Webinar: Perspectives of Gaining New Academic Knowledge using the Accumulated Bibliographic and Museum Collections
Central Academic Library of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan ICH National Committee / UNESCO C2C International Research Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the of Asia Pacific Region (Osaka, Japan) 26-06-2023 Almaty (Kazakhstan)

Webinar: Perspectives of Gaining New Academic Knowledge using the Accumulated Bibliographic and Museum Collections

Safeguarding of the cultural heritage is oner of the main function of the modern public library, especially if the library is located at provincial level. This means that the public library should not only record, keep, describe and present the cultural heritage, but also provide for public use local history documents and cultural artifacts. Studying of the local history sources and materials is one of the important library functions. The status of the bibliographic catalogues normally determines an efficiency of librarians in providing the required bibliographic records on the local history and development for its users. Local libraries and museums keep main collections of the historical knowledge of the literary sources on the given areas, traditional knowledge bearers, outlook of people, traditional skills etc. The sustainable development cannot be ensured, if the authorities ignore the tangible and intangible cultural environment which is traditionally promoted by local communities.
The Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage (2003) emphasizes that ‘intangible cultural heritage, transmitted from generation to generation, is constantly recreated by communities and groups in response to their environment, their interaction with nature and their history, and provides them with a sense of identity and continuity, thus promoting respect for cultural diversity and human creativity’. The National Webinar aims to review the visibility of the local forms and manifestations of the ICH and its reflection in local history and academic publications. In addition, the participants will discuss the perspectives of creation of the common online database linked to the existing local libraries and museums collections.

The National Webinar will be conducted in three sessions:

I. Living heritage of the Steppe civilization of Kazakhs and its reflection in the local libarries’ and museums’ collections
Participants will be invited to share the good practice of the provincial and university libraries and local history museums in presenting the local history researches in catalogues, exhibitions and thematic expositions. The main accent will be made on the selected elements included in the National ICH Inventory (see attached), which are known for the given local area. The presentation should include the history of the ICH element, famous bearers and historical personalities, as well as modern bearers communities and nowadays element manifestation formats.

II. Overview of the ICH academic surveys in Asia Pacific Region and the international online catalogue of the IRCI-UNESCO Center in Osaka, Japan

  • IRCI keynote presentation on the reflection of the modern ICH researches and surveys in academic publications and magazines of the Asia Pacific countries.
  • IRCI Online Catalogue/Database and review of selected bibliographic data from the 48 Asia Pacific countries

III. Convention (2003) implementation activities within the Kazakhstan National ICH Committee project in 2023-2024

  • Presentation the overview of the project implementation in the pilot areas of Aqmola, Western Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda and Ulytau provinces in 2022-2023
  • Presentation of plans on design and testing of the pilot online database on the ICH academic publications
Text as provided by the organiser(s).

