Lecture Experiences and methodologies for safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in armed conflicts
Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology 03/04-10-2023 Bratislava (Slovaquie)

Lecture Experiences and methodologies for safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in armed conflicts

Lecture Experiences and methodologies for safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in armed conflicts, Martin Andrade-Pérez, Erigaie Foundation (Colombia), Meertens Institute (Netherlands)

The Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology at the Slovak Academy of Sciences is hosting a lecture and a workshop on the role of the living heritage of refugees and migrants in displacement and their integration into society. The event marks the 20th anniversary of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Lecture : Intangible Cultural Heritage and War. From the impacts of violence to the possibilities of post-conflict

On 3rd October 2023, Martin Andrade will give a lecture on Intangible Cultural Heritage and war. From the impacts of violence to the possibilities of post-conflict.

Workshop: Úloha živého dedičstva v krízových situáciách/ Workshop The role of living heritage in emergency situations

The workshop on 4th October 2023 is for actors and experts working with migrants or refugees, including those displaced from Ukraine or with living heritage issues. It will present the role of living heritage in emergencies, facilitate the sharing of experiences of using living heritage in community work, and strengthen the competencies and knowledge of experts and non-governmental actors in using living heritage in their daily work and in designing and implementing activities that promote social and cultural integration and cohesion.
The workshop will consist of two parts. In the first expert panel, experts from Slovakia and abroad will present basic frameworks, tools, and experiences using living heritage in crises. Foreign experiences will show Martín Andrade-Pérez and Sara Green from A.R.T. for Refugees in Transition from New York (U.S.A.). Participants can share ideas, suggestions, or experiences in facilitated discussions in the second discussion part.

Text as provided by the organiser(s).
