- Budget du projet :
- 59 571 US$
- Source :
- UNESCO - Budget régulier
- Dates de mise en œuvre :
- 31/03/2025 - 31/03/2025
Pays bénéficiaire(s) : Kenya, Ouganda, Seychelles, Somalie, Soudan du Sud, Érythrée, Éthiopie
Résumé :
This activity aims to strengthen national capacities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in Eastern Africa by supporting States Parties with capacity building for carrying-out community based inventories of ICH. It will also aim to secure ratification by Somalia, the last Member State in the region left to ratify the 2003 Convention. For countries developing culture policies, efforts will be made to offer capacity building in integrating ICH into culture policies.
The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the African Union (AU) Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want provide a roadmap for safeguarding and sustainably developing cultural heritage through the majority of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), notably SDG 4 and SDG 11, and through ‘Aspiration 5: An Africa with a Strong Cultural Identity, Common Heritage, Values and Ethics’.
The 2003 Convention global capacity-building strategy is a comprehensive, long-term engagement with Member States to create institutional and professional environments for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. It addresses the following needs and priorities:
- Redesign of institutional infrastructures
- Revision of cultural and other policies and legislation
- Development of inventory methods
- Development of effective safeguarding measures
- Participation in international cooperation mechanisms
Key activities to support implementation of the Convention by States Parties include:
- Inventory making
- Adopt a general safeguarding policy
- Establish competent safeguarding bodies
- Foster studies and research methodologies
- Adopt legal, technical, administrative and financial measures
- Education, awareness-raising and promotion
For the 39C/5, the UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa will support States Parties with capacity building for carrying-out community based inventories of ICH . It will also promote ratification by Somalia, the last Member State in the region left to ratify the 2003 Convention. For countries developing culture policies, efforts will be made to offer capacity building in integrating ICH into culture policies.
Inter-Sectoral collaboration will continue with the Communications and Information Sector to build on fieldwork for community based inventory of ICH to include the documentation and digital archiving of intangible cultural heritage for national archives, notably by continuing the efforts started in Eritrea and expanding the inventory work to be carried-out in Comoros (both CLT EXB funded projects with complementary RP funds from CI Sector). Efforts to include ICH in Education through SDG 4 and to safeguard ICH among refugees and migrants will also be pursued in collaboration with the Education Sector.
Women will be given priority in all capacity building activities, and notably as leaders for the community-based inventory exercises. The role of women as bearers and transmitters of ICH will be highlighted in training acivities and any educational outreach will also highlight the role of women in safeguarding ICH and promote the need for gender equality and inclusion.
Nouvelles et activités :
- 2022-01-18 – L'UNESCO publie des études de cas sur le patrimoine vivant et le changement climatique en Afrique de l'Est
- 2021-04-30 – Conférence régionale en ligne sur la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel pour la conservation de la biodiversité, le changement climatique et la réduction des risques de catastrophe en Afrique de l'Est
31/03/2025 - 31/03/2025 – Renforcement de la coopération sous-régionale et des capacités nationales dans les pays d'Afrique australe30/05/2017 - 31/12/2020 – Renforcement des capacités nationales pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel au Soudan