Supporting groups of living heritage practitioners in this difficult times, Bulgaria.
 © “Ongal” Association for Anthropology, Ethnology and Folklore
Veuillez trouver le texte de la contribution dans sa langue originale.

Supporting vulnerable heritage practitioners in these difficult times

“Ongal” Association for Anthropology, Ethnology and Folklore

Our main activity in the “Ongal” Association is to organize and conduct research projects in the field of ethnology studies and international scientific forums and applied symposia. At the moment due to the present lockdown these two forms are practically impossible to implement as a consequence of the COVID–19.

To help the work of the researchers we shared on our web site “Ongal” Association copyright free scientific information, the use of which does not need special permission in terms of copyright. In case of use it will be sufficient to add the correct reference to this source.

The Association “Ongal” works to support groups of ICH practitioners in these difficult times, and in addition to the health and medical assistance provided to the elderly that are the main respondents to the Association’s research, different forms are needed for social and personal support.

Based on its work, the Association “Ongal” came up with the idea to create regional registers of the most vulnerable communities in the field of ICH and to develop specific mechanisms for providing them with care and support. We think this is a good idea that has a big potential but needs the support of more than one participant including institutions and local authorities.

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