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© Land of Legends, 2012
A meeting of experts took place from 19 to 21 April 2023 (Stockholm, Sweden), as one of the first steps within the framework of the reflection on a broader implementation of Article 18 of the 2003 Convention.
Twenty-one experts from all regions in the world came together to reflect on the following topics, as established by the seventeenth session of the Committee (Decision 17.COM 10):
- Topic 1: Improving the access to and increasing the visibility of the Register of Good Safeguarding Practices
- Topic 2: Towards the creation of an ‘observatory’ for sharing good safeguarding practices
- Topic 3: Any other issues to be identified
As a concrete result of the meeting, the experts adopted a set of recommendations to the Open-ended intergovernmental working group (4 to 6 July 2023, UNESCO Headquarters), which was entrusted by the Committee of the 2003 Convention to explore new ways to more broadly share safeguarding experiences and to bring to the fore the voices of communities and their aspirations for safeguarding their living heritage.
The working documents as well as the report containing the recommendations from the expert meeting are available below.
Presentation by Secretariat: English|French
Breakout Group A Report - Topic 1: English|French
Breakout Group A Report - Topic 2: English|French
Breakout Group B Report - Topic 1: English|French
Breakout Group B Report - Topic 2: English|French
Plenary Report - Topic 3: English|French
- Agenda and timetable: English|French (LHE/23/EXP ART18/1 Rev.2)
- General information: English|French (LHE/23/EXP ART18/INF.1.1)
- List of participants: English/French - English/French(LHE/23/EXP ART18/INF.1.2 Rev.)
- Background and objectives: English|French (LHE/23/EXP ART18/2 Rev.)
- Three reflection topics: English|French (LHE/23/EXP ART18/3)
- Report: English|French (LHE/23/EXP ART18/4)