Young people in small groups of 3-5 people taking a mountain trip to practice traditional singing without contact with other people.
 © CIOFF Bosnia & Herzegovina
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Sharing traditional song through social networks

National Section of CIOFF® of Bosnia and Herzegovina

A living tradition is one that is practiced and constantly recreated in communities. At the time of the pandemic, when it is forbidden to socialize and move around, it is not possible to practice most forms of living tradition.

However, individuals and groups, using modern technology, manage to create a semblance of communion and transfer individual practices to young people, so that the thread of tradition transfer is not interrupted.

Traditional singing is practiced through social networks, transferring some skills via video and the like. We have examples of young people in small groups of 3-5 people taking a mountain trip to practice traditional singing without contact with other people.

During the COVID-19 pandemic it is not possible to organize folklore festivals, it is not possible to share one’s culture with others. But our members upload videos from festivals of the past years on their pages, share their memories and keep in touch with all those who love traditional culture.

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