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“Intangible Cultural Heritage Online Summer School” in Turkey

UNESCO Chair on Intangible Cultural Heritage in Formal and Informal Education (Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University)

We provided online classes on subjects related to UNESCO and intangible cultural heritage at graduate level (both phd and masters) at our university.

The Chair put academic support behind the “Intangible Cultural Heritage Online Summer School” to be organized by Turkish National Commission for UNESCO and Institute for Intangible Cultural Heritage (accredited NGO) on June 29-July 5, 2020.

This meeting may be a good opportunity to extend the reach of ICH-related research and applications and may serve as a platform to bring other related disciplines closer together.

Besides, the Summer School also focuses on the sustainable development goals and safeguarding ICH in emergencies which will make the exchange of ideas at this meeting more valuable. On the other hand, the members of the Chair joined many online interviews on social media platforms, mostly on Instagram to speak about ICH elements (inscribed elements) and the current global agenda (the effect of coronavirus pandemic on safeguarding efforts).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Evrim Ölçer Özünel joined the online meeting of the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum to explain Turkey’s experience on the safeguarding ICH on June 10, 2020. Apart from these activities, The Chair provided academic consultancy services for the projects “Anatolian Tales” and “Traditional Children’s Games” supported and coordinated by the Turkish Ministry of National Education.

During this time, it is notable that the Youtube channel created for the project “Anatolian Tales” by the Ministry got 42 000 followers, making the project’s influence even more widespread.

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