7 mars 2017 - 11 mars 2017


Nomination de la Convention de l’UNESCO pour la sauvegarde du PCI au Monténégro

7 mars 2017 - 11 mars 2017
Atelier de renforcement des capacités

The workshop was organized by the Regional Centre in Sofia for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage in South-Eastern Europe under the auspices of UNESCO and the Ministry of culture of Republic of Montenegro. The workshop was dedicated to the preparation of nominations for inscription in the UNESCO lists and included presentations on these issues and practical activities for preparing nominations for elements of intangible cultural heritage.
The workshop took place almost 6 years after the UNESCO workshop dedicated to community-based inventorying and 4 years after the completion of subsequent inventorying campaign carried out by relevant institutions and coordinated by The Ministry of culture of Montenegro. Demonstrating the steps that institutions in Montenegro are taking in implementing the Convention on a national level, the workshop this year benefited from the previous experience, as it involved participants who had part in training and inventorying work before.
