Experiential open-day activity Abaim
ONG Abaim 18-11-2023 (Maurice)

Experiential open-day activity Abaim

Organisation of an experiential open-day activity to sensitise the population and visitors on the existence of the convention and its overarching benefits to enhance human development

The activity will consist in organising an open day at the Abaim ONG seat.

The objective of the activity will focus on

  • i) dissemination of the Convention
  • ii) engage in conversation with visitors on the benefits of ICH, engaging visitors in discovering and practicing elements of ICH through hand-on experience.
  • iii) Look for further support to enhance collection, preservation, vitalisation and dissemination of elements of ICH

Means to be used will consist in enlisting visitors in the routine activities of the organisation such as

a) mother-tongue based education follow-up and creative literacy based on i) orality – poems, storytelling, riddles ii) music, songs, mimes and theatre
b) play activities focussing on traditional games, songs and movement
c) experiencing traditional music through exposure practice, particularly the sega tipik which is inscribed on the representative list of UNESCO as a world heritage element
d) assisting to crafts workshop in manufacturing traditional instruments.

Text as provided by the organiser(s).

