27 mars 2008 - 28 mars 2008


Atelier sous-régional de renforcement des capacités pour la mise en œuvre de la Convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel

27 mars 2008 - 28 mars 2008
Afrique du Sud
Atelier (hors stratégie)

Ministre des Arts et de la culture de l’Afrique du sud et participants de l’atelier à Pretoria, Afrique du sud

The workshop was a follow-up to the sub-regional meeting that the Section of Intangible Cultural Heritage organized on the implementation of the 2003 Convention and ICH inventorying in November 2006 in Dar es Salaam. It is the first of a series of three to be organized for African states.

How can countries—and especially the communities among whom intangible heritage is found—best safeguard heritage that is living, not fixed in buildings or monuments? One effective tool to support international cooperation in such safeguarding efforts, and to strengthen national capacities, is the Intangible Heritage Convention. Adopted by UNESCO in 2003 and entered into force in 2006, this legal instrument had ninety States Parties at the moment of the meeting.

The workshop focused on introducing the Convention to cultural officials of southern African nations, explaining the ratification process, and considering with them how they might implement the Convention to best achieve its goals.

The workshop was made possible thanks to the financial support of the Government of Norway within the framework of the UNESCO/Norway Funds-in-Trust.

Co-organizer : Department of Arts and Culture (South Africa) : http://www.dac.gov.za/
