Demande de patronage

Les activités ci-dessous ont reçu le patronage de la Convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel. Les rapports reçus par le Secrétariat de la Convention sur ces activités sont parfois accompagnés d’informations additionnelles (revues de presse, etc.) qui sont consultables sur demande à

Connected by Hands and Hearts
02/09/2024 - 07/09/2024Jablonec and Nisou - Czechia
Contact :
Museum of Glass and Jewellery (Tchéquie)
Milada Valeckova

Meeting and workshops for representatives of glass community connected by joint inscription of “Knowledge, craft and skills of handmade glass production” element on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Élément(s) lié(s)  :
Connaissances, techniques et savoir-faire du verre artisanal 
Exhibition ‘The Ride of the Kings in Slovácko’
01/04/2017 - 30/09/2017Several cities of the Slovácko region
Contact :
National Institute of Folk Culture (Tchéquie)
Martin Sítek

The exhibition was proposed as one of the safeguarding measures to be implemented after the inscription, in 2011, of ‘The Ride of the Kings’ on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. As the organization in charge, ‘The National Institute of Folk Culture’ has cooperated with all the communities of bearers of the element. The communities have also participated in the preparatory stages, and will display the exhibition in their local conditions before passing it to other interested organizations.
The exhibition is flexible: it can be used for diverse audiences and under various technical conditions, meaning that any community/institution can display it according to its own resources.

Élément(s) lié(s)  :
La Chevauchée des Rois dans le sud-est de la République tchèque 
Touring exhibition ‘Ride of the Kings in the South-East of the Czech Republic’
01/05/2014 - 31/12/2015Prague, Strážnice, Huk, Kunovice, Skoronice, Vlčnov
Contact :
National Institute of Folk Culture (Tchéquie)
Jan Krist, Director

The exhibition was proposed as one of the safeguarding measures to be implemented after the inscription of the Ride of the Kings on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (inscribed in 2011).
The responsible organization is the National Institute of Folk Culture, however, all communities of bearers of the element participate in its preparation and they will also be the beneficiaries who will display the exhibition in their local conditions before passing the exhibition to other interested organizations.
The exhibition was designed to show several important aspects of the ride of the kings:
1) the description of the nature of the ritual and its significance and its geographical occurrence in the past and in the present
2) local specifics of the ride of the kings in each village
3) reflections of the ride of the kings in art - especially literature and visual arts
4) the inscription on the UNESCO’s Representative List.
The exhibition will be flexible; it can be used in different environments, for different audiences and under different technical conditions so any community/institution can display it according to its own resources.

Élément(s) lié(s)  :
La Chevauchée des Rois dans le sud-est de la République tchèque

Rapport de patronage  : anglais/tchèque 