5 novembre 2020


UNESCO Quito - ResiliArt debate: Intangible cultural heritage of afro-descendant communities as a resilience resource during the COVID-19 crisis.

5 novembre 2020
Online meeting
Réunion d'experts

As a result of the deep effects of the COVID-19 crisis on the cultural sphere and on the living conditions of art and culture workers, UNESCO created the global ResiliArt movement, which promotes a series of virtual debates with various actors in the cultural sector, seeking to make visible the impacts of this crisis, its importance and the multiple resilience strategies that have arisen from the sector.

In order to address and reflect on the differential effects of the crisis impacts on diverse communities, the UNESCO Office in Quito is developing the series of ResiliArt debates titled “Resistance/Re-existence during the crisis”. This cycle aims at constituting a platform to make visible and strengthen the resilience strategies and cultural heritage of the communities that were most affected by the crisis in the Latin American context, focusing on the experiences of afro-descendant women who are community and cultural leaders.

Following the first debate, which took place on June 3, 2020, three ResiliArt debates were scheduled for October and early November, with the aim of continuing to reflect on the responses that afro-descendant women have implemented to address the effects of the crisis, through community organization focusing specifically on the role that culture and Intangible Cultural Heritage play in local recovery and resilience strategies.
These meetings seek to explore the links between education and cultural heritage through ethno-education and technical and vocational education and training (TVET), giving visibility to the strategies implemented by local educational systems in order to guarantee an inclusive, culturally relevant and quality education based on local socio-cultural contexts.

Afro-descendant women dedicated to the safeguarding of cultural heritage.
1. Escuela Canalón: Colombia
Marimba music and oral tradition school of the Colombian Pacific Coast.
2. Ana Felicien and Meyby Ugueto-Ponce: Venezuela
Afro-Venezuelan researchers, leading the project “Sabores de la Memoria Afro”, which aims to collect recipes and enhance food cultural heritage.
3. Wendy Pérez: Bolivia
National Afro-Bolivian Council (CONAFRO)

15H30 Quito/Bogota

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/805849620203501

For any further information, contact Ana Gonzalez Medina, Programme Specialist at the Quito Field Office: a.gonzalez-medina@unesco.org
