Lamar Kanuri Hutuye


Contact: +234 8113894736
Adresse postale: Alhaji Bukar Kuya House Fezzan Maiduguri Borno State
Couverture géographique de l’expertise de la ONG: Cameroun, Niger, Nigéria, Tchad


Date de création: 1992

Mesure de sauvegarde:

- identification, documentation, recherche (dont la réalisation d'inventaires)
- préservation, protection
- promotion, mise en valeur
- transmission, éducation (non-)formelle

Principaux domaines de travail liés à la Convention:

Educating the Kanuri indigenous people towards cultural preservation, desert control, small scale industries, standing for their rights and the way forward in reviving their pastoral economy that is facing lots of challenges (including natural and man made). We just participated at the intergouvernmental committee on intellectual property genetic resources and folklore between 29th june - 3rd july 2009 organised by WIPO in Geneva Switzerland. The organisation has over fifty members, who are working on various experiences. Kanuri Development Association is a member of the United Nations conference of Non Governmental Organisation


Towards finding solutions to problems relating to culture, environment, oppressions and under development of the Kanuri indigenous people of Africa. To work on cultural preservation indegnious issues as well as promotion tourism through promoting cultural artifacts, sites and the history of the Kanuri community as well as through documentation, research, oral tradition and expressions. To educate the people of the semi-arid north-east of Nigeria on the implications of desert encroachment and the other environmental hazards that might be detrimental to their society. To generate and implement short, medium and long term interventions that would address the problems of desertification and other arising environmental threats. To identify and explore un-harnessed environmental resources for the benefit of the society. To liaise and collaborate with relevant government agencies an non-governmental organisations to address the problems of the environment for the benefit of the society.


As part of our objective on cultural preservation and promotion we recently sponsored a research work on the archeology of Africa which waw published in the international journal of nautical archeology in 2008 and we are also having series of plans towards promotion the career culture through expressions and traditions