La musique traditionnelle pour flûte tsuur


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Inscrit en 2009 (4.COM) sur la Liste du patrimoine immatériel nécessitant une sauvegarde urgente

© 2009 by National Centre for the Intangible Cultural Heritage

La musique pour flûte tsuur repose sur une technique à la fois instrumentale et vocale : un mélange de sons produits simultanément par l’instrument et par la gorge du musicien. La musique pour flûte tsuur est inséparable des populations mongoles Uriankhai de la région de l’Altaï et fait, aujourd’hui encore, partie intégrante de leur vie quotidienne. Elle plonge ses racines dans la pratique ancienne du culte de la nature et de ses esprits gardiens, qui consistait à imiter des sons naturels. La flûte tsuur est un instrument à vent en bois en forme de tuyau vertical avec trois trous pour les doigts. La pression des dents de devant sur l’embouchure de la flûte et l’utilisation simultanée de la gorge produisent un timbre unique composé d’un son clair et doux et d’un bourdon. La flûte tsuur est traditionnellement jouée comme invocation pour faire bonne chasse ou pour avoir un temps clément, comme bénédiction pour éloigner le danger pendant un voyage ou pour les mariages et autres festivités. La musique, qui est aussi un art d’interprétation, traduit les sentiments intimes du voyageur solitaire et relie l’homme à la nature. La tradition de la flûte tsuur se perd depuis quelques décennies, par négligence et animosité à l’égard des coutumes populaires et de la foi religieuse, laissant de nombreux endroits sans joueur de tsuur ni familles possédant une flûte tsuur. Les quarante instruments connus préservés au sein du groupe des Mongols Uriankhai sont transmis exclusivement grâce à la mémoire des générations successives : cette caractéristique rend cet art extrêmement vulnérable au risque de disparition.

Rapport périodique

Rapport sur l'état d'un élément inscrit sur la liste du patrimoine culturel immatériel nécessitant une sauvegarde urgente

A. Page de couverture


État partie

Nom de l'État partie



Date du dépôt de l'instrument de ratification, d'acceptation, d'approbation ou d'adhésion

Elle peut être consultée en ligne.

Date of deposit of the instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession



Élément inscrit sur la Liste de sauvegarde urgente qui fait l'objet du présent rapport

Nom de l'élément

Traditional music of the Tsuur

Inscrit en


État(s) soumissionnaire(s)



Période considérée dans le présent rapport

Veuillez indiquer la période couverte par le présent rapport.

Reporting period covered by this report

01-01-2018 - 31-12-2021


Autres éléments inscrits sur la Liste de sauvegarde urgente, le cas échéant

Veuillez établir une liste de tous les autres éléments présents sur le territoire de votre pays qui sont inscrits sur la Liste de sauvegarde urgente et indiquer en quelle année ils y ont été inscrits ; pour ce qui est des éléments multinationaux, veuillez indiquer quels autres États sont concernés.

Other elements inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List, if any

La calligraphie mongole (2013)

La technique d’interprétation du chant long des joueurs de flûte limbe – la respiration circulaire (2011)

Le Biyelgee mongol, danse populaire traditionnelle mongole (2009)

Le rituel pour amadouer les chamelles (2015)

Le Tuuli mongol, épopée mongole (2009)

Les pratiques traditionnelles mongoles de vénération de sites sacrés (2017)


Synthèse du rapport

Veuillez fournir une synthèse du rapport, qui permette au grand public de comprendre l'état actuel de l'élément, mentionne toute incidence positive ou négative de son inscription et fasse état des mesures de sauvegarde mises en œuvre pendant la période considérée et leur possible mise à jour les années suivantes.

Executive summary of the report

Since the inscription of the “Traditional music of the Tsuur” heritage, Mongolia has undertaken multifaceted activities to identify the practitioners of the “Traditional music of the Tsuur", establish a registry database, research, promote, and transmit this cultural heritage to future generations. Consequently, the number of practitioners and learners has been increasing. With the aim to urgently safeguard the “Traditional music of the Tsuur,” consistent efforts in the field of creating a social environment among the Altai Uriankhai – an ethnic group in the western region of Mongolia, reviving and distributing this art in the area, and supporting the tsuur music and its performers have therefore protected tsuur music from its extinction and its has been strengthened.

During the reporting period of 2018-2021:

In collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, National Center for Cultural Heritage (NCCH), "Union for Khunnu tsuur performers" NGO, Khovd Province Governor's Office, and N. Chuluun Music and Drama Theater, University of Culture and Arts, Khovd University, and the Mongolian State Conservatory, the following research, capacity-building, and advocacy-based activities were organized to identify and promote practitioners, and to expand formal and informal training in the capital city and local areas:

- The “Nomadic Mongolia 2018” Intangible Cultural Heritage Festival was organized nationwide in 2018 within the framework of the five domains of UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage. Representatives from Ulaanbaatar, Erdenet, Darkhan, Bayan-Ulgii, Khovd, Uvs, and Govisumber provinces participated in this festival. During that time, epic-tellers such as B.Naranbat, E.Baatarjav, and A.Baldanoroj were honored as “The most internationally acclaimed bearer of tsuur”
- In 2018 Tsuur performer B.Naranbat played the tsuur music in integration with B.Khurelbaatar's “Baatar Khairkhan,” which won the Grand Prix of the 31st Morin Khuur Festival.
- Since 2018, Khovd province has been organizing a festival named after P.Narantsogt every two years.
- In 2018, more than 20 tsuur performers have participated in the “First Asian Folk Art Festival”, under the “Folk Art” category, which was organized under the auspices of the H.E Mr. U.Khurelsukh, Prime Minister of Mongolia.
- In 2020, the Mongolian State Conservatory has developed the “Tsuur” music curriculum for the Department of Folk Arts of the National School of Music, and the program was approved by the Minister of Education, Culture, and Science on 20 April 2020, under the Order A/199.
- Professional arts organizations such as the National Theater of Arts, Khovd, Tuv, Govisumber, Uvs, Bayan-Ulgii provinces Music and Drama Theaters, traditional arts such as The “HU,” Tsalam, Khusugton, Jangar, Altai, ethno-modern, and ethno-rock bands have performances integrated with tsuur music.
- In 2018-2021, approximately 80 people have been trained in Ulaanbaatar, Erdenet, Darkhan-Uul cities and Khuvsgul, Bayankhongor, Bayan-Ulgii, and Khovd provinces.


Personne à contacter pour la correspondance

Donnez le nom, l'adresse et les coordonnées d'une personne à qui toute correspondance concernant le rapport doit être adressée.

Titre (Mme/M., etc.)


Nom de famille





Coordination Officer for Policy Implementation of Intangible Cultural Heritage Department of Cultural Heritage Ministry of Culture


Ministry of Culture of Mongolia, Sukhbaatar district, 7th sub-district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Numéro de téléphone

+976 51-265617; +976 99057308

Adresse électronique

Autres informations pertinentes



B. État de l'élément inscrit sur la Liste de sauvegarde urgente

Veuillez vous référer au dossier de candidature ou aux précédents rapports, le cas échéant, pour savoir quand établir un rapport sur l'état actuel de l'élément et ne rendez compte que des changements pertinents survenus depuis la date de son inscription sur la Liste ou depuis le précédent rapport. Les dossiers de candidature, les calendriers spécifiques et les précédents rapports, le cas échéant, sont disponibles à l'adresse suivante : ou peuvent être demandés au Secrétariat.

L'État partie s'efforce de prêter une attention particulière au rôle du genre et d'assurer la plus large participation possible des communautés, des groupes et, le cas échéant, des individus concernés ainsi que des organisations non gouvernementales pertinentes pendant le processus de préparation de ce rapport ; il lui est demandé au point D ci-dessous de décrire de quelle manière il y est parvenu.


Fonctions sociales et culturelles

Expliquez les fonctions, les significations sociales et culturelles de l'élément aujourd'hui, au sein et pour ces communautés, les caractéristiques de ses détenteurs et de ses praticiens et décrivez, entre autres, toute catégorie de personnes exerçant un rôle ou des responsabilités spécifiques vis-à-vis de l'élément. Une attention particulière devrait être accordée à tout changement pertinent susceptible d'avoir des répercussions sur le critère d’inscription U.1 (« L’élément est constitutif du patrimoine culturel immatériel tel que défini à l'article 2 de la Convention »).

Social and cultural functions

In 2007, when the “Traditional music of the Tsuur” was nominated to the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, the viability of this heritage was at a high-risk circumstance. The existing environment of this heritage was at risk of extinction due to social, economical, common cultural influences and the insufficient number of practitioners. Since the inscription of this element on the UNESCO List of ICH in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, it had an awe-inspiring socio-cultural significance on practitioners of this heritage, and affiliated tribes, and communities, as well as it became an integral part of a cultural tradition of Mongolians, thereby providing a sense of accomplishment, the pride in one's heritage, and importance of preparing the continuity.

Furthermore, activities implemented by governmental and non-governmental organizations, scholars, and talented folks' activities, enlightenment, cognitive books, brochures, documentaries, and programs to preserve, safeguard and promote “Traditional music of the Tsuur” has been increasing public awareness and understanding of the role and importance of tsuur music in today's society and culture.

It is also worth mentioning that their cultural and creative industry with cultural tourism-based products has been created as a result of the “Traditional music of the Tsuur”.
“Traditional music of the Tsuur” is performed at the music orchestra of the National Arts Theater as well as in modern ethno-modern and ethno-rock band shows integrated with tsuur music. For instance, Jangar, Khusugtun, Altai, Tsalam, and The HU band perform their music with the inclusion of tsuur. In particular, the HU's Biy Bielgee, Khar Ayangga, and Shireg Shireg perform their shows by playing tsuur and they are promoting it internationally. There is also a growing tendency for young people to innovate and develop the art of the tsuur by playing it with modern compositions and other musical instruments.


Analyse de sa viabilité et risques auxquels il est actuellement exposé

Décrivez le degré actuel de viabilité de l'élément, en particulier la fréquence et l'étendue de sa pratique, la vigueur des modes de transmission traditionnels, la composition démographique des praticiens et des publics, et sa durabilité. Veuillez aussi identifier et décrire les facteurs qui, le cas échéant, constituent une menace pour la pérennité de la transmission et de la représentation de l'élément et indiquez le degré de gravité et de proximité de tels facteurs, en accordant une attention particulière à tout renforcement ou affaiblissement de la viabilité de l'élément suite à son inscription.

Assessment of its viability and current risks

As the “Traditional music of the tsuur” was listed on UNESCO List of ICHs in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, it has been receiving more public recognition, and the range of practitioners, researchers, performers, listeners, and amateurs have been rising year by year.

From 2009-2021, the art of tsuur expanded beyond one tribe, spread to folk talents, students, and musicians through formal and informal training, enlarged the range of learners and performers, and public awareness of tsuur-related customs and traditions is on the rise. Since the inscription of this element, its viability has improved and it could be inferred that it is no longer in danger of extinction.

Accordingly, collaboration to jointly study, protect, preserve, and promote “Traditional music of the tsuur” and to organize training to exchange the experiences were created between the practitioners, colleagues, and scholars of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China.

As globalization, urbanization, and sedentary lifestyles expand, the native space of traditional culture and the environment of tsuur music is shifting and evolving from a ritual scope to a form of an artistic performance. To preserve and develop the “Traditional music of the Tsuur” heritage in its native cultural space, it is necessary to establish training centers in Duut, Munkhkhairkhan of Khovd province, Bayan-Ulgii province centers, Buyant and Altai soums, where the Uriankhai ethnic group is concentrated.

From 2019 to the present day, the globally-spread COVID-19 pandemic has been imposing challenges to continue research and training on tsuur.

Within the framework of Mongolia’s objective to transfer “Traditional music of the Tsuur” from the UNESCO List of ICH in Need of Urgent Safeguarding to the “Representative List of the ICH of Humanity,” we emphasize implementing policy in developing the main ethnic of the practitioners- Uriankhai- whose native environment is concentrated in Khovd, Bayan-Ulgii and Khuvsgul provinces, and we aim to increase public awareness, promote, and improve the quality of the training curriculum.


Mise en œuvre des mesures de sauvegarde

Veuillez rendre compte des mesures de sauvegardes qui ont été décrites dans le dossier de candidature et dans un précédent rapport, le cas échéant. Décrivez de quelle manière elles ont été mises en œuvre et ont contribué de façon substantielle à la sauvegarde de l'élément au cours de la période considérée, en tenant compte des contraintes externes ou internes telles que des ressources limitées. Incluez en particulier des informations sur les mesures prises afin d'assurer la viabilité de l'élément en permettant à la communauté d'en poursuivre la pratique et la transmission. Fournissez les renseignements suivants en ce qui concerne la mise en œuvre de l’ensemble des mesures de sauvegarde ou du plan de sauvegarde :


Objectifs et résultats

Indiquez quels objectifs principaux ont été atteints et quels résultats concrets ont été obtenus pendant la période considérée.

Objectives and results

During this reporting period 2018-2021, the following objectives were set to safeguard the “Mongolian Tsuur” traditional music:

1. To enhance the legal environment for the preservation and safeguarding of the Mongol Tsuur;
2. To develop research on Mongol Tsuur;
3. To identify effective methods of formal and non-formal training and to use them in practice;
4. To support the proposals and initiatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations, individuals, and folk talents aimed at disseminating and promoting the art of tsuur music;
5. To establish a specialized registry and database of tsuur and its performers;
6. To encourage and promote tsuur performers


1. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the approval of the National Program for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, under the Government Resolution No. 68 of 2019 on the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, has been stopped for until today.
2. In 2019, in the framework of expanding the “Traditional music of the Tsuur" heritage research, under the Inner Mongolia Cultural Development Project, Ch. Buyandelger, B.Zagdjav, and B.Naranbat from "Inner Mongolia Audio and Video Publishing Committee" co-authored a research book, “Mongolian Nation Tsuur”.
3. In 2020, the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science of Mongolia approved the curriculum “Methodology of playing tsuur music” to be studied in the Department of Root Arts of the National Conservatory of Music of the Mongolian State Conservatory.
4. Public television is actively involved in raising people's awareness to disseminate, promote, preserve, and transmit the “Traditional music of the Tsuur" heritage. For example, the “Uv Soyol” editorial office of the Mongolian National Broadcaster produced “Uvlukhuiin Ukhaan” program about Tsuur performer B.Naranbat, TV5 TV-“Tsenkher Khadag” program, and Suld TV- “Tsuurin Amiraj” program.
5. As part of the annual “Tea Road” festival in Khovd province, a festival named after P.Narantsogt is traditionally organized every two years by the Khovd Province Governor's Office and the "Union for Khunnu tsuur performers" NGO.
6. Expanding the scope of the “Folk Art Festival", which has been traditionally held every five years since 1956, the “NOMAD MONGOLIA” festival was organized in Ulaanbaatar, in line with the five domains of UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2018. During that time, B. Naranbat, E.Baatarjav, and A.Baldanoroj were honored as “The most internationally acclaimed bearer of tsuur.” This step was of an utmost cognitive importance, as it inspired students to be interested in tsuur music.
7. We support and cooperate with governmental and non-governmental organizations, individuals, and talented folks’ initiatives to disseminate and promote the traditional art of tsuur music.


Activités de sauvegarde

Dressez la liste des principales activités menées au cours de la période considérée pour obtenir ces résultats escomptés. Veuillez décrire les activités en détail en mentionnant leur efficacité et tout problème rencontré dans leur mise en œuvre.

Safeguarding activities

Key activities implemented during the reporting period:

1. In the framework of enhancing the legal environment for the safeguarding of the Mongolian Tsuur:
- The Government of Mongolia has approved and implemented the “Regulation on awarding monetary rewards to practitioners who have made significant contributions to the promotion and dissemination of intangible cultural heritage” by the Resolution No. 354 of 2018.
- In July 2021, the Government of Mongolia approved a resolution to amend the Law on Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage, which includes the following provisions related to regulations:

New provisions:
- 8.6. “The government will approve the procedure for nominating and assessing immovable historical and cultural monuments under the state protection category, and outstandingly valuable monuments category, and registering national and a UNESCO List of ICH in Need of Urgent Safeguarding
- 13.1.14. Based on the proposal of the state central administrative body in charge of cultural affairs, approve the national and a representative list of intangible cultural heritage in need of urgent safeguarding and its practitioners;
- 14.1.10. Safeguard and restore the authenticity and integrity of historical and cultural immovable monuments listed in the World Heritage’s Tentative List and the World Heritage List, and to allocate the state budget annually to implement the measures on protecting and strengthening the viability of intangible cultural heritage listed in the UNESCO List of ICH in Need of Urgent Safeguarding and the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity”.
- 14.1.17. Take measures in the inscription process of immovable historical and cultural monuments in the World Heritage List, and in the UNESCO List of ICH in Need of Urgent Safeguarding

Modified and added sections and provisions:
- 8.4. ICH shall be inspected in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage and the National List of intangible cultural heritage in need of urgent safeguarding, considering its historical, cultural, artistic, aesthetic, and scientific value and importance.
- 27.3. Authority to conduct paleontological, archeological exploration, excavation, and ICH research in the territory of Mongolia shall be commissioned by the Member of the government in charge of cultural affairs based on the proposal of the Professional Council under the state central administrative body in charge of cultural affairs

Note: The above-mentioned amendments shall be followed by starting from January first of 2022.

2. In 2018, within the development of tsuur research overseas:
- The "Union for Khunnu tsuur performers" NGO, in collaboration with the Mongolian Audio and Video Publishing Committee at the Inner Mongolia Institute of Arts, released three A, B, and C CD’s "Praise of Altai" by Ch.Buyandelger and B.Naranbat, which consists 45 tsuur melodies.
- Within the framework of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Cultural Policy Project, Ch.Buyandelger, B.Naranbat, and B.Zagdjav, members of the "Union for Khunnu tsuur performers" NGO, together with the Inner Mongolia Audio and Video Publishing Committee, published a research book “Mongolian Nation Tsuur” in their international cooperation.

3. Within the formal and non-formal training:
- In 2018, “Tuuli and Tsuur palace” was established in the center of Duut soum by the initiatives of the Local council of Duut soum, Khovd province in Ulaanbaatar and Ch.Batkhuyag and N.Damdindorj are conducting a tsuur apprenticeship training.

- In 2018 and 2019, training was held in Ulaanbaatar, Darkhan, Khovd, Bayan-Ulgii, Khentii, and Khuvsgul provinces, but at the end of 2019, the training and performances were ceased due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- In 2018, Khovd University of Khovd province launched the “Folk Art” class, and the music lessons were conducted according to the approved program.
- In August 2018, within the framework of perpetuating the fame of Narantsogt Paarain, a well-known tsuur performer (1921-2003), and studying, promoting, and transmitting the uniqueness of the school and repertory for descendants, a festival named after “Altai Uriankhai's renowned tsuur performer Narantsogt Paarain” was organized in Khovd province to develop the living tradition of Mongolian tsuur music, to present it to the public, and to strengthen the practice of tsuur performers. A total of 40 tsuur performers participated in the two-stage festival, where they competed in their repertoire and skills. The winner was B.Zagdjav, and N.Buyanzaya took second place, and lastly, it is N.Buyandelger who got third place.
- In 2018, the Culture and Heritage Editorial Office of the Mongolian National Broadcaster Televisions with B.Naranbat co-created the program “ Heritage wisdom” and accomplished works to increase public awareness and understanding with frequencies.
- Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 4 out of 7 tsuur apprenticeship training centers have been closed for an indefinite period of time since 2019, while 3 remaining centers are combining the classrooms and online style teaching
- The “Department of Folk Arts” was established at the Mongolian State Conservatory, and the professional program of tsuur music was approved by the Order A / 199 of the Minister of Education, Culture and Science on 20 April 2020. The program has been included in the 32-hour approved bachelor's program in the first and second semesters.

4. Within the of creation of a specialized registry-database of tsuur art and its performers:
We have created and enriched a specialized database of tsuur art and its performers:
Training center: There is a total of 7 apprenticeship training centers, of which 3 operate in the classroom.

Craft: These 9 people: N.Buyandelger, B.Naranbat, B.Zagdjav, N.Amartuvshin, N. Sanjaadorj, T.Erdenebat, B.Batbuyan, G.Nyamjantsan and Kh.Byambajav, and “Khan Khuur” LLC and “Egshiglen Magnai” LLC craft the tsuur music instruments.

Repertory: Up to date, about 40 traditional melodies and harmonies have been recorded in the repertoire. However, there is a growing tendency for young people to innovatively develop tsuur art by merging it with modern music and other instruments when performing.

Practitioners: According to the National Cultural Heritage Registration and Information Database, more than 80 students have been registered for the basic training of tsuur in 2021


Participation de communautés, de groupes ou d'individus aux activités de sauvegarde

Veuillez décrire de quelle manière les communautés, les groupes ou, le cas échéant, les individus ainsi que les organisations non gouvernementales pertinentes ont participé de façon effective à l'exécution des mesures de sauvegarde, y compris en termes de rôles du genre. Décrivez le rôle joué par l'organisation ou l'organe chargé de l'exécution (dénomination, informations de référence, etc.) et les ressources humaines qui ont été mises à disposition pour la mise en œuvre des activités de sauvegarde.

Participation of communities, groups or individuals in the safeguarding activities

The Ministry of Culture, Mongolia has paid continuous effort in the enhancement and development of the policy documents for safeguarding of this heritage element and the National Center for Cultural Heritage has regularly updated the registration and inventorying of the heritage besides with safeguarding measures. In addition, government and non-governmental organizations in Khovd, Bayan-Olgii, Uvs and Khovsgol provinces and Ulaanbaatar city has involved actively in the safeguarding measures in cooperation with practitioners, researchers and scholars of this element.

Article 34 of the Law on Protection of Cultural Heritage defines for the first time the "rights and duties of intangible cultural heritage practitioners", Article 34.1.1, Section 2 states that the bearer "shall be to receive financial support to protect, transmit, and recreate the intangible cultural heritage, under the necessary circumstances”, and Article 34.2 Section 2 states practitioners "to teach students, transmit to next generation, to disseminate, promote, provide assistance to record information, and conduct registration of intangible cultural heritage".

In this regard, practitioners have been actively involved in preserving, transmitting, studying, restoring, and promoting the “Traditional music of the Tsuur” heritage through the media, radio, and television.

The following practitioners play a crucial role in preserving, transmitting, researching, promoting, and organizing training of the “Traditional music of the Tsuur” tradition:

Apprenticeship training: B.Naranbat, E.Baatarjav, N.Damdindorj, N.Buyandelger B.Zagdjav
Classroom training: G.Nyamjantsan, N.Sanjaadorj

Tsuur music handscraftmen: N.Buyandelger, B.Naranbat, B.Zagdjav, N.Amartuvshin, Kh.Byambajav, N.Sanjaadorj, T.Erdenebat



Indiquez, sous forme de calendrier, les dates de mise en œuvre de chacune des activités.


The following activities have been carried out to preserve and safeguard the traditional music of the Mongolian tsuur:
- In 2018, “Tuuli and Tsuur palace” was established in the center of Duut soum by the initiatives of the Local council of Duut soum in Ulaanbaatar.
- The "Union for Khunnu tsuur performers" NGO, in collaboration with the Mongolian National Audio and Video Publishing Committee at the Inner Mongolia Institute of Arts, released three A, B, and C CD’s "Praise of Altai" by Ch.Buyandelger and B.Naranbat, in which it consists 45 tsuur melodies.
- In 2018, a festival named after P.Narantsogt was organized by the Khovd Province Governor's Office and the "Union for Khunnu tsuur performers" NGO
- In 2018, 20 people participated in the “NOMADIC MONGOLIA” festival organized in Ulaanbaatar within the framework of the five domains of UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage.
- In 2019, in the context of the project to develop the culture of Inner Mongolia and to expand the research of the traditional art of Mongolian tsuur, Ch.Buyandelger, B.Naranbat, and B.Zagdjav, along with the Inner Mongolia Audio and Video Publishing Committee, published a research book “Mongolian Nation Tsuur.”
- In accordance with the order A/199 of the Minister of Education, Culture and Science of Mongolia of 20 April 2020, the “Methodology of playing tsuur music” curriculum has been approved and being implemented at the Department of Folk Arts of the Mongolia State Conservatory.
- Khovd University of Khovd province launched the “Folk Art” class, and since 2018, music lessons have been being conducted in congruence to the approved program.


Dépenses budgétaires

Veuillez fournir le détail des montants des fonds utilisés pour la mise en œuvre de chaque activité (si possible, en dollars des États-Unis), en indiquant dans chaque cas l’origine du financement (sources gouvernementales, contributions en nature des communautés, etc.).


Article 41 of the Law on Protection of Cultural Heritage, approved by the Parliament of Mongolia in 2014, states that “The activities for the protection of cultural heritage shall be financed by the state, local budgets, assistance, donations, and funds by Mongolian and foreign citizens, as well as legal entities, international organizations, and other resources.” In Article 13, Section 13.1.13, it is stated that “Allocate funds in the state budget for the activities to promote, transmit, preserve and safeguard the cultural properties inscribed on the World Heritage List and submit nomination proposals of the cultural heritage of the World Heritage List.” Furthermore, Article 15 on “Powers of the Citizens’ Representatives Khurals of provinces, the capital city, soums, and district” and its Section 15.1.1 states “Monitor and approve the necessary budget to develop plans and programs for implementation, as well as provide the implementation of the legislation concerning the protection of cultural heritage within their territory” and Article 16 on “Powers of the Government of provinces and the capital city”, and its Section 16.1.12 states “Identify practitioners of intangible cultural heritage, as well as provide publicly and assistance and organize activities of transmission.” This resolution allows the budget allocated to the local areas to provide expenditure on the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage.

In accordance with Article 15 of the Law on Protection of Cultural Heritage, Khovd province has been organizing and financing certain activities for the preservation of tsuur music in 2018.

These include:

- 5,000,000 (Five million tugriks) MNT was spent to organize a festival named after well-known tsuur performer P.Narantsogt in 2018.
- In 2018, the local council of Khovd province’s Duut soum based in Ulaanbaatar established the “Tuuli and Tsuur Palace” by raising 63,000,000 (sixty-three million tugriks) MNT through public donations.
- In 2018, the "Union for Khunnu tsuur performers" NGO donated an MNT 3,000,000 million worth of musical
- instruments and training manuals to the Tuuli and Tsuur Palace in Duut soum, Khovd province.
- In 2020, Khovd province organized the International Khuumii Festival, Tuuli, Tsuur, Contortion, and Bii Biyelgee’s national competitions in the context of the “Tea Road” cultural heritage festival, and the practitioners’ initiatives and activities were promoted to the public and 5,000,000 (Five million tugriks) MNT compensation was provided to them

A total of 76,000,000 MNT 26,700 USD was spent for safeguarding measures.


Efficacité globale des activités de sauvegarde

Procédez à une évaluation globale de l'efficacité des activités menées pour parvenir aux résultats escomptés et de l'utilisation des fonds nécessaires à leur mise en œuvre. Veuillez indiquer de quelles manières les activités ont contribué à l’obtention des résultats et si d'autres activités auraient été mieux adaptées à cette fin. Indiquez aussi si les mêmes résultats auraient pu être obtenus avec de moindres ressources financières, si les ressources humaines disponibles étaient appropriées et si les communautés, groupes et individus concernés auraient pu participer davantage.

Overall effectiveness of the safeguarding activities

As a result of these safeguarding measures, viability of the traditional art of Mongolian tsuur music has enhanced. There has been some advancement in reviving, preserving, developing, training, researching, and promoting the tradition of the intangible cultural transmission. These include:

-The legal environment for documenting, creating a database, preserving and safeguarding intangible cultural heritage has been created and improved
-In cooperation with the state central administrative body in charge of cultural affairs, local and cultural organizations in charge of preservation, dissemination, and transmission, the initiatives and participation of practitioners, individuals, communities, groups, and non-governmental organizations have increased, cooperation has been established, and relevant experience has been accumulated.
-Moreover, there has been an increase in the willingness and initiative of the media to work with practitioners, communities, governmental and non-governmental organizations in the field of promoting and popularizing intangible cultural heritage.
-Consciousness of the public in terms of respect, love, pride, inheritance, and learning about this intangible cultural heritage learning is increasing.

The “Traditional music of the Tsuur” has been listed as a UNESCO List of ICHs in the Need of Urgent Safeguarding since 2009. On account of a sequence of activities initiated by the Government of Mongolia, National Center for Cultural Heritage, Khovd, Uvs provinces, Khan-Uul district administration of the capital city, relevant governmental and non-governmental organizations, individuals, and communities in 2009-2021, this heritage has been able to subdue the threat of extinction, recovered and survived its viability.

The registration and information database of cultural heritage has been established and regularly updated in accordance with the given schedule and the legal environment associated with this heritage element and its practitioners improved. As of 2020, 16 practitioners of this heritage element registered in the State registration and information database of cultural heritage, and over 80 people have involved in the apprenticeship training. Indeed, this shows that the number of practitioners and apprentices is increasing year by year, compared to 2009 when this element was inscribed on the UNESCO’s List of Intangible cultural heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding.

In 2020, the Government of Mongolia has made historic decision that to establish the Ministry of Culture separately from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports. The newly established ministry has 7 departments, and one is the Cultural Heritage Department. The department is responsible for managing the implementation of policies, plans and laws for the protection of cultural heritage, developing procedures, rules and legal documents required for their implementation, and providing advice and all-round support. This department has a coordination officer for policy implementation of intangible cultural heritage. In addition, the Law on the Protection of Cultural Heritage has amended and, on the para, 14.1.10 of the law, it has stated that “to allocate the state budget annually to implement the measures on protecting and strengthening the viability of intangible cultural heritage listed in the UNESCO List of ICH in Need of Urgent Safeguarding and the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity”.

There are still budget and financial challenges in preserving the traditional art of Mongolian tsuur music. Over and above, due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, it is unable to conduct any tsuur traditional arts activities, which generates temporary difficulties in education and promoting its heritage. Several activities have been successfully implemented based on the initiative, participation, and cooperation of practitioners, communities, governmental and non-governmental organizations. Further, there is still a requirement to enhance the legal and economic environment and organize safeguarding activities to shield the heritage in the native cultural environment to ensure the lifetime guarantee of practitioners, social welfare and create an incentive system for them.



C. Mise à jour des mesures de sauvegarde


Plan de sauvegarde mis à jour

Veuillez fournir une mise à jour du plan de sauvegarde inclus dans le dossier de candidature ou dans le précédent rapport. En particulier, veuillez donner des informations détaillées comme suit :

  1. a. Quels sont les objectifs principaux visés et les résultats concrets attendus ?
  2. b. Quelles sont les activités principales à mener pour atteindre ces résultats attendus ? Veuillez décrire les activités en détail et dans l'ordre d'exécution, en démontrant leur faisabilité.
  3. c. Comment le ou les États parties concernés soutiennent-ils la mise en œuvre du plan de sauvegarde mis à jour ?

Updated safeguarding plan

In “VISION-2050” Long-term Development Policy of Mongolia, National Action Plan of Government of Mongolia, Guidelines for Development of Mongolia in 2021-2025, “Guidelines for Improving the Laws and Regulations of Mongolia until 2024,” and Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Culture for 2021-2024 incorporates organizing the activities in the field of identification, registration, studying, creation of a registration and database, as well as transmitting, distributing, promoting the intangible cultural heritage and supporting, protecting, educating, and identifying its practitioners. They aim to support the transmission of traditional knowledge to future generations and provide a system of support and incentives for groups, communities, and practitioners who have established apprenticeship training. A working group has been established and begun to conduct relevant research, to submit an independent law on “Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage” to the State Great Khural in 2023.

The updated plan is in line with the above policy documents. The purpose of the plan is:

To update the records, research, and documentation of the traditional art of Mongol Tsuur, to transmit, study, promote and strengthen its viability through formal and informal training, raise public awareness, and provide the preparation to transit from the List of Urgent Safeguarding to the Representative List of ICH of Humanity.

The aim of the updated plan:
-Update practitioners registration and research,
-To increase knowledge, understanding, transmission, and promotion of traditional art of Mongol Tsuur,
-Intensify research on this heritage element,
-Strengthen viability.

Expected results:

-Practitioners’ records and surveys will be updated regularly.
-Public awareness and the number of researchers of this heritage and interested individuals will be increased.
-The viability of the heritage will be strengthened.
-The number of students and their level of skills will be enhanced.
-Based on the findings of the assessments and inspections, appropriate safeguarding measures will be developed.
-The implementation of the aforementioned activities will determine the possibility of transferring the heritage from the List of ICHs in Need of Urgent Safeguarding to the Representative list (with particular emphasis on the distributing of the tradition of tsuur in Uriankhai ethnicity).


Calendrier des activités à venir

Veuillez fournir un calendrier du plan de sauvegarde mis à jour (sur une période d’environ quatre ans).



From 2022 to 2025, the following activities are planning to be implemented in cooperation with governmental and non-governmental organizations, researchers, research institutes, local governments, and the public to preserve, safeguard and strengthen the “Traditional music of the Tsuur” heritage:

-In 2021-2025 will be organized the apprenticeship training in order to transmit the heritage of Mongolian Tsuur;
-2022-2023 co-producing of “Elementary Tsuur training Handbook” via DVD, books and tsuur instruments, will be distributed to secondary schools through video and online lessons;
-In 2023, a scientific conference on “Modern development trends of Tsuur” will be organized;
-In 2023, the Mongolian Tsuur inspection will be carried out nationwide
-In 2022, the “Mongol Tsuur” campaign will be organized in Khovd, Bayan-Ulgii and Khuvsgul provinces in accordance with the cultural space, rituals, and ceremonies;
-In 2024, a festival named after the well-known Naarangogt will be keep being organized in Ulaanbaatar and Khovd province;
-In 2024, a documentary film will be made to promote the Mongolian Tsuur to children and youth;
-In 2021-2025, a series of documentaries will be aired through media and television to raise public awareness;
-A tsuur palace will be established from 2023-2025 in Duut and Munkhkhairkhan soums of Khovd province, Chandmani-Undur soum of Khuvsgul province, and Buyant and Altai soums of Bayan-Ulgii province, where Uriankhai ethnic group mainly resides, to disseminate the traditional art of the Mongolian tsuur in their living environment and create a cultural environment
Support and assistance for practitioners:

-To support and promote practitioners (social welfare and create an incentive system for them)
-To support non-governmental organization and citizens operation in the field of safeguarding of “Traditional music of the Tsuur”

-In 2022-2025, the sustainability of this heritage will be determined by conducting comparison on the annual safeguarding measures and activities, especially the quality of apprenticeship trainings and the number of practitioners on "Traditional music of the Tsuur" heritage


Budget des activités à venir

Veuillez fournir les estimations des fonds requis pour la mise en œuvre du plan de sauvegarde actualisé (si possible, en dollars des États-Unis), en identifiant les ressources disponibles (sources gouvernementales, contributions en nature des communautés, etc.)


1. Organization of “Mongol Tsuur” campaign in Khovd, Bayan-Ulgii, and Khuvsgul provinces in accordance with the cultural space, rituals, and ceremonies in 2022. Budget 15000$.
2.Co-producing of “Elementary Tsuur training Handbook” via DVD, books, and tsuur instruments will be distributed to secondary schools through video and online lessons in 2022-2023. Budget 10000$.
3.Inspection of Mongolian Tsuur to carry out nationwide in 2023. Budget 15000$.
4.Organization of Scientific conference on “Modern development trends of Tsuur” in2023. Budget 1500$.
5.Organization of well-known Narangogt Paarain’s named after Festival in Ulaanbaatar and Khovd province in 2024. Budget 2500$.

Total budget 86 000$.
6.Documentation film to promote the Mongolian Tsuur to children and youth in 2023. Budget 8000$.
7.Organization of apprenticeship training in order to transmit the heritage of Mongolian Tsuur in 2022-2025. Budget 11000$.
8.A series of documentaries will be aired through media and television to raise public awareness in 2022-2025. Budget 8000$.
9. A tsuur palace will be established from 2023-2025 in Duut and Munkhkhairkhan soums of Khovd province, Chandmani-Undur soum of Khuvsgul province, and Buyant and Altai soums of Bayan-Ulgii province, where Uriankhai ethnic group mainly resides, to disseminate the traditional art of the Mongolian tsuur in their living environment and create a cultural environment in 2023-2025. Budget 15000$.


Participation des communautés

Veuillez décrire comment les communautés, groupes et individus ainsi que les organisations non gouvernementales pertinentes ont été impliqués, y compris en termes de rôles du genre, dans la mise à jour du plan de sauvegarde et comment ils seront impliqués dans sa mise en œuvre.


Community participation

The updated safeguarding plan was developed in accordance with the planning and scheduling of policy documents such as strategic plans by the Ministry of Culture, National Centre for Cultural Heritage, Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO, the Culture and Arts Authority, the Governor Offices of Khovd, Khuvsgul, Bayan-Ulgii, and Darkhan-Uul provinces, the Culture Department, the "Union for Khunnu tsuur performers" NGO, bearer representatives of older and younger generations, relevant government organizations, opinions of scientists and researchers, and the “Law on Protection of Cultural Heritage” implementing by the Government, “VISION-2050” Long-term Development Policy of Mongolia, National Action Plan of Government of Mongolia, Guidelines for Development of Mongolia in 2021-2025, Guidelines for Improving the Laws and Regulations of Mongolia until 2024, and Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Culture for 2021-2024.

The Ministry of Culture will create an appropriate legal environment, formulate policies, allocate and monitor the necessary budgets into the state budget, and provide guidance and methodology for the implementation of national activities by the Culture and Arts Authority. The National Centre for Cultural Heritage will collaborate with the "Union for Khunnu tsuur performers" NGO to organize multifaceted activities such as safeguarding measures and activities, organizing national competitions, and scientific conferences among tsuur performers.

The activities included in the plan shall be organized in consultation and co-operation with specific, other, and non-governmental organizations, researchers, and the public according to the Law on Protection of Cultural Heritage.

Practitioners are obliged to transmit, promote, and transmit at the national and international levels and are necessary to take part in other safeguarding plans actively.


Contexte institutionnel

Veuillez indiquer quelles institutions sont en charge de la gestion locale et de la sauvegarde de l'élément inscrit sur la Liste de sauvegarde urgente, notamment :

  1. a. l'(les) organisme(s) compétent(s) impliqué(s) dans sa gestion et/ou sa sauvegarde ;
  2. b. l'(les) organisation(s) de la communauté ou du groupe concernée(s) par l'élément et sa sauvegarde.


Institutional context

a. Ministry of Culture, Mongolia
Address: Ministry of Culture of Mongolia, Sukhbaatar district, 7th sub-district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Director of Cultural Heritage Department
Phone: + 976- 51-265609
Fax: 976-
Tserendorj TSOLMON
Coordination Officer for Policy Implementation of Intangible Cultural Heritage
Phone: + 976- 51-265617
Fax: 976-
Phone: + 976- 99057308

National Center for Cultural Heritage
Address: Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Khan-Uul district, 21st khoroo, Buyant Ukhaa 2 district,
Galbadrakh ENKHBAT
Director National Cultural Heritage Center
Phone: + 976-99168200
+ 976- 70110877
Fax: 976-11-312735

Specialist in charge of World Heritage Sites, Department for Protection and Rescue of Cultural Heritage in Emergency Situation in National Center for Cultural Heritage
Phone: + 976- 99030405

Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO

Khoskhuu IDER
Programme Specialist for Culture
Phone: + 976-70105652
+ 976-95959542
Fax: 976-11-322612

"Union for Khunnu tsuur performers" NGO
Leader: Buyandelger NARANBAT
Phone: + 976-99208095
Address: Bayanzurkh district, 23rd khoroo, School A-5-60
Phone: + 976-99208095
Fax: 976-7015 4576



D. Participation des communautés à l'établissement du présent rapport

Décrivez les mesures qui ont été prises pour assurer la plus large participation possible des communautés, des groupes et, le cas échéant, des individus ainsi que des organisations non gouvernementales pertinentes concernés pendant la préparation du présent rapport.

Participation of communities in preparing this report

Under order No. A/73 of 2021 of the Minister of Culture of Mongolia on the "Establishment of a Working Group", a working group was created to develop and prepare a “Report on the Status of Elements inscribed on UNESCO List of ICHs in Need of Urgent Safeguarding. The working group was incorporated from the Ministry of Culture, the Mongolian National Commission, the Culture and Arts Authority, and the National Center for Cultural Heritage, and other related researchers, scholars, and practitioners of the Tsuur.

During the preparation of this periodic report, the working group has done 4 times meetings for collecting data and information from practitioners and cultural organizations in 21 provinces and 9 districts of Ulaanbaatar and for analyzing the gathered data in accordance with the questionnaires of periodic reporting form, and for elaborating the updated safeguarding plan for this heritage element.

The Ministry of Culture, Mongolia, the National Center for Cultural Heritage, Mongolian National Commission for UNESCO, researchers, scholars, and practitioners, such as B.Naranbat, G.Nyamjantsan, and N.Sanjaadorj, and "Union of Khunnu tsuur performers" have played the most vital role in the preparation of this report.


Coordination Officer for Policy Implementation of Intangible Cultural Heritage
Department of Cultural Heritage
Ministry of Culture

E. Signature au nom de l'État partie

Le rapport doit être signé par un responsable habilité à le signer pour le compte de l’État, avec la mention de son nom, de son titre et de la date de soumission.


NOMIN Chinbat


Minister of Culture, Mongolia




NOMIN Chinbat

Chargement du rapport périodique signé
