The members of the Fosbrook Folk Education Trust were not able to get together to rehearse the Great British Music and Percussive Dance during the COVID-19 pandemic.
 © Fosbrook Folk Education Trust
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Great British Music and Percussive Dance

Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Fosbrook Folk Education Trust

The members of our organisation are not able to get together to rehearse our performances of the Great British Music and Percussive Dance. To keep our organisation running we have created a remote rehearsal space online using Google Classroom.

Teachers have uploaded traditional tunes and dances for the members to learn and practice at home and they are able to upload these for the teachers to assess and assist them to perform to the best of their ability. Each week the students get together either on Zoom or Google Meet to play music together, give out notices and to chat.

This has enabled our community to continue to meet, rehearse and perpetuate our heritage of music and dance. The members have demonstrated a new resilience and have been inspired to fight to keep their heritage alive.

Their new motto is, ‘WE WILL PERFORM AGAIN’

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