stones (3) 
  80. Calculus (2) 
  81. Calendars (29) 
  82. Calligraphy (14) 
  83. Capacity building (2) 
  84. Carnival (22)
  85. Carpentry (11) 
  86. Carpets (16) 
  87. Caste (4) 
  88. Catalogues (0) 
  89. Catholicism (41) 
  90. Celadon (1)
  91. Censorship (0) 
  92. Central Asian cultures (0) 
  93. Ceramic art (31) 
  94. Ceramics (1) 
  95. Cereals (0) 
  96. Chemical processes (1) 
  97. Chemical technology (1) 
  98. Child rearing (1) 
  99. Children (0) 
  100. Choir singing (30)
  101. Choreography (75)
  102. Christianity (24) 
  103. Church and State (1) 
  104. Churches (17) 
  105. Circular breathing (4)
  106. Circumcision (7)
  107. Civic education (1) 
  108. Civil society (1) 
  109. Clans (17) 
  110. Clergy (19) 
  111. Clothing (13) 
  112. Clubs (2) 
  113. Collective memory (1) 
  114. Colloquial language (1) 
  115. Colonial history (40)
  116. Colours (25)
  117. Commemoration ceremony (0)
  118. Communication skills (4) 
  119. Communication technology (1) 
  120. Communities (5) 
  121. Community action (4) 
  122. Community centres (2) 
  123. Community education (6) 
  124. Community leaders (5) 
  125. Community participation (13) 
  126. Competition (8) 
  127. Composers (3) 
  128. Computers (1) 
  129. Conferences (0) 
  130. Conflict resolution (23) 
  131. Confucianism (3) 
  132. Consensus (1) 
  133. Conservation techniques (2) 
  134. Constitutions (1) 
  135. Contests (43)
  136. Contract law (0) 
  137. Cooling (2) 
  138. Cooperatives (3) 
  139. Copper (0) 
  140. Correctional education (1) 
  141. Correspondence (3) 
  142. Corruption (1) 
  143. Cosmetics (6)
  144. Cosmology (17) 
  145. Costumes (284)
  146. Courts (1) 
  147. Craft workers (154) 
  148. Creativity (28) 
  149. Cultivation (0) 
  150. Cultural agents training (0) 
  151. Cultural centres (2) 
  152. Cultural change (0) 
  153. Cultural cooperation (3) 
  154. Cultural discrimination (1) 
  155. Cultural diversity (0) 
  156. Cultural education (6) 
  157. Cultural elite (8) 
  158. Cultural environment (1) 
  159. Cultural events (17) 
  160. Cultural exchange (1) 
  161. Cultural exhibitions (8) 
  162. Cultural heritage (0) 
  163. Cultural identity (1) 
  164. Cultural innovations (1) 
  165. Cultural legislation (0) 
  166. Cultural management (0) 
  167. Cultural organizations (13) 
  168. Cultural personnel training (0) 
  169. Cultural policy (3) 
  170. Cultural programmes (2) 
  171. Cultural property preservation (6) 
  172. Cultural research (1) 
  173. Cultural space (22)
  174. Culture of peace (4) 
  175. Culture of work (1) 
  176. Curriculum (1) 
  177. Curriculum development (1) 
  178. Customary law (7) 
  179. Customs and traditions (0) 
  180. Dance (259) 
  181. Data analysis (0) 
  182. Data collection (2) 
  183. Databases (2) 
  184. Death (1) 
  185. Debate (0)
  186. Decision making (1) 
  187. Decolonization (1) 
  188. Decorative arts (71) 
  189. Democracy (5) 
  190. Design (10) 
  191. Development aid (1) 
  192. Development models (1) 
  193. Development policy (0) 
  194. Development programmes (1) 
  195. Development strategies (0) 
  196. Developmental psychology (1) 
  197. Dialects (2) 
  198. Dietetics (6) 
  199. Digitization (0) 
  200. Diplomacy (1) 
  201. Disabled persons (0) 
  202. Disadvantaged groups (2) 
  203. Disadvantaged youth (1) 
  204. Disappearing cultures (0) 
  205. Disaster risk reduction (2) 
  206. Disasters (0) 
  207. Disc recordings (4) 
  208. Diseases (3) 
  209. Displaced persons (1) 
  210. Dissemination of culture (1) 
  211. Dissemination of knowledge (3) 
  212. Divination (13)
  213. Division of labour (3) 
  214. Documentary analysis (0) 
  215. Documentation (3) 
  216. Drainage (1) 
  217. Drama (15) 
  218. Drama education (4) 
  219. Drawing (10) 
  220. Drinking water (1) 
  221. Drugs (1) 
  222. Drying (6) 
  223. Duet (6)
  224. Dyes technology (6) 
  225. Early childhood education (1) 
  226. Earthquake engineering (1) 
  227. Ecomuseums (1) 
  228. Economic and social development (1) 
  229. Economic conditions (2) 
  230. Economic recession (1) 
  231. Economic resources (1) 
  232. Ecotourism (1) 
  233. Editing (0) 
  234. Educational autonomy (0) 
  235. Educational cooperation (1) 
  236. Educational games (2) 
  237. Educational institutions (2) 
  238. Educational programmes (2) 
  239. Educational projects (4) 
  240. Educational publications (1) 
  241. Educational toys (1) 
  242. Educational workshops (2) 
  243. Effigies (14)
  244. Elderly (3) 
  245. Elections (1) 
  246. Electronic publishing (1) 
  247. Embroidery (38)
  248. Emotional development (0) 
  249. Emotions (80) 
  250. Employment creation (1) 
  251. Employment opportunities (1) 
  252. Empowerment (3) 
  253. Endangered species (0) 
  254. Endogenous development (0) 
  255. Engraving (16) 
  256. Entertainment (22) 
  257. Environmental education (0) 
  258. Epic poetry (47) 
  259. Epidemics (1) 
  260. Equestrian games (15)
  261. Ethics (9) 
  262. Ethnic conflicts (0) 
  263. Ethnic groups (1) 
  264. Ethnographic museums (5) 
  265. Ethnology (3) 
  266. Evaluation (0) 
  267. Everyday life (52) 
  268. Exchange of publications (1) 
  269. Exhibitions (5) 
  270. Exiles (1) 
  271. Exorcism (0)
  272. Experts (3) 
  273. Fair (19)
  274. Family (207) 
  275. Family education (8) 
  276. Family environment (1) 
  277. Family law (1) 
  278. Fanfare (15)
  279. Farmers (22) 
  280. Fashion (4) 
  281. Feasts (12) 
  282. Fermentation (8) 
  283. Fermented beverages (8)
  284. Fertility (1) 
  285. Fertility ritual (19)
  286. Festivals (233) 
  287. Festivity (10)
  288. Field work (4) 
  289. Film industry (1) 
  290. Films (1) 
  291. Financial aid (2) 
  292. Fire protection (0) 
  293. Firewalking (2)
  294. Fishery products (1) 
  295. Fishing rights (1) 
  296. Flags (10) 
  297. Float (25)
  298. Flour (5)
  299. Flowers (0) 
  300. Folk art (24) 
  301. Folk literature (24) 
  302. Food (15) 
  303. Food consumption (1) 
  304. Food customs (72) 
  305. Food preparation (90) 
  306. Food processing (2) 
  307. Food production (1) 
  308. Food resources (1) 
  309. Food security (2) 
  310. Formal education (24) 
  311. Foster Family (1)
  312. Fraternity (23)
  313. Free trade (1) 
  314. Freedom of speech (1) 
  315. Friendship (18)
  316. Fruit (0) 
  317. Funeral (53)
  318. Furniture (14) 
  319. Games (26)
  320. Gender division of labour (26) 
  321. Gender equality (3) 
  322. Gender minorities (1) 
  323. Gender roles (2) 
  324. Genealogy (4) 
  325. Generation gap (0) 
  326. Geographical information systems (1) 
  327. Geometry (27) 
  328. Girls education (4) 
  329. Glass (1) 
  330. Glaze (4)
  331. Gnosticism (3)
  332. Godfather (1)
  333. Godmother (1)
  334. Governance (2) 
  335. Graphic arts (1) 
  336. Graphs (0) 
  337. Green economy (1) 
  338. Guides (0) 
  339. Guild (9)
  340. Hair (3)
  341. Hand Puppet (3)
  342. Handicrafts (177) 
  343. Handicrafts education (14) 
  344. Handwriting (4) 
  345. Happiness (1) 
  346. Harvesting (0) 
  347. Hats (23)
  348. Health (13) 
  349. Health education (1) 
  350. Health policy (1) 
  351. Health services (1) 
  352. Heating (3) 
  353. Higher education (2) 
  354. Hinduism (13) 
  355. Historians (1) 
  356. Historic monuments (1) 
  357. Historical museums (0) 
  358. Historical reenactment (26)
  359. History (4) 
  360. Holidays (4) 
  361. Holism (9)
  362. Homemakers (7) 
  363. Horse riding (7)
  364. Horticulture (0) 
  365. Hospitality (26)
  366. Houses (4) 
  367. Human settlements (1) 
  368. Humour (literary) (36) 
  369. Hydraulic engineering (2) 
  370. Hydroelectric power (1) 
  371. Hydrological measurement (2) 
  372. Hydrological networks (0) 
  373. Hygiene (8) 
  374. Icons (6) 
  375. Idiophones (64)
  376. Illiteracy (0) 
  377. Illustration printing (2) 
  378. Imagination (2) 
  379. Immigrants (1) 
  380. Improvisation (79)
  381. Incense (7)
  382. Income (38) 
  383. Indigenous languages (2) 
  384. Industrial products (1) 
  385. Information processing (1) 
  386. Information technology (0) 
  387. Information transfer (0) 
  388. Initiation rites (35) 
  389. Inks (8) 
  390. Inland water transport (2) 
  391. Inservice training (1) 
  392. Instrument making (77)
  393. Instrumental music (240)
  394. Intelligence (3) 
  395. Intercultural dialogue (8) 
  396. Interdisciplinary approach (1) 
  397. Interethnic relations (3) 
  398. Interfaith practices (8)
  399. Interior architecture (4) 
  400. International cooperation (4) 
  401. International instruments (1) 
  402. Internet (0) 
  403. Interpersonal communication (1) 
  404. Interviews (1) 
  405. Inventories (7) 
  406. Irrigation (1) 
  407. Islam (25) 
  408. Jewelry (23) 
  409. Justice (0) 
  410. Kiln (12)
  411. Kinship (5) 
  412. Kite (1)
  413. Knights (3)
  414. Knot (5)
  415. Know-how transfer (44) 
  416. Knowledge (0) 
  417. Labour migration (3) 
  418. Lace (4)
  419. Landscape design (1) 
  420. Language instruction (1) 
  421. Language preservation (4) 
  422. Lantern (1)
  423. Latin American cultures (0) 
  424. Lawyers (3) 
  425. Leather (12) 
  426. Legal systems (1) 
  427. Legendary creatures (21)
  428. Legends (20) 
  429. Legislation (2) 
  430. Leisure and education (1) 
  431. Life cycle (22) 
  432. Life skills (0) 
  433. Lifelong learning (2) 
  434. Lighting (1) 
  435. Linguistics (1) 
  436. Literacy (1) 
  437. Literature (1) 
  438. Literature reviews (0) 
  439. Livestock (1) 
  440. Local government (0) 
  441. Local languages (12)
  442. Luxury industry (2)
  443. Machines (1) 
  444. Magic (8) 
  445. Maintenance (3) 
  446. Makeup (12)
  447. Manufacturing industry (1) 
  448. Manuscripts (4) 
  449. Maritime museums (1) 
  450. Maritime transport (4) 
  451. Marketing (1) 
  452. Markets (5) 
  453. Marriage (0) 
  454. Martial arts (12)
  455. Masks (65) 
  456. Mass culture (3) 
  457. Mass media (2) 
  458. Masters degrees (0) 
  459. Maternal and child health (1) 
  460. Mathematics (6) 
  461. Matriarchy (7)
  462. Mechanics (1) 
  463. Mediation (1) 
  464. Medical sciences (1) 
  465. Medical treatment (2) 
  466. Memorization (19) 
  467. Men (2) 
  468. Mental development (2) 
  469. Mental diseases (1) 
  470. Mental health (1) 
  471. Metals (0) 
  472. Metalworking (21) 
  473. Meteorology (2) 
  474. Methodology (1) 
  475. Military education (1) 
  476. Mill (2)
  477. Mind (1) 
  478. Miniature paintings (5) 
  479. Mining (4) 
  480. Minority groups (0) 
  481. Mobile homes (2) 
  482. Modular instruction (1) 
  483. Monarchy (11) 
  484. Money (1) 
  485. Monuments (1) 
  486. Moral development (0) 
  487. Moral education (3) 
  488. Moral values (62) 
  489. Mortise and tenon (3)
  490. Mosques (2) 
  491. Mothers (4) 
  492. Motor vehicles (1) 
  493. Movement education (3) 
  494. Multiculturalism (10) 
  495. Multiethnic societies (25) 
  496. Multilingualism (1) 
  497. Murals (3) 
  498. Museography (1) 
  499. Museums (12) 
  500. Music (0) 
  501. Music education (33) 
  502. Musical instruments (42) 
  503. Musical notation (9)
  504. Musical performances (21) 
  505. Musical styles (3) 
  506. Musicians (1) 
  507. Musicology (7) 
  508. Mysticism (3) 
  509. Mythology (37) 
  510. National archives (0) 
  511. National broadcasting (2) 
  512. Natural dyes (43)
  513. Natural hazards (0) 
  514. Natural pigments (16)
  515. Navigation (7)
  516. Needle (9)
  517. New year (27)
  518. Nomadism (7) 
  519. Nomads (43) 
  520. Nonformal education (70) 
  521. Nongovernmental organizations (9) 
  522. Nonverbal communication (5) 
  523. Nonviolence (1) 
  524. Numismatics (2) 
  525. Nursery schools (1) 
  526. Nutrition (6) 
  527. Observation (1) 
  528. Offering (57)
  529. Official publications (1) 
  530. Open spaces (1) 
  531. Opera (6) 
  532. Oral expression (4) 
  533. Oral history (25) 
  534. Oral tradition (175) 
  535. Orchestras (47) 
  536. Orphans (1) 
  537. Orthodox Churches (20)
  538. Oven (6)
  539. Painting (36) 
  540. Paintings (0) 
  541. Palaces (1) 
  542. Pantomime (2) 
  543. Paper (17) 
  544. Paramedical personnel (1) 
  545. Parks (2) 
  546. Participatory development (2) 
  547. Patronage of the arts (1) 
  548. Pattern (67)
  549. Peace (10) 
  550. Peace agreements (0) 
  551. Peace education (0) 
  552. Peacebuilding (6) 
  553. Peaceful coexistence (0) 
  554. Peacekeeping (0) 
  555. Peacemaking (1) 
  556. Peer teaching (3) 
  557. Percussion instruments (151)
  558. Performers (9) 
  559. Performing arts (62) 
  560. Periodic element (9)
  561. Periodicals (2) 
  562. Personal name (1)
  563. Philosophy (10) 
  564. Phonetics (1) 
  565. Photographs (0) 
  566. Physical education (9) 
  567. Physiology (1) 
  568. Pilgrimages (23) 
  569. Piracy (1) 
  570. Plant products (0) 
  571. Plant resources (0) 
  572. Plants (0) 
  573. Plastics (1) 
  574. Playgrounds (1) 
  575. Plucked string instruments (62)
  576. Poetry (90) 
  577. Policy making (0) 
  578. Political conflicts (0) 
  579. Political leadership (0) 
  580. Political participation (0) 
  581. Political power (0) 
  582. Politics (7) 
  583. Polyphonic singing (29)
  584. Poor (1) 
  585. Pop art (1) 
  586. Pop music (0) 
  587. Popular music (3) 
  588. Popular theatre (1) 
  589. Post-conflict (8)
  590. Postal services (1) 
  591. Pottery (0) 
  592. Precious metals (2) 
  593. Pregnancy (3) 
  594. Prehistory (1) 
  595. Preservation of monuments (0) 
  596. Primary school curriculum (1) 
  597. Primary schools (1) 
  598. Printing (1) 
  599. Printing methods (2) 
  600. Printing paper (1) 
  601. Procession (107)
  602. Professional training (1) 
  603. Project implementation (0) 
  604. Project management (0) 
  605. Prose (3) 
  606. Prosperity ritual (42)
  607. Protection ritual (1)
  608. Protest movements (1) 
  609. Protestantism (1) 
  610. Proverbs (13) 
  611. Psychiatry (1) 
  612. Psychology (1) 
  613. Puberty (1) 
  614. Public private partnerships (1) 
  615. Public speaking (1) 
  616. Publishing (2) 
  617. Pumps (0) 
  618. Puppets (14) 
  619. Pyrotechnics (7)
  620. Raw materials (9) 
  621. Reconstruction (2) 
  622. Reconstruction (buildings) (1) 
  623. Recordings (1) 
  624. Recreational facilities (1) 
  625. Recruitment (1) 
  626. Refugees (1) 
  627. Regional cooperation (3) 
  628. Regional organizations (1) 
  629. Religions (2) 
  630. Religious art (11) 
  631. Religious belief (50) 
  632. Religious buildings (5) 
  633. Religious conflicts (0) 
  634. Religious education (4) 
  635. Religious groups (3) 
  636. Religious music (11) 
  637. Religious practice (161) 
  638. Religious syncretism (28)
  639. Repair workshops (2) 
  640. Representative literary works (17) 
  641. Research (1) 
  642. Research strategies (1) 
  643. Research work (0) 
  644. Resistance to oppression (3) 
  645. Resources conservation (1) 
  646. Resources evaluation (1) 
  647. Respiratory systems (2) 
  648. Responsibility (1) 
  649. Restoration (18) 
  650. Retraining (1) 
  651. Revitalization (1)
  652. Riddle (3)
  653. Right to education (1) 
  654. Rights of the disabled (1) 
  655. Rites (0) 
  656. Ritual dance (32)
  657. Ritual items (21)
  658. Ritual purification (33)
  659. Rituals (98)
  660. Rock paintings (1) 
  661. Ruling class (1) 
  662. Rural areas (3) 
  663. Rural economy (1) 
  664. Rural education (0) 
  665. Rural environment (3) 
  666. Rural patrimony (2)
  667. Rural planning (1) 
  668. Rural population (5) 
  669. Rural sociology (1) 
  670. Sacred sites (16) 
  671. Safeguarding practices (20)
  672. Safety measures (3) 
  673. Sailing (10)
  674. Saints (29) 
  675. Sands (0) 
  676. Satire (27)
  677. School meals (1) 
  678. School museums (1) 
  679. Science (1) 
  680. Scientific innovations (1) 
  681. Scientific publications (8) 
  682. Scissors (2)
  683. Sculpture (24) 
  684. Sea fishing (1) 
  685. Seasonal ritual (16)
  686. Secondary schools (1) 
  687. Secret society (6)
  688. Secular practice (4)
  689. Self discipline (2) 
  690. Self instruction (1) 
  691. Seminars (teaching method) (2) 
  692. Sensory systems (1) 
  693. Sexual behaviour (2) 
  694. Sexuality education (0) 
  695. Shadow play (6)
  696. Shamanism (14) 
  697. Shinto (10)
  698. Shipbuilding (13) 
  699. Ships (10) 
  700. Signs (1) 
  701. Single persons (4) 
  702. Skills (2) 
  703. Slavery (32) 
  704. Smoke (4)
  705. Soap (2)
  706. Social behaviour (2) 
  707. Social capital (7) 
  708. Social control (1) 
  709. Social criticism (8)
  710. Social gathering (53)
  711. Social inclusion (86) 
  712. Social interaction (1) 
  713. Social justice (4) 
  714. Social media (1) 
  715. Social participation (34) 
  716. Social roles (2) 
  717. Social status (6) 
  718. Social systems (1) 
  719. Social values (21) 
  720. Social welfare (1) 
  721. Social work (1) 
  722. Socio-cultural practices (10)
  723. Soil conservation (1) 
  724. Solidarity (4)
  725. Sound recordings (3) 
  726. Special teacher education (1) 
  727. Speeches (1) 
  728. Spinning (21)
  729. Spiritual knowledge (18)
  730. Spiritual retreat (6)
  731. Spiritualism (3) 
  732. Spoken language (1) 
  733. Sport (11) 
  734. Sports activity (0)
  735. Sports competitions (37) 
  736. Sports equipement (2)
  737. Stage equipment (2)
  738. Stained glass (1) 
  739. Stick (16)
  740. Story telling (56) 
  741. Street art (4)
  742. String instruments (23)
  743. Struck string instruments (2)
  744. Structural elements (buildings) (3) 
  745. Student participation (1) 
  746. Study tours (1) 
  747. Sufism (8)
  748. Surveys (0) 
  749. Sustainable development (1) 
  750. Swimming (1) 
  751. Symbols (34) 
  752. Taboo (2)
  753. Talent (38) 
  754. Taoism (1) 
  755. Tapestry (2) 
  756. Tattoo (4)
  757. Teacher education (1) 
  758. Teachers (2) 
  759. Teaching materials (1) 
  760. Teaching methods (2) 
  761. Technical drawing (1) 
  762. Technical education (2) 
  763. Technical skills (164)
  764. Technological institutes (1) 
  765. Temperature (1) 
  766. Temples (19) 
  767. Textile arts (60) 
  768. Textiles (0) 
  769. Theatre (46) 
  770. Theatrical performances (1) 
  771. Theology (1) 
  772. Therapy (2) 
  773. Throat singing (9)
  774. Time measuring instruments (1) 
  775. Tolerance (3) 
  776. Tourism (8) 
  777. Toys (3) 
  778. Trade (7) 
  779. Trade routes (1) 
  780. Trademarks (1) 
  781. Traditional dance (0) 
  782. Traditional medicine (49) 
  783. Traditional music (0) 
  784. Traditional tools (64)
  785. Trainers (1) 
  786. Training (3) 
  787. Training centres (5) 
  788. Training courses (6) 
  789. Training methods (1) 
  790. Trance (10)
  791. Transport safety (1) 
  792. Transvestism (12)
  793. Travel (1) 
  794. Travelling exhibitions (1) 
  795. Tribes (15) 
  796. Typesetting (2) 
  797. Universities (0) 
  798. University campuses (1) 
  799. University courses (0) 
  800. Urban planning (0) 
  801. Urban spaces (26) 
  802. Urban transport (1) 
  803. Vehicles (3) 
  804. Veneration of the dead (48)
  805. Veterinary medicine (1) 
  806. Video recordings (0) 
  807. Visual arts (5) 
  808. Vocabularies (2) 
  809. Vocal music (298) 
  810. Vocational schools (2) 
  811. Vocational training (4) 
  812. Volunteers (6) 
  813. War (5) 
  814. War victims (0) 
  815. Waste treatment (4) 
  816. Water law (2) 
  817. Water resources management (1) 
  818. Water storage (1) 
  819. Water supply (2) 
  820. Weapons (8) 
  821. Weather forecasting (5) 
  822. Weaving (67)
  823. Wedding (128)
  824. Wells (3) 
  825. Whistled language (2)
  826. Wind instruments (46)
  827. Wisdom (9)
  828. Women (7) 
  829. Women artists (8) 
  830. Women in politics (1) 
  831. Women students (1) 
  832. Women workers (36) 
  833. Womens employment (1) 
  834. Womens participation (15) 
  835. Womens rights (2) 
  836. Womens status (1) 
  837. Wood carving (42)
  838. Woodwind instruments (60)
  839. Woodworking (35) 
  840. Work experience programmes (0) 
  841. Work songs (36)
  842. Workers (1) 
  843. Working class (7) 
  844. Workshops (teaching method) (21) 
  845. World war (0) 
  846. Wrestling (14)
  847. Writing (composition) (3) 
  848. Writing systems (5) 
  849. Yodeling (1)
  850. Youth (3) 
  851. Youth activities (2) 
  852. Youth participation (5) 
  853. Zoroastrianism (1) 

Sustainable Development Goals

  1. SDG 1: No Poverty (32)
  2. SDG 2: Zero Hunger (137)
  3. SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being (126)
  4. SDG 4: Quality Education (453)
  5. SDG 5: Gender Equality (331)
  6. SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation (16)
  7. SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy (16)
  8. SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth (301)
  9. SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (21)
  10. SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities (75)
  11. SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities (154)
  12. SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production (202)
  13. SDG 13: Climate Action (22)
  14. SDG 14: Life below water (22)
  15. SDG 15: Life on Land (115)
  16. SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions (610)
  17. SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals (93)


  1. Agro-ecosystems (405)
  2. Drylands (90)
  3. Forests (63)
  4. Grasslands, savannahs (92)
  5. Inland wetlands (62)
  6. Marine, coastal and island areas (130)
  7. Mountains (178)
  8. Non-ecosystem specific (89)
  9. Urban areas (307)

Domains of the Convention

  1. Knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe (308)
  2. Oral traditions and expressions (384)
  3. Performing arts (400)
  4. Social practices, rituals and festive events (554)
  5. Traditional craftsmanship (435)

Threatening factors

  1. Aged practitioners (80)
  2. Arduous training (14)
  3. Climate change (7)
  4. Conflicts (24)
  5. Deforestation (11)
  6. Degraded ecosystem (9)
  7. Degraded habitat (7)
  8. Desertification (4)
  9. Diminishing participation (16)
  10. Diminishing youth interest (53)
  11. Disrespect (8)
  12. Educational standardization (12)
  13. Encroachment on food resources (2)
  14. Few practitioners (24)
  15. Forced sedentism (0)
  16. Freezing (2)
  17. Halted transmission (11)
  18. Hampered transmission (33)
  19. Industrial production (12)
  20. Insufficient financial resources (28)
  21. Insufficient remuneration (23)
  22. Intolerance (27)
  23. Invasive husbandry (4)
  24. Loss of ancestral language (8)
  25. Loss of cultural spaces (22)
  26. Loss of knowledge (8)
  27. Loss of significance (30)
  28. Mass media (14)
  29. Material shortage (22)
  30. Mining (3)
  31. Misappropriation (5)
  32. Natural disasters (5)
  33. New pastimes (11)
  34. Overcommercialization (11)
  35. Population influx (3)
  36. Rapid economic transformation (52)
  37. Rapid sociocultural change (55)
  38. Reduced practice (38)
  39. Reduced repertoire (21)
  40. Repressive policies (11)
  41. Rural-urban migration (65)
  42. Social media (1)
  43. Surge of new technologies (15)
  44. Theatrification (22)
  45. Touristification (12)
  46. Urban development (17)
  47. Use of modern materials (9)
  48. Water pollution (2)