11th annual meeting of the Category 2 centres dedicated to the Intangible Cultural Heritage
Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of lntangible Cultural Heritage in South-Eastern Europe under the auspices of UNESCO 04/07-09-2023 Plovdiv (Bulgarie)

11th annual meeting of the Category 2 centres dedicated to the Intangible Cultural Heritage

The annual meetings of the Category 2 centres active in the field of intangible cultural heritage started in 2013 with the first meeting held in the town of Sozopol (Bulgaria) and hosted by the Regional Centre Sofia. The following meetings took place in Paris (France) in 2014; Guiyang (China) in 2015, Paris (France) in 2016, Shiraz (Iran) in 2017; Paris (France) in 2018; Algiers (Algeria) in 2019; online in 2020 and 2021; Paris (France) in 2022. The meetings are aimed at the representatives of the eight global centres - directors and staff, in Algeria, Bulgaria, China, Iran, Japan, Peru, Republic of Korea, United Arab Emirates, in order to enhance the communication and exchange between the network and UNESCO. To mark the anniversary of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in2023 and the 10 years from the first category 2 centres’ meeting, the Regional Centre Sofia will host the 11tn annual meeting that will be held in the city Plovdiv, Bulgaria in the period May-June. Plovdiv is a picturesque city with a rich cultural programme and cultural sites. ln 2019 it was selected as a European Capital of Culture. The Ancient Plovdiv is on the tentative list to be considered for nomination for the World Heritage list. After the Covid-19 pandemic and the remote meetings, it will be the first face-to-face meeting hosted by a C2C. The agenda usually includes an information session by UNESCO related to the recent development of the Convention 2003 and the exchange session. The meeting will be organized in collaboration with UNESCO and Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe with the participation of eight C2C globally.

Text as provided by the organiser(s).
