Decisión del Comité intergubernamental: 6.COM 13.47

The Committee

  1. Takes note that Spain has nominated Fiesta of the patios in Cordova for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, described as follows:

For twelve days at the beginning of May, the city of Cordova celebrates the Fiesta of the patios. The patio houses are communal, family or multi-family dwellings or sets of individual houses with a shared patio, located in the city’s historical quarter. They boast an abundant array of plants, carefully displayed and attractively arranged. The fiesta has two prominent elements: the ‘Patio Competition’ and the ‘Festival of the Patios of Cordova’. The competition awards prizes to patios in different categories based on their plant and flower decorations. The patios that enter the competition are open to visitors throughout the duration of the fiesta. The festival consists of performances, normally in larger patios, of traditional Cordovan folk singing and dancing, such as flamenco. Residents, family members and friends get together to decorate the patios, which become spaces for sharing, celebrating, eating and drinking together. The Fiesta of the patios of Cordova promotes the patio as a place for intercultural gatherings and fosters a sustainable, communal way of life based on strong social bonds with neighbours, networks of mutual support and exchange, and knowledge and respect for nature.

  1. Decides that, from the information provided in nomination file 00362, Fiesta of the patios in Cordova satisfies the criteria for inscription on the Representative List, as follows:

R.3:   The nomination describes the current and proposed measures to protect and promote the Fiesta of the patios, with the commitment of the State and Cordova residents;

  1. Further decides that the information provided in nomination file 00362, Fiesta of the patios in Cordova, is not sufficient to allow the Committee to determine whether the criteria for inscription on the Representative List are satisfied, as follows:

R.1:   The submitting State should provide more information to identify more clearly the manner in which the Fiesta of the patios provides a sense of identity and continuity to the Cordovan community;

R.2:   The submitting State should provide more information to clarify how the inscription of the Fiesta of the patios on the Representative List will contribute to a wider visibility of the intangible cultural heritage;

R.4:   Although the nomination includes evidence of the free, prior and informed consent of a number of persons, the submitting State should clearly demonstrate the involvement of a community in the nomination process;

R.5:   The submitting State is requested to demonstrate that the element is included in an inventory of intangible cultural heritage present in its territory, as defined in Articles 11 and 12 of the Convention.

  1. Decides to refer the nomination of Fiesta of patios in Cordova to the submitting State and invites it to resubmit the nomination in a subsequent cycle, providing the information specified with regard to criterion R.1, R.2, R.4 and R.5.
