Film debate cycle cinema, city and intangible heritage day of the dead festivity
04/07-11-2024 (Mexique)

Film debate cycle cinema, city and intangible heritage day of the dead festivity

The University Program of City Studies (PUEC-UNAM) in coordination with the UNESCO Chair for Research on Intangible Cultural Heritage and Cultural Diversity (CRIM-UNAM), organizes a film debate series with the aim of reflecting on the impact that cinema has on the construction of meanings around some expressions of living heritage.

The series will take place during the first week of November and will be dedicated to discussing the celebration of the Day of the Dead, which has been registered in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity since 2008. It will seek that, through a selection of films, one can understand how this cultural expression has been manifested and represented in urban contexts and how it has been transformed and recreated from the perspective of cinema, both national and foreign.

Dates: November, 4, 5, 6, and 7
Location: Casa de las Humanidades (UNAM)
Hours: 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Dynamics: A specialist makes a brief introduction to the theme of the cycle and comments on the film that will be seen, with the aim of directing the audience’s gaze. Afterwards, the film is projected. Finally, a small debate will be opened with the public and a final reflection will be made.

Text as provided by the organiser(s).
