Rapport sur l'état d'un élément inscrit sur la liste du patrimoine culturel immatériel nécessitant une sauvegarde urgente
A. Page de couverture
État partie
Nom de l'État partie
Date du dépôt de l'instrument de ratification, d'acceptation, d'approbation ou d'adhésion
Elle peut être consultée en ligne.
Date of deposit of the instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession
Élément inscrit sur la Liste de sauvegarde urgente qui fait l'objet du présent rapport
Nom de l'élément
Mongolian calligraphy
Inscrit en
État(s) soumissionnaire(s)
Période considérée dans le présent rapport
Veuillez indiquer la période couverte par le présent rapport.
Reporting period covered by this report
01-01-2018 - 31-12-2021
Autres éléments inscrits sur la Liste de sauvegarde urgente, le cas échéant
Veuillez établir une liste de tous les autres éléments présents sur le territoire de votre pays qui sont inscrits sur la Liste de sauvegarde urgente et indiquer en quelle année ils y ont été inscrits ; pour ce qui est des éléments multinationaux, veuillez indiquer quels autres États sont concernés.
Other elements inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List, if any
La musique traditionnelle pour flûte tsuur (2009)
La technique d’interprétation du chant long des joueurs de flûte limbe – la respiration circulaire (2011)
Le Biyelgee mongol, danse populaire traditionnelle mongole (2009)
Le rituel pour amadouer les chamelles (2015)
Le Tuuli mongol, épopée mongole (2009)
Les pratiques traditionnelles mongoles de vénération de sites sacrés (2017)
Synthèse du rapport
Veuillez fournir une synthèse du rapport, qui permette au grand public de comprendre l'état actuel de l'élément, mentionne toute incidence positive ou négative de son inscription et fasse état des mesures de sauvegarde mises en œuvre pendant la période considérée et leur possible mise à jour les années suivantes.
Executive summary of the report
After the inscription of the “Mongolian Calligraphy” on the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, the Government of Mongolia has undertaken a wide range of safeguarding measures for identifying practitioners of this heritage element, establishing the registration and information database, studying, promoting and transmitting the heritage element to young generations. As a result of these measures, the number of practitioners and apprentices increased, and the viability of this heritage element has been enhanced.
Since 2003, by the 105th Decree of the Mongolian President, the first Sunday of May has been declared the “Mongolian National Day for Script” in Mongolia, and during the celebration of this day, calligraphy events and competitions have become a tradition.
In addition, by the 25th Decree of the President of Mongolia in 2017, the 1st day of September is celebrated as “Mother tongue day” and this day become a promotional and pride day of this heritage for the public. The initiative and involvement of practitioners, apprentices, government, and non-governmental organizations increased, and multifaceted dissemination and promotional activities organized, and as a result of these activities, the viability of this heritage element is being enhanced.
In 2020, the Government of Mongolia approved the “National Program of Mongolian Script III” by its 96th Resolution for implementation and the main aim of this national program is to conduct public affairs in Cyrillic and Mongolian scripts from 2025 and to enhance the usage of the Mongolian script in the general public.
Provisions related to the implementation of teaching and learning curricula for the national script were included in the Law on the Mongolian Language. For instance, on para 7.3 of this law, it was stated that “pupils in all types of secondary schools will be taught the national script by special curricula from the 6th grade until they graduate”. This provision is being effective since the 2015 and 2016 school years.
In addition, on para 7.4 of this law, it was stated that “Every university entrant and a person who starts working in the civil service first time will take the Mongolian language exam and at least quarter one part of the Mongolian language exam will be dedicated for examining the knowledge on the national script.
Formal and non-formal training in local schools, research conferences, exhibitions, and other events related to Calligraphy is being organized constantly and multifaceted activities are being organized by practitioners, apprentices, artists, and related government and non-government organizations for disseminating, promoting, and developing the Mongolian calligraphy. Within the period of the report following activities were organized:
By the 96th Resolution of the Mongolian Government approved on March 18 of 2020, implementation of the “National Program for Mongolian Script III” has started.
Mongolian script exam became one of the compulsory exams to enroll in the universities and colleges and the score of the exam became the main criteria to enroll.
Aiming to implement the Law on the Mongolian language, to increase the use of national script, to correspondence Mongolian state affairs in both Cyrillic and Mongolian script, to enhance the capability of public officers in Mongolian language and Mongolian script, the Mongolian Ministry of Culture and the Local governing administrations of the provinces are organizing a wide range of activities, for instance, campaigns for learning national script, exhibitions, and competitions were organized under the theme “Writing Mongol script-2025” by throughout the country for enhancing the viability of this heritage element and to promote this heritage to the public.
Personne à contacter pour la correspondance
Donnez le nom, l'adresse et les coordonnées d'une personne à qui toute correspondance concernant le rapport doit être adressée.
Titre (Mme/M., etc.)
Nom de famille
Coordination Officer for Policy Implementation of Intangible Cultural Heritage Department of Cultural Heritage Ministry of Culture
Ministry of Culture of Mongolia, Sukhbaatar district, 7th sub-district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Numéro de téléphone
+976 51-265617; +976 99057308
Adresse électronique
Autres informations pertinentes
B. État de l'élément inscrit sur la Liste de sauvegarde urgente
Veuillez vous référer au dossier de candidature ou aux précédents rapports, le cas échéant, pour savoir quand établir un rapport sur l'état actuel de l'élément et ne rendez compte que des changements pertinents survenus depuis la date de son inscription sur la Liste ou depuis le précédent rapport. Les dossiers de candidature, les calendriers spécifiques et les précédents rapports, le cas échéant, sont disponibles à l'adresse suivante : https://ich.unesco.org ou peuvent être demandés au Secrétariat.
L'État partie s'efforce de prêter une attention particulière au rôle du genre et d'assurer la plus large participation possible des communautés, des groupes et, le cas échéant, des individus concernés ainsi que des organisations non gouvernementales pertinentes pendant le processus de préparation de ce rapport ; il lui est demandé au point D ci-dessous de décrire de quelle manière il y est parvenu.
Fonctions sociales et culturelles
Expliquez les fonctions, les significations sociales et culturelles de l'élément aujourd'hui, au sein et pour ces communautés, les caractéristiques de ses détenteurs et de ses praticiens et décrivez, entre autres, toute catégorie de personnes exerçant un rôle ou des responsabilités spécifiques vis-à-vis de l'élément. Une attention particulière devrait être accordée à tout changement pertinent susceptible d'avoir des répercussions sur le critère d’inscription U.1 (« L’élément est constitutif du patrimoine culturel immatériel tel que défini à l'article 2 de la Convention »).
Social and cultural functions
Language and mentality are one of the main aspects of the existence of the Mongol nation. Therefore, the first Sunday of every May is being celebrated as "Mongolian national day for Script" and a multifaceted and wide range of activities are organized for studying, promoting the Mongolian Script, and transmitting it to the younger generation. Within the framework of the 105th and 25th Decree of the President of Mongolia in 2003 and 2017, the issues related to “Mongolian calligraphy” are reflected in the policy and action plan, and events and activities are organized to promote it to the public. Aiming to disseminate the Mongolian culture to foreign and domestic tourists, the tourist companies and calligraphers have jointly created new products and services and started selling and servicing for “Mongolian calligraphy” and this market is being expanded.
According to para 9.1.3 of the “Law on the Mongolian language”, the President of Mongolia has the right “To make a decree for using, learning, safeguarding and protecting the Mongolian language and script”, and within the frame of this right the Kh. Battulga a President of Mongolia has made the 46th Decree in 2018 for “Intensifying the Promotion of Traditional Mongolian Script” on the celebration of “Mongolian national day for script”. Indeed, this decree increases the importance of “Mongolian calligraphy” in society.
The “Mongolian Calligraphy” plays a special role not only in disseminating and cultivating the national consciousness and cultural heritage in the society but also in art, aesthetics, design, books, publications, advertisement, and urban culture.
Analyse de sa viabilité et risques auxquels il est actuellement exposé
Décrivez le degré actuel de viabilité de l'élément, en particulier la fréquence et l'étendue de sa pratique, la vigueur des modes de transmission traditionnels, la composition démographique des praticiens et des publics, et sa durabilité. Veuillez aussi identifier et décrire les facteurs qui, le cas échéant, constituent une menace pour la pérennité de la transmission et de la représentation de l'élément et indiquez le degré de gravité et de proximité de tels facteurs, en accordant une attention particulière à tout renforcement ou affaiblissement de la viabilité de l'élément suite à son inscription.
Assessment of its viability and current risks
Mostly, 10 to 17 years old high school pupils, university students, some elders, and freelance artists and calligraphers are actively learning calligraphy and most of those first-level learners are finding their inspiration to learn calligraphy through their interest to visit in the exhibitions and competitions. These exhibitions and competitions are playing a vital role in the viability of heritage. Although the number of apprentices and learners is increasing on the Mongolian calligraphy, and the involvement of government and non-governmental organizations in the activities associated with the dissemination and promotion of the heritage element has improved, risks still exist that might be affected to the transmission, safeguarding, and viability of the heritage. For instance:
- Inadequateness of research and study on Mongolian Calligraphy and the lack of researchers and scholars in this field.
- Lack of financial support in the research and analysis of the Mongolian script and Mongolian calligraphy, and its development and publication.
- Cooperation and interrelations of government, non-governmental organizations, and research institutes working in the field of research, training, safeguarding, and promotion of the Mongol script and Mongolian Calligraphy are weak.
- Rewarding and promoting activities are still inadequate for practitioners of this heritage element.
Consequently, the aforementioned lack may influence the safeguarding of this heritage element and could bring a negative impact in the future.
Mise en œuvre des mesures de sauvegarde
Veuillez rendre compte des mesures de sauvegardes qui ont été décrites dans le dossier de candidature et dans un précédent rapport, le cas échéant. Décrivez de quelle manière elles ont été mises en œuvre et ont contribué de façon substantielle à la sauvegarde de l'élément au cours de la période considérée, en tenant compte des contraintes externes ou internes telles que des ressources limitées. Incluez en particulier des informations sur les mesures prises afin d'assurer la viabilité de l'élément en permettant à la communauté d'en poursuivre la pratique et la transmission. Fournissez les renseignements suivants en ce qui concerne la mise en œuvre de l’ensemble des mesures de sauvegarde ou du plan de sauvegarde :
Objectifs et résultats
Indiquez quels objectifs principaux ont été atteints et quels résultats concrets ont été obtenus pendant la période considérée.
Objectives and results
During this reporting period 2018-2021, the following objectives were set to safeguard the "Mongolian Calligraphy":
1. To enhance the legal environment for the preservation and safeguarding of the Mongolian Calligraphy;
2. To develop research on Mongolian Calligraphy;
3. To identify effective methods of formal and non-formal training and to use them in practice;
4. To support the proposals and initiatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations, individuals, and practitioners aimed at disseminating and promoting the Mongolian Calligraphy;
5. To establish a specialized registry and database of Mongolian calligraphy and calligraphers;
6. To encourage and promote Calligraphers and increase the social value of Mongolian calligraphy.
As a result of these objectives formal and non-formal training, research conferences, discussion, exhibitions related to calligraphy were organized. In addition, safeguarding measures initiated by the government, non-government organizations, research institutes, and practitioners were supported, and practitioners of this heritage element were got some prizes. By implementing these multifaceted safeguarding measures, such as informal and non-formal training, research conferences, dissemination, and promotional activities public awareness the community involvement, and the public and non-governmental organizations initiative growth and the viability of this heritage element has enhanced.
The Civil service council of Mongolia and the National Statistics Office of Mongolia have jointly taken the survey determining the level of Mongolian script knowledge from the officers in civil service throughout the country. A total of 165 000 civil service officers have taken this survey and the result of the survey shows that 51 percent of civil service officers can correspond the state affairs in both Cyrillic and Mongolian Script. Mongolian script is the base of the “Mongolian calligraphy” and on the one hand, this result shows that 51 percent of civil service officers can learn the Mongolian calligraphy in the future. On the other hand, this result shows that how the Government of Mongolia is vigorously enhancing the viability of this heritage element from the fundament.
Activités de sauvegarde
Dressez la liste des principales activités menées au cours de la période considérée pour obtenir ces résultats escomptés. Veuillez décrire les activités en détail en mentionnant leur efficacité et tout problème rencontré dans leur mise en œuvre.
Safeguarding activities
Key activities implemented during the reporting period:
1. Enhancing the legal environment
In July 2021, the Government of Mongolia approved a resolution to amend the Law on Protection of Cultural Heritage, which includes the following provisions related to regulations:
New provisions:
14.1.10. Safeguard and restore the authenticity and integrity of historical and cultural immovable monuments listed in the World Heritage's Tentative List and the World Heritage List, and allocate the state budget annually to implement the measures on protecting and strengthening the viability of intangible cultural heritage listed in the UNESCO List of ICH in Need of Urgent Safeguarding
2. To establish a specialized registration database
As of 2020, a total of 22 calligraphers registered in the Registration and information state database of cultural heritage in the National Center for Cultural Heritage. According to the unofficial registration, there are approximately 200 calligraphers and apprentices recognized.
3. In the framework of research
The exhibition “Bichig soyol” is organized annually and calligraphers’ calligraphy works and biography were published in the catalog of the exhibition. This catalog is updated and enriched during the exhibition.
The research conference “Four treasure of Script” has organized within the framework of the celebration of “Mongolian National Day for Script” in May of 2018,
4. Formal and non-formal training
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, schools and universities have stopped in-person classes and online classes were conducted, at this time Kh. Battulga, a President of Mongolia has started teaching Mongolian script by teleclasses on TVs for aiming to strengthen the immunity of the Mongolian national language, script, culture, and values.
The National Council on Language Policy has organized a total of 3 times training in Ulaanbaatar city and several joint training in 21 provinces in cooperation with its branches.
Between 2019 and 2021, the Governing Administration and the Education, Culture and Arts Agency of Zavkhan province has implemented the program “My Mongolia-2026” for teaching Mongolian calligraphy for youths and increase the pride of people on the national script and Mongolian calligraphy.
By the 96th Resolution of the Mongolian Government, the “National program for Mongolian Language III” has approved in 2020 and the implementation has started. According to this national program, the state affairs will correspond in Cyrillic and Mongolian script from 2025 and all citizens of Mongolia will use Mongolian script
The “Erdenesiin Khuree” art and calligraphy center organized art therapy or calligraphy training for disabled people in Kharkhorin soum of Uvurkhangai province in 2021.
5. To support the practitioners
A Series of TV programs is being broadcast for the public for promoting practitioners and artists of Mongolian calligraphy,
Since 2013, the exhibition “Diligent writing” organized annually by the Mongolian Children’s Palace,
Calligrapher’s joint exhibition “Bichig Soyol” has been organized since 2015 annually and over 50 calligraphers actively participated in the exhibition every year,
In 2018, over 40 artists’ joint exhibition “Fascination in heart or enlightening holiness for future” including calligraphy, art painting, and Thangka painting has displayed,
In 2018, the "International Association of Mongolian Calligraphy" has founded and organized the international exhibition in cooperation with center "Bichig Soyol",
In 2018, Mongolian and Japanese calligrapher’s joint exhibition “Judag” has organized,
In 2019, Mongolian calligrapher’s joint exhibition has organized within the celebration of the “Mongolian National Day for Script”,
In 2019, the calligraphy called "The new moon" was selected for representing the "Mongolian calligraphy" in the series of a mark for cultural heritage and started on sale,
In 2020, Khaltmaa BATTULGA a President of Mongolia has started teaching Mongolian script teleclasses on Mongolian National Broadcasting and 7 other TVs and shared through Facebook page by the Office of the President of (https://www.facebook.com/presidentMGL),
Within the frame of the national campaign “Dual script writing- 2025”, the local museums are actively involved and giving a contribution to the dissemination and promotion of Mongolian calligraphy through their education and training centers. For instance, the training and research center of the Dornogovi Province Museum has displayed the exhibition “Khumuun bichig” in November of 2021 for the public,
In 2021, the center "Bichig Soyol" and the Office of the President of Mongolia jointly promoted the Mongolian Calligraphy for the public by displaying the calligraphy artworks of the most talented calligraphers on the information board of bus stops around the Ulaanbaatar city. This work has been publicly acclaimed.
In 2021, with the support of the Ministry of Culture, Mongolia the training and exhibition project "The secret history of Mongols" has been implemented. This project aimed to transmit Mongolian calligraphy through teaching to secondary school teachers in Ulaanbaatar city and to promote this heritage element to the public.
37 young apprentices and learners in Ulaanbaatar city and 21 provinces of Mongolia have jointly written the "Rule of Law" of United Nations in Mongolian calligraphy and hand over to Mr.Tapan Mishra, resident coordinator of UN in Mongolia, in November 2021.
6. To encourage and promote Calligraphers and increase the social value of Mongolian calligraphy.
Calligrapher D.Battumur, T.Jamiyansuren, and D.Batbayar were awarded by “Master calligrapher” medal in 2018 by the “Association of Mongolian modern calligraphers”.
Master practitioner D.Batbayar has been included in the “National List of Intangible cultural heritage practitioners” approved by the 475th Resolution by the Government of Mongolia in 2019.
In 2021, B.Elbegzaya researcher and editor of "Khumuun bichig" newspaper have awarded the "State honored cultural worker" medal by the Decree of the President of Mongolia for making a huge contribution to the safeguarding, development, and dissemination of the Mongolian script.
The center “Bichig soyol” and newspaper “Khumuun bichig” jointly organize two competitions every February, first one is the state competition for calligraphers, and the second one is the competition "Foremost Traditional Script Writers of Mongolia” for high school pupils and adults.
7. Encountered problems during this period of reporting:
Budget and financial support for the research and study of the calligraphy and its publication is still inadequate.
Cooperation and interrelations of government, non-governmental organizations, and research institutes working in the field of research, training, safeguarding, and promotion of the Mongol script and Mongolian Calligraphy are weak.
Participation de communautés, de groupes ou d'individus aux activités de sauvegarde
Veuillez décrire de quelle manière les communautés, les groupes ou, le cas échéant, les individus ainsi que les organisations non gouvernementales pertinentes ont participé de façon effective à l'exécution des mesures de sauvegarde, y compris en termes de rôles du genre. Décrivez le rôle joué par l'organisation ou l'organe chargé de l'exécution (dénomination, informations de référence, etc.) et les ressources humaines qui ont été mises à disposition pour la mise en œuvre des activités de sauvegarde.
Participation of communities, groups or individuals in the safeguarding activities
Article 34 of the Law on Protection of Cultural Heritage defines for the first time the "rights and duties of intangible cultural heritage practitioner", Article 34.1.1, Section 2 states that the practitioners "shall be to receive financial support to protect, transmit, and recreate the intangible cultural heritage, under the necessary circumstances”, and Article 34.2 Section 2 states practitioners "to teach students, transmit to next generation, to disseminate, promote, provide assistance to record information, and conduct registration of intangible cultural heritage".
In this regard, practitioners have been actively involved in safeguarding, transmitting, studying, restoring, and promoting the “Mongolian calligraphy” heritage through the media, radio, and television.
Following practitioners, government and non-governmental organizations are actively involved in the elaboration of the report. For instance, practitioners as J.Batbayar, B.Elbegzaya, T.Jamiyansuren, D.Ganbaatar, and organizations as, center “Bichig Soyol”, “AC Calligraphy center”, “Association of Mongolian modern calligraphers” /S.Mend-Ooyo/, National Council for Language Policy, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education and Science, Government implementing agency Culture and Art Authority, Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO, Education Agency of Ulaanbaatar city, Institute of Language and Literature in Mongolian Academy of Sciences, National University of Mongolia /School of Mongolian language and culture/, Mongolian University of Education, “Khumuun bichig” newspaper. MONTSAME, National Association of Mongolian language teachers and researchers, Mongolian National Library and Public Library of Ulaanbaatar city.
In addition, the aforementioned local governors, museums, and locals, individuals are being involved actively in the safeguarding activities.
Indiquez, sous forme de calendrier, les dates de mise en œuvre de chacune des activités.
- The competition and exhibition called “Diligent writing" have been organized annually since 2013 by the Mongolian Children’s Palace for young generations.
- Calligrapher’s joint exhibition “Bichig Soyol” has been organized since 2015 annually and over 50 calligraphers actively participated in the exhibition every year.
- In 2018, over 40 artists’ joint exhibition “Fascination in heart or enlightening holiness for future” including the calligraphy, art painting, and Thangka painting has displayed.
- By the 96th Resolution of the Mongolian Government approved on March 18 of 2020, implementation of the “National Program for Mongolian Script III” has started.
- Between 2018 and 2021, the editorial section of the newspaper “Khumuun bichig” has organized a competition called "Fine writing” throughout the country.
- In 2019, the Mongolian Academy of Sciences has organized the research conferences called “Usage of the national script and cultural heritage” and “History and modernity of Mongol blacksmith art”.
- In 2019, the calligraphy called “The new moon” was selected for representing the "Mongolian calligraphy" in the series of a mark for cultural heritage.
- In 2021, the exhibition "Bichig soyol" was displayed and calligraphers' calligraphy works and biography were published in the catalog of the exhibition. This catalog is updated and enriched during the exhibition annually.
- In 2021, the center “Bichig Soyol” and the Office of the President of Mongolia jointly promoted the Mongolian Calligraphy for the public by displaying the calligraphy artworks of the most talented calligraphers on the information board of bus stops around the Ulaanbaatar city.
- The "Erdenesiin Khuree" art and calligraphy center organized art therapy or calligraphy training for disabled people in Kharkhorin soum of Uvurkhangai province in-between September 13 and October 30 of October 2021. The center is supported by the Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO, the Swiss Cooperation Development Agency and the France Embassy in Mongolia and Alliance Française.
- 37 young apprentices and learners in Ulaanbaatar city and 21 provinces of Mongolia have jointly written the "Rule of Law" of United Nations in Mongolian calligraphy and hand over to Mr.Tapan Mishra, resident coordinator of UN in Mongolia, in November 2021.
Dépenses budgétaires
Veuillez fournir le détail des montants des fonds utilisés pour la mise en œuvre de chaque activité (si possible, en dollars des États-Unis), en indiquant dans chaque cas l’origine du financement (sources gouvernementales, contributions en nature des communautés, etc.).
- Since 2013, the exhibition called “Diligent writing” was organized annually and totally spent 1800$.
- Since 2015, calligrapher’s joint exhibition "Bichig Soyol" organized annually and a total of 2000 $ spent for this exhibition since 2018.
- In 2018, over 40 artists’ joint exhibition “Fascination in heart or enlightening holiness for future” including the calligraphy, art painting, and Thangka painting has displayed and a total of 5000$ has spent.
- In 2019, "The new moon" series of the mark in Mongolian Calligraphy was organized and a total of 3000$ spent.
- 2018-2021, “Foremost Traditional Script Writers of Mongolia” Mongolian calligraphy organized annually and a total of 4000$ has been spent
- 2018-2021, State competition “Fine writing” organized annually and a total of 9000$ has been spent.
- In 2019, the Mongolian Academy of Sciences has organized the research conferences called "Usage of the national script and cultural heritage" and "History and modernity of Mongol blacksmith art" and a total of 5000$ has spent.
- In 2020, the Government of Mongolia approved the "National Program of Mongolian Script III" by its 96th Resolution, and as of so far total of 8000 $ has been spent for its implementation.
- In 2021, with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture, Mongolia, the project “The secret history of Mongols” including calligraphy training and exhibition has implemented by the center "Bichig Soyol" and a total of 10 000$ has spent.
The exhibition "Bichig Soyol" was organized in 2021 and a total of 5000$ has been spent.
In 2021, selected calligraphy works by the best Calligraphers were displayed on the information board of bus stops around the Ulaanbaatar city for promoting Mongolian Calligraphy, and a total of 5000$ has spent.
A total of 57800$ has been spent within the period of the report.
Efficacité globale des activités de sauvegarde
Procédez à une évaluation globale de l'efficacité des activités menées pour parvenir aux résultats escomptés et de l'utilisation des fonds nécessaires à leur mise en œuvre. Veuillez indiquer de quelles manières les activités ont contribué à l’obtention des résultats et si d'autres activités auraient été mieux adaptées à cette fin. Indiquez aussi si les mêmes résultats auraient pu être obtenus avec de moindres ressources financières, si les ressources humaines disponibles étaient appropriées et si les communautés, groupes et individus concernés auraient pu participer davantage.
Overall effectiveness of the safeguarding activities
After the inscription of “Mongolian calligraphy” on the UNESCO’s List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding in 2013, numerous initiatives and positive approaches came to safeguard this heritage element. According to the 105th Decree of the President of Mongolia, the first Sunday of every May has started celebrated as “Mongolian National Day for Script” since 2003, and by the 25th Decree of the President of Mongolia in 2017, the 1st of September has been declared as “National mother tongue day”.
On these Decrees, it has appealed to increase the frequency of the news, information, publications, and programs associated to mother tongue, culture, history, traditional culture, and customs for promoting the mother language, increase the pride of mother language and disseminating for the public. Indeed, this appeal has influenced the increase of the involvement and initiative of practitioners, apprentices, learners, government and non-governmental organizations, and those multifaceted activities organized for disseminating and promoting this heritage played the main role in the raising of awareness of the general public.
It has stated on the Decree that on the celebration of “Mother Tongue Day”, the universities, vocational education and training institutions, secondary schools, and preschools in Mongolia should conduct the first hour of the school year classes within the subjects of the Mongolian language, Mongolian literature, and Mongolian history, and the state central administration of the Education shall responsible this issue further. Indeed, this became the basis of the learning and study of Mongolian calligraphy.
The exhibition "Bichig Soyol" is being organized since 2014 and it has expanded as an international exhibition within the last years. In 2019, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports of Mongolia, Government implementing agency Culture and Arts Authority, the Union of Mongolian Artists, and center “Bichig Soyol” have jointly organized the exhibition and calligraphers from the Ulaanbaatar city, Arkhangai, Bulgan, Dornod, Dundgovi, Sukhbaatar, Selenge and Khuvsgul provinces of Mongolia, and Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China were participated by their calligraphy works.
The registration and information database of cultural heritage has been established and regularly updated and the legal environment has improved. As of 2020, 22 practitioners of this heritage element registered in the State registration and information database of cultural heritage, and according to unofficial number, a total of 200 apprentices are learning and actively involved in activities associated with Mongolian calligraphy. Indeed, this number shows that the number of practitioners and apprentices is increasing year by year.
In 2020, the Government of Mongolia has made historic decision that to establish the Ministry of Culture separately from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports. The newly established ministry has 7 departments, and one is the Cultural Heritage Department. The department is responsible for managing the implementation of policies, plans and laws for the protection of cultural heritage, developing procedures, rules and legal documents required for their implementation, and providing advice and all-round support. This department has a coordination officer for policy implementation of intangible cultural heritage.
In 2021, with the support of the Ministry of Culture, Mongolia the training and exhibition project “The secret history of Mongols” has been implemented. This project aimed to transmit Mongolian calligraphy through teaching to secondary school teachers in Ulaanbaatar city and to promote this heritage element to the public. Within the frame of this project, a total of 90 teachers including 69 public schools, 13 private schools, and 2 vocational education and training institutions in Ulaanbaatar city were taught the “Mongolian calligraphy”.
C. Mise à jour des mesures de sauvegarde
Plan de sauvegarde mis à jour
Veuillez fournir une mise à jour du plan de sauvegarde inclus dans le dossier de candidature ou dans le précédent rapport. En particulier, veuillez donner des informations détaillées comme suit :
- a. Quels sont les objectifs principaux visés et les résultats concrets attendus ?
- b. Quelles sont les activités principales à mener pour atteindre ces résultats attendus ? Veuillez décrire les activités en détail et dans l'ordre d'exécution, en démontrant leur faisabilité.
- c. Comment le ou les États parties concernés soutiennent-ils la mise en œuvre du plan de sauvegarde mis à jour ?
Updated safeguarding plan
In "VISION-2050" Long-term Development Policy of Mongolia, National Action Plan of Government of Mongolia, Guidelines for Development of Mongolia in 2021-2025, "Guidelines for Improving the Laws and Regulations of Mongolia until 2024," and Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Culture for 2021-2024 incorporates organizing the activities in the field of identification, registration, studying, creation of database, as well as transmission, distribution, promotion the intangible cultural heritage and supporting, protecting, educating, and identifying its practitioners. They aim to support the transmission of traditional knowledge to future generations and provide a system of support and incentives for groups, communities, and practitioners who conducted apprenticeship training.
A legal working group has been established and begun to conduct relevant research, to submit an independent law on "Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage" to submit to the State Great Khural by 2023.
Updated safeguarding plan has done in accordance with policy documents, especially along with the 1st goal of the "VISION-2050" as “Shared National Values” and its objective 1.3 as “Mongolian language and script”.
I Stage (2021-2030): The period to acquire a quality education in the Mongolian language and script and ensure their proficient use.
Provide quality education in the Mongolian language and script to students at educational institutions of all levels and increase the population’s proficiency in their mother tongue.
Create a favorable environment for the population and foreigners to learn the Mongolian language and script and ensure the proper use of the Mongolian language and script in officials and public affairs.
Support scientific organizations to preserve the usage of the national language and script and carry out its renewal.
Introduce scholarship programs to support foreigners willing to learn the Mongolian language and script and create a national test program for the Mongolian language for international students.
On the 1.3.8. “VISION-2050”, it was stated that “to increase the usage of “Mongolian Script” and increase the number of books, newspapers, magazines in Mongolian script and to establish publishing house besides improving and supporting the digital use of Mongolian language and script.
Purpose of the plan is:
Update the records, research, and documentation of Mongolian calligraphy, to study, promote and strengthen its viability through formal and non-formal training, raise public awareness, and provide the preparation to transfer from the List of Urgent Safeguarding to the Representative List of ICH of Humanity.
The aim of the updated plan:
Update practitioners registration and research,
Increase knowledge, understanding, transmission and promotion of Mongolian Calligraphy,
Intensify research,
Strengthen the viability.
Expected results:
Practitioners' records and surveys will be updated regularly.
Public awareness and the number of researchers of this heritage and interested individuals will be increased.
The viability of the heritage will be strengthened.
The number of students and their level of skills will be enhanced.
Based on the findings of the assessments and inspections, appropriate safeguarding measures will be implemented.
The implementation of the aforementioned activities will determine the possibility of transferring the heritage from the List of ICHs in Need of Urgent Safeguarding to the Representative list.
Calendrier des activités à venir
Veuillez fournir un calendrier du plan de sauvegarde mis à jour (sur une période d’environ quatre ans).
From 2022 to 2025, the following activities are planning to be implemented in cooperation with governmental and non-governmental organizations, researchers, research institutes, local governments, and the public to safeguard and strengthen the "Mongolian calligraphy" heritage:
1. Research:
-To conduct the research and study on the Mongolian calligraphy,
-To make research to design the glyph and fonts of Mongolian calligraphy,
-To organize research conference “Defining the development of Calligraphy”,
-To organize the research conference “Sustainable development of Mongolian calligraphy”.
2. Training:
-In accordance with the “National Program of Mongolian Script III”, the Mongolian calligraphy training will be organized into three categories, amateurs, secondary school students, and professionals.
-Mongolian calligraphy books, textbooks, manuals, and visual aids will be published.
-To train 10 practitioners into the level of Master practitioners and to train trainers of Calligraphy,
-Train postgraduate students (master and Ph.D.)
3.Registration and documentation:
-Create short digital content and make the promotional program on Mongolian calligraphy
-Establish registration and information database of calligraphy work and calligrapher of Mongolian calligraphy.
-Organize professional art and promotional photo exhibition on calligraphy and publish a catalog,
-Support the social and public voluntary events related to Mongolian calligraphy.
-In 2022-2025, the sustainability of this heritage will be determined by conducting a comparison of the annual safeguarding activities, especially the quality of apprenticeship training and the number of practitioners and apprentices on the "Mongolian Calligraphy" heritage.
Budget des activités à venir
Veuillez fournir les estimations des fonds requis pour la mise en œuvre du plan de sauvegarde actualisé (si possible, en dollars des États-Unis), en identifiant les ressources disponibles (sources gouvernementales, contributions en nature des communautés, etc.)
1. Research and study on the Mongolian calligraphy in 2022-2025. Budget to be sent is 8000 $.
2. To make research to design the glyph and fonts of Mongolian calligraphy in 2022-2023. Budget to be spent is 6000$.
3. To organize the research conference “Defining the development of Calligraphy” in 2022. Budget to be spent is 3000$.
4. To organize the research conference “Sustainable development of Mongolian calligraphy” in 2022. Budget to be spent is 3000$.
5.In accordance with the “National Program of Mongolian Script III”, the Mongolian calligraphy training will be organized into three categories, amateurs, secondary school students, and professionals in 2022-2025. Budget to be spent is 7000$.
6. Publish manuals, textbooks, and visual aids will be published in 2023. Budget to be spent is 2000$.
7. To train 10 practitioners into the level of Master practitioners and to train trainers of Calligraphy in 2023. Budget to be spent is 9000$.
8. Train postgraduate students (master and Ph.D.) in 2023. Budget to be spent is 4000 $.
9. Create short digital content and make the promotional program on Mongolian calligraphy in 2024. Budget to be spent is 4500$.
10. Establish registration and information database of calligraphy work and calligrapher of Mongolian calligraphy in 2023-2024. Budget to be spent is 3500$.
11. Organize professional art and promotional photo exhibition on calligraphy and publish a catalog in 2022-2024. Budget to be spent is 6000$.
12.Support the social and public voluntary events related to Mongolian calligraphy in 2022-2025. Budget to be spent is 4000$.
Participation des communautés
Veuillez décrire comment les communautés, groupes et individus ainsi que les organisations non gouvernementales pertinentes ont été impliqués, y compris en termes de rôles du genre, dans la mise à jour du plan de sauvegarde et comment ils seront impliqués dans sa mise en œuvre.
Community participation
The updated safeguarding plan was developed in accordance with the planning and scheduling of policy documents such as strategic plans by the Ministry of Culture, National Centre for Cultural Heritage, Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO, the Government implementing agency Culture and Arts Authority, “AC” calligraphy studio, center "Bichig Soyol", Association for modern calligraphers, the newspaper "Khumuun bichig" and practitioner representatives of older and younger generations, relevant government organizations, opinions of scientists and researchers, and the "Law on Protection of Cultural Heritage" implementing by the Government, "VISION-2050" Long-term Development Policy of Mongolia, National Action Plan of Government of Mongolia, Guidelines for Development of Mongolia in 2021-2025, Guidelines for Improving the Laws and Regulations of Mongolia until 2024, and Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Culture for 2021-2024.
The Ministry of Culture will create an appropriate legal environment, formulate policies, allocate and monitor the necessary budgets into the state budget, and provide guidance and methodology for the implementation of national activities by the Culture and Arts Authority. The National Center for Cultural Heritage will organize multifaceted safeguarding activities, such as organizing national competitions, scientific conferences among practitioners and raising public awareness campaigns, creating series, documentaries, books, CDs, and intensifying research, and organizing inventories and inspections.
The activities included in the plan shall be organized in consultation and co-operation with specific, other, and non-governmental organizations, researchers, and the public according to the Law on the Protection of Cultural Heritage.
Practitioners are obliged to transmit, promote, and inherit at the national and international levels and are necessary to take part in other safeguarding plans actively.
Contexte institutionnel
Veuillez indiquer quelles institutions sont en charge de la gestion locale et de la sauvegarde de l'élément inscrit sur la Liste de sauvegarde urgente, notamment :
- a. l'(les) organisme(s) compétent(s) impliqué(s) dans sa gestion et/ou sa sauvegarde ;
- b. l'(les) organisation(s) de la communauté ou du groupe concernée(s) par l'élément et sa sauvegarde.
Institutional context
a. Ministry of Culture, Mongolia
Address: Ministry of Culture of Mongolia, Sukhbaatar district, 7th sub-district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Director of Cultural Heritage Department
Phone: + 976- 51-265609
Fax: 976-
Email: davaatseren@moc.gov.mn
Email: info@moc.gov.mn
Tserendorj TSOLMON
Coordination Officer for Policy Implementation of Intangible Cultural Heritage
Phone: + 976- 51-265617
Fax: 976-
Email: tsolmon@moc.gov.mn
Phone: + 976- 99057308
National Center for Cultural Heritage
Address: Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Khan-Uul district, 21st khoroo, Buyant Ukhaa 2 district,
Galbadrakh ENKHBAT
Director National Cultural Heritage Center
Phone: + 976-99168200
+ 976- 70110877
Fax: 976-11-312735
Email: enkhbatcch@gmail.com info@ncch.gov.mn
Web: http://ncch.gov.mm/
Specialist in charge of World Heritage Sites, Department for Protection and Rescue of Cultural Heritage in Emergency Situation in National Center for Cultural Heritage
Phone: + 976- 99030405
Email: saku_tuntic@yahoo.com
Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO
Khoskhuu IDER
Programme Specialist for Culture
Phone: + 976-70105652
+ 976-95959542
Fax: 976-11-322612
Email: kh.ider@unesco.mn
Practitioner J.BATBAYAR
Tel: + 976-99098237
E-mail: batbayarjalair1959@gmail.com
D. Participation des communautés à l'établissement du présent rapport
Décrivez les mesures qui ont été prises pour assurer la plus large participation possible des communautés, des groupes et, le cas échéant, des individus ainsi que des organisations non gouvernementales pertinentes concernés pendant la préparation du présent rapport.
Participation of communities in preparing this report
Under order No. A/73 of 2021 of the Minister of Culture of Mongolia on the "Establishment of a Working Group", a working group was created to elaborate and prepare a "Report on the Status of Elements inscribed on UNESCO List of ICHs in Need of Urgent Safeguarding." The working group was incorporated from the Ministry of Culture, the Mongolian National Commission, the Culture and Arts Authority, and the National Centre for Cultural Heritage and related researchers and scientists.
During the preparation of this periodic report, the working group has done 4 times meetings for collecting data and information from practitioners and cultural organizations in 21 provinces and 9 districts of Ulaanbaatar and for analyzing the gathered data in accordance with the questionnaires of periodic reporting form, and for elaborating the updated safeguarding plan for this heritage element.
Practitioner D.Batbayar, “AC” calligraphy center of his group of apprentices, center “Bichig soyol”, “Association of Modern Calligraphers”, master calligrapher T.Jamiyansuren, Mongolian script newspaper “Khumuun bichig”, practitioners and artists involved in the elaboration of this report.
Coordination Officer for Policy Implementation of Intangible Cultural Heritage
Department of Cultural Heritage
Ministry of Culture
E. Signature au nom de l'État partie
Le rapport doit être signé par un responsable habilité à le signer pour le compte de l’État, avec la mention de son nom, de son titre et de la date de soumission.
NOMIN Chinbat
Minister of Culture, Mongolia
NOMIN Chinbat
Chargement du rapport périodique signé