Intangible Warsaw
20th anniversary of the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in urban context
During the conference we want to look primarily at the urban contexts of phenomena that meet the criteria of the definition of “intangible cultural heritage” and to the various communities that co-create cities passing on from generation to generation urban traditions, customs and practices: in Poland and around the world.
On the 20th anniversary of the 2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage together with the Intangible Cultural Heritage Board of Warsaw, we invite you to an international conference and workshop dedicated to this issue.
Conference will take place on 16-17th October 2023 in the Praga Museum of Warsaw, Targowa Street no. 50/52, 03-733 Warsaw
Poland ratified the Convention in 2011, beginning the process of identification and inventorying of the phenomena of intangible cultural heritage and the popularization of the concept itself in the Polish context. The introduction of the new term “intangible cultural heritage” into the Polish language has changed the framework of the very notion of “heritage,” hitherto perceived primarily through the prism of monuments, and directed attention to it’s social context – traditions, practices and customs that build a sense of identity and continuity of specific communities, groups and individuals.
The National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage, in operation since 2013, today (September 2023) includes 85 inscriptions. Only some of them are associated with large cities (Krakow, Poznan), some also relate to smaller urban centers (Cieszyn, Lowicz). The overwhelming number, however, are associated with traditions embedded in rural context and folklore. This gap encouraged us to search for what is essential to the identity of urban communities, including the capital of Poland – Warsaw.
Text as provided by the organiser(s).