On Friday April 3, the Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage put some questions online for the approximately 300 intangible cultural heritage communities.
 © Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage
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Survey on the impact of the coronavirus on living heritage in the Netherlands

Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage (Kenniscentrum Immaterieel Erfgoed Nederland)

On Friday April 3, the Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage (Kenniscentrum Immaterieel Erfgoed Nederland) put some questions online for the approximately 300 intangible cultural heritage communities, affiliated to the Network and the Inventory Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Netherlands.

We wanted to make a survey of the impact of the corona crisis for intangible cultural heritage sector in the Netherlands. Within three days we received 125 responses.

For about 60% of the respondents the current restrictions due to the coronavirus have major consequences, for about 30% minor consequences and for only 10% there are no consequences as yet.

One of the restrictions is for instance a total ban of events in the Netherlands until 1 September.

We wrote about the results in this article

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