The Committee,
- Recalling the initial inscription of ‘Qiang New Year festival’ on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding by the fourth session of the Committee in 2009 (Decision 4.COM 14.02),
- Further recalling the latest periodic report submitted by China on the status of this element as examined by the seventeenth session of the Committee in 2022 (Decision 17.COM 6.a.10),
- Takes note of the request submitted by China to transfer Qiang New Year festival (No. 02155) from the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity:
Held on the first day of the tenth lunar month, the Qiang New Year Festival is an occasion for the Qiang people of China’s Sichuan Province to express their gratitude and reverence, reaffirm their harmonious and respectful relationship with nature, and promote social and family harmony. The festival is also a means of regulating community actions and individual behaviours while promoting intergenerational exchange and peace. In addition to uniting participants of all ages and genders, it has become a platform for dialogue and exchange between the Qiang people and other communities, thus contributing to inclusive social development. In 2009, the element was inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding. At that time, participation in the festival had declined over time due to migration, declining interest in Qiang heritage among the young and the impact of outside cultures. In addition, the 2008 Sichuan earthquake destroyed many of the Qiang villages and devastated the region put the New Year festival at grave risk. Since then, the festival has played a key role in rebuilding faith and resilience after the 2008 earthquake, increasing people’s awareness of food security and environmental protection. Traditionally, the practice was transmitted informally within families. Over time, the related knowledge and skills, as well as the use of the Qiang language, have been integrated into formal education, stimulating young people’s interest in and identification with the related cultural traditions. The festival and safeguarding measures have been incorporated into local economic and social development planning. They have contributed to the sustainable livelihood of the communities, increasing employment and income while promoting inclusive economic growth.
- Considers that, from the information included in the request and the periodic report on the status of the element on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, the request satisfies the following criteria for inscription on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity:
R.1: The Qiang New Year Festival is an annual event of Qiang ethnic group in China. Originally inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List due to concerns about its viability, the festival faced numerous challenges, including rural-urban migration, difficulties in engaging younger practitioners, and the devastating impact of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. However, significant strides have been made since the initial inscription in 2009. For example, efforts to enhance inter-generational transmission have borne fruit, as evidenced by the increasing number of practitioners and the festival's growing importance within the community. The element’s viability has improved, attracting greater participation from dancers, singers, youth, craftspeople, and musicians, despite ongoing challenges such as globalization and urbanization. These positive developments reflect the festival’s strengthened role as an integral part of the Qiang cultural heritage and the improved viability of the element.
R.2: The element contributes significantly to various aspects of sustainable development, including food security, quality education, gender equality, inclusive economic development, and environmental sustainability. It promotes intergenerational exchange, enhances domestic peace and social harmony, and plays a crucial role in rebuilding the faith and resilience of communities, particularly after the 2008 earthquake. The element, including the Qiang language, has been successfully integrated into formal education, inspiring young people’s interest in and identification with their cultural traditions. The practices and safeguarding of the element have also been incorporated into the overall planning of local economic and social development, leading to increased employment, income and inclusive economic growth within the communities. The Qiang New Year festival has become an open platform for dialogue and exchange, fostering social cohesion and inclusive social development. It has heightened community awareness of food security and environmental protection, further linking the element to aspects of sustainable development.
R.3: The safeguarding measures for the Qiang New Year festival have been developed with active contributions from communities, groups, and individuals within the submitting State. These efforts have significantly bolstered the intergenerational transmission of the element, with more Qiang teenagers participating in education programs offered at local schools. The periodic report provides detailed insights into how the element's viability is monitored and assessed across various regions. Overall, the viability of the element has improved over the years, and efforts have been sustained with the involvement of communities. An updated safeguarding plan has been developed, incorporating lessons learned from previous efforts, with a clear timetable and budget allocation. The proposed measures are designed to address identified risks and promote the element’s continued vitality. The updated plan was formulated by a working group established by the Sichuan Academy of Arts, under the coordination of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, with participation from various stakeholders.
R.4: As mentioned in the nomination file, the communities, groups, and individuals involved have played an active role in the planning and implementation of safeguarding measures for the Qiang New Year festival. The periodic report further details the involvement of the communities, noting that surveys were conducted to gather information on the element’s transmission and to update the safeguarding strategies. The submission includes letters of consent from the communities, clearly indicating their support for the transfer of the element from the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding to the Representative List. These letters confirm the communities’ free, prior, and informed consent, demonstrating their commitment to and approval for the transfer.
R.5: The Qiang New Year festival is included in the national inventory of the submitting State. The submitting State confirms that the element is listed in the inventory with the same data, including the name, the entity responsible for its maintenance and updating, its reference number, and the date of its inclusion.
- Decides to transfer Qiang New Year festival from the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity;
- Commends the State Party for the level of inclusion of practitioners in the nomination process and for integrating the element into formal education.