Un jeune débutant et son moniteur lors d’un stage de trompes à Saumejan (France), 2018. Lors des stages, la transmission intergénérationnelle s’effectue selon le principe du compagnonnage, avec une étroite complicité entre le formateur et l’élève.
 © Guillaume Gateau, 2018
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The musical art of hunting-horn players

General Secretariat - Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, MIBACT

The element concerns a traditional musical art linked to an instrument called “Hunting Horn – corno da caccia – tromba da caccia - Waldhorn – Jagdhorn…”, born as a signal « en plein air » in the mid-17th century and immediately used in orchestra, wind music and entertainment.

The French hunting horn, called trompe de chasse, or shortly trompe, is corresponding to a practice in the open air. For this reason all our projects (2020/2021) have been modified to respond to present COVID issues.

Music is generally performed in gardens, parks, villages, towns and sometimes as a soundscape to baroque residences. Some feasts, such as Saint Hubert (November 3rd), favor outdoor musical moments. We have foreseen also events linked to other open air practices (horse dressage, attelage, dogs exhibitions…) as part of the instrument’s history.

Unfortunately the use of the trompe/corno da caccia in orchestra is at present very difficult. We have however decided to go ahead with concerts, with limited public attendance as well, preparing good videos to be shared later via our site, youtube, etc.

In 2019, we had began cooperating with bands, based on historical affinity (wind instruments, Harmonie Musik), to organize with them performances including hunting horn as well. We will follow this particular aspect in 2021 as well.

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