27 septembre 1999 - 30 septembre 1999


Symposium international sur le rôle des femmes dans la transmission du patrimoine culturel immatériel

27 septembre 1999 - 30 septembre 1999
Iran (République islamique d’)
Réunion d'experts

This Symposium was organised to implement the Draft Resolution approved by the 29th session of the General Conference of UNESCO in November 1997. That Resolution was presented by the Iranian authorities in response to their concern that the significance of women’s role in the transmission of intangible heritage has not been adequately recognised, and that it is necessary to bring the matter to the attention of the international community.

The Symposium provided a forum whereby further steps to be taken in the preservation, revitalisation and greater recognition of women’s significant role in relation to intangible cultural heritage could be constructively examined. As women are so often the principal transmitters of much intangible heritage in cultures worldwide, it is imperative that their role in reaching these objectives is a meaningful and central one.

Fourteen participants from twelve countries and eight participants from Iran attended the conference. The participants included practitioners, researchers and government officials. Several observers were also present.

The meeting was jointly organised and funded by UNESCO and the Iranian National Commission for UNESCO.
