3rd International Scientific-Professional Conference
*Society for digitization of intanglible cultural heritage (Society for DTCH) Široki Brijeg, BiH; *Faculty of Philosophy, University of Mostar, BiH; *Institute of Ethnology and Folklore, Zagreb (Croatia) In partnership with: *Ministry of Education, 19/20-10-2023 Široki Brijeg (Bosnie-Herzégovine)

3rd International Scientific-Professional Conference "Digitalization, Archiving, Safeguarding and Promotion of Intangible Cultural Heritage"

This third scientific-expert conference organized by the Society for DTCH in co-organization or partnership with the institutions and associations aims to gather in one place ICH bearers and transmitters, practitioners, experts and scientists, journalists and researchers as well as representatives of administrative bodies that manage cultural heritage, in order to share experiences, improve activities and create a network of collaborators on an international level.

The meeting will be held in presence, in Široki Brijeg, with simultaneous translation into English, and with the possibility of participating or watching via the zoom platform. The topics of the conference are:

  • Implementation of the Convention on the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage:
  • Intangible cultural heritage in the modern environment.
  • Application of digital technologies in the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage.
  • Activities in local communities to preserve intangible cultural heritage.

After the presentation, a round table is planned, with the participation of numerous holders and transmitters of ICH and practitioners. The organizers will issue a program booklet with summaries of the presenters’ papers before and a collection of presentations from the conference with conclusions and recommendations after the meeting.

This year’s Conference is a part of the international celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the UNESCO Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage.

This event is organised by

  • Society for digitization of intanglible cultural heritage (Society for DTCH) Široki Brijeg, BiH;
  • Faculty of Philosophy, University of Mostar, BiH;
  • Institute of Ethnology and Folklore, Zagreb (Croatia)

In partnership with:

  • Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the West Herzegovina County:
  • DARIAH-EU Bosnia and Herzegovina,
  • UHAKUD u BiH Mostar (BiH)
  • Institute for Migration and Nationalities Zagreb (Croatia)
  • ICARUS Zagreb, Croatia
  • NS CIOFF Bosnia Herzegovina

Webpage: www.daopnkb.org (BiH) and www.daspich.org (Engl.)
