Sub-regional Expert Meeting on Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage and Building resilience to Climate Change and Its Impacts in Western and Central Asia, with a special focus on the role of non governmental actors
Tehran ICH Centre/ICHCAP/Persian Garden Institute for Living Heritage 17/19-10-2023 Esfahan, (Iran (République islamique d’))

Sub-regional Expert Meeting on Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage and Building resilience to Climate Change and Its Impacts in Western and Central Asia, with a special focus on the role of non governmental actors

The meeting will include the presentation of 4 or 5 case studies selected from among the participating countries, taking account of the various roles played by non state actors in the design and implementation of the projects and programmes presented. It will be attempted to have as wide a geographical scope within the sub region represented by the selection of countries.

In order to maximize on the opportunity to address a number of important issues during the meeting, a broad scoping questionnaire will be shared with the invited participants in order (a) to guide them in identifying appropriate cases to present and (b) to have a concrete starting point for discussion. The findings of these will be presented at the start of the meeting.

Text as provided by the organiser(s).
