Norsk senter for folkemusikk og folkedans


Contact: +47 91 14 26 11
Adresse postale: Dragvoll Idrettssenter 7491 Trondheim
Couverture géographique de l’expertise de la ONG: Norvège


Date de création: 1973

Budget: U.S.$1143700

Mesure de sauvegarde:

- identification, documentation, recherche (dont la réalisation d'inventaires)
- préservation, protection
- promotion, mise en valeur
- transmission, éducation (non-)formelle
- revitalisation

Principaux domaines de travail liés à la Convention:

The foundation (Rtf) is doing fieldwork, documenting traditional dance and music in cooperation with people in local communities. It has set up a web page which is meant to become an inventory of ICH in our field. It conducts research and publishes results. Collected material is protected by being stored in the Rff archives and preserved through being made available and taught. It is promoted through teaching, and projects of various kinds including both participatory and staging activities. Local projects for young people and specialised university courses are important measures for securing transmission and revitalisation. Rff supports organisations which are active in revitalisation, and has also its own projects. The Expert Council and the Centre has followed discussions on safeguarding of folklore, later Intangible cultural heritage right since they were established in the early 1970's, particularly within the framework of UNESCO. The Director has been called upon several times to take part in UNESCO's work in different ways. The Norwegian folk music scene has also been concerned with the problems of copyright issues. The question has been discussed in conferences and meetings and with national organisations that collect copyright money.

Projets ou initiatives pertinents

La Stiftelsen Râdet for folkemusikk og folkedans / Foundation Norwegian Council for Traditional Music and Traditional Dance de Trondheim documente la musique et les danses traditionnelles à travers du travail de terrain ; elle conserve beaucoup d’archives et travaille à la préservation, la promotion et la transmission des danses et musiques comme PCI. Elle possède un large réseau international et plusieurs projets internationaux à vocation d’enseignement et de recherche.


Main aim: to promote, safeguard and secure transmission of Norwegian traditional music and traditional dance as expressions of cultural identity and carriers of unique qualities. Objectives: To serve ail Iines of work in our field, to coordinate efforts and to improve output from available resources. To offer representative expertise for public administration and ensure know-how among policymakers and administrators. To document research folk music and folk dance and give on result from the work. To promote enhanced knowledge about and understanding for folk music and folk dance and work for improved quality, participation and interest.


The resource centre is conducting documentation, quite often at the request of local communities where traditional dance and music are practiced. Local practitioners then come to our institution to analyse and learn from collected material under guidance of our expert staff. Afterwards they can transmit the dances and music in the local community, consulting the old practitioners if they are still available. This practice is used when local dance and music is known only by old people who do not practice any longer, so that young people have problems learning directly from them, it is particularly usual for traditional dance.