27 October 2014 - 3 November 2014


Workshop on community-based inventorying in Myanmar

27 October 2014 - 3 November 2014
Nyaung Shwe
Capacity-building workshop

From 27 October to 3 November 2014, a workshops included in the project for strengthening the capacities of Myanmar for implementing the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage took place in Nyaung Shwe (Inle, Southern Shan State) and was dedicated to community-based inventorying. The workshop has been attended by 38 participants from different ministries and institutes including among others the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Transports, Myanmar Historical Commission, the National Library, Yangon University and the University of Culture of Mandalay. Several community members of the region participated also in the workshop as bearers of intangible cultural heritage expressions representative of the country’s cultural diversity.
Facilitated by two members of the network of UNESCO-trained experts, Noriko Aikawa-Faure from Japan and Paritta Koanantakool from Thailand, this training aimed at equipping participants with essential knowledge and skills to enable them to plan and facilitate the elaboration of inventories of intangible cultural heritage adapted to the characteristics of the communities who practise and transmit it. The workshop also included two days of field practice within local communities in Taunggi, Kyauk Tine and Inle Lake areas.

